
  • 网络white hat;white hat hacker
  1. 白帽黑客指利用黑客技术维护网络安全的信息安全工作人员。

    White hat hackers are information security personnel using online hacking skills to help maintain Internet safety .

  2. 报告还显示,55%的“白帽黑客”年收入在10万以下,仅有5%的人年薪超过50万。

    The report also says that 55 % of white hat hackers make no more than RMB100000 a year , and only 5 % have an annual income above RMB500000 .

  3. 白帽黑客身份被揭露

    White hat hackers revealed

  4. 根据该报告,90后白帽黑客的比例约为61%,80后占30%,70后则占4%。

    Some 61 % were born in the 1990s , while 30 % were born in the 1980s and 4 % in the 1970s , according to the report .

  5. 由极客在线社区GeekPwn发起的中国首份《白帽黑客调查报告》显示,90后年轻人成为中国白帽黑客的主力军。

    The majority of Chinese " white hat hackers " are young people born in the 1990s , according to China 's first survey on the subject , initiated by an online " geek " community called GeekPwn .

  6. 这位“熊猫大师”显得很后悔,发誓要使用他的计算机技能做正事,从“黑帽”变成“白帽”黑客。

    The panda mastermind emerged regretful , with a vow to use his computing skills for the good , turning from'black hat'to'white hat . '