
tián yuán fēnɡ ɡuānɡ
  • rural scenery
  1. 四条路线的主题分别是蓝色海岸、田园风光、向日葵之旅、薰衣草之旅。

    The theme of the four routes are blue coast , rural scenery , sunflower tours , lavender trip .

  2. 人们返璞归真,向往田园风光,向往古色古香的民间风情之热潮冉冉由生。

    People return to the nature , yearning rural scenery , yearning antique folk customs of hot flashes by birth slowly .

  3. 从我们的窗口能看见一片美丽的绿色田园风光。

    The view from our window was one of beautiful green countryside

  4. 这里的风景看上去还是以田园风光为主。

    The landscape has remained predominantly rural in appearance .

  5. 从房子的位置,花园开始变低,四周树木葱郁,一派田园风光。

    From the house , the garden drops away , surrounded by a rural scene of woodland .

  6. 在距我入住石屋只有几分钟路程的地方,景色怡人,犹如托马斯哈代(thomashardy)小说中的田园风光。

    The scene a few minutes from the stone house in which I am staying is like an idyll from a Thomas Hardy novel .

  7. 在他年纪尚幼时,他的父亲曾经为他念过梭罗(Thoreau)的《瓦尔登湖》(Walden),其中所描绘的田园风光与他童年所看到的这道风景交相辉映。

    When he was a boy , his father had read him Thoreau 's " Walden , " and its pastoral message resonated with the landscape of his childhood .

  8. 一幅羊羔成群、黄花盛开的恬适田园风光。

    A sheltered pastoral scene with little lambs and yellow flowers .

  9. 在特洛伊城附近,有很美国的田园风光。

    Around Troy City , there is very beautiful rural sight .

  10. 画的都是田园风光和农村生活。

    They all feature rural landscape or country life .

  11. 这幅画表现了牛在溪边饮水的迷人的田园风光。

    The picture showed a charming pastoral scene of cows drinking from a stream .

  12. 约克郡田园风光的山谷中美丽的村庄。

    Picturesque villages in the idyllic Yorkshire dales .

  13. 田园风光、诗、画

    A pastoral scene , poem , painting

  14. 他画田园风光画。

    He paints pictures of Ruual scenes .

  15. 那是一幅宁静、悠闲的田园风光,不是我们想象中的高原那样艰涩。

    One would think that life on the plateau is filled with hardship but it looked actually quite idyllic .

  16. 不要让香格里拉的幻景和其它景色如画的田园风光欺骗了你:中国农村并非一片乐土。

    Do not let visions of Shangri-La and other picturesque Idylls fool you : Rural China is not a happy place .

  17. 公用工程管线仍然沿用与1950年相同的线路,映衬出田园风光的几分永恒。

    Reflecting a kind of permanence appropriate for this farming landscape , the utility lines occupy the same alignments they did in1950 .

  18. 站在中式豪宅的场景中,周围是一派田园风光&由电脑制作的钟安社,俨然是一位与众不同的被采访者。

    Standing in a Chinese-style house set in an idyllic landscape , the computer - generated Ms Chung makes an unusual interviewee .

  19. 丘陵山地农田斑块数量较多,与森林基质构成有特色的山岳森林田园风光;

    Farmland patches which are widely spread in large quantity combine with forest matrix to form the unique mountain forest rural scenery .

  20. 热爱田园风光的人就得住在城里,一年中温暖的季节里偶尔抽个周末去郊游一下就可以了。

    To love the country one must live in the town , merely taking an occasional week-end ramble at the warmer times of year .

  21. 印第安纳虽享有田园风光的美誉,但是位于首府印第安纳波利斯市北部地区却遍布着工厂林立的小镇和钢铁厂。

    Despite Indiana 's pastoral reputation , the areas north of Indianapolis , the capital , are dotted with factory towns and steel mills .

  22. 乡村以其旖旎的田园风光、浓郁的乡土文化气息、新鲜的蔬菜瓜果和原滋原味的乡村生活而受到都市居民的亲睐。

    The townspeople are attracted by charming and gentle rurality scene , rural culture breath , fresh vegetable and fruit , local rustic life .

  23. 其中,东线景区以明清古村落和田园风光为主,北线以原生态山水风光为主,西线也以自然风光见长。

    The western line is characterized by Ming and Qing style ancient villages and rurality , northern line ecological landscape and western line natural scenery .

  24. 起初在绍兴及德清等地建设的粮食型园区虽然农田建设的内容比较单一,但整齐划一的田园风光仍吸引了不少参观者。

    The crop gardens in Shaoxing and Deqing City attracted many visitors for their uniform rurality although there were only a few types of crops .

  25. 这里一派田园风光,如此祥和美丽,难以相信曾经是一次世界大战沟壕纵横的战场。

    It 's so bucolic and peaceful it 's hard to believe that these were once the trench-scarred killing fields of the First World War .

  26. 米兰至佛罗伦萨的行程中间只停了一、两站,而且时间很短。一路行来,沿线的田园风光让乔休目不暇接。

    The train from Milan made just a brief stop or two , and he got to gaze at the rural countryside along the way .

  27. 同时对城市结构形态进行引导与控制,创建具有高原特色的田园风光城市。

    Meanwhile , with guiding and controlling in the development of the layout of the city , a landscape city with plateau feature can be built .

  28. 后世的戏剧音乐和交响音乐,常常采用放牧调来描写田园风光,特别是描写阿尔卑斯山区的景色。

    The later drama music and symphonic music tend to take it as the symbol of landscapes , especially that of the scenes of the alps .

  29. 坐拥果岭绿茵、湖畔、碧海及田园风光,与湖畔商业中心及五星级高尔夫会所相邻。

    It owns the greensward of the Golden Reen , lakefront , blue sea and idyllic scenery , bordering the commercial center of lakefront and five-star golf club .

  30. 现在的他只想画田园风光,像寺院壁画或法国印象派那样,是他们把自己领上了艺术之路。

    He wanted only to paint idyllic landscapes now , in the style of temple murals or the French Impressionists who had first inspired him to take up art .