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shèng xià
  • midsummer;the height of summer
盛夏 [shèng xià]
  • [the height of summer; midsummer]夏天最热的日子

  • 盛夏酷暑

  • 农夫小民,盛夏力作。--宋. 苏轼《教战守》

  • 一般得春景天,雨后,刮东风,才有海市。于今正当盛夏,岂不是空想?--《海市》

盛夏[shèng xià]
  1. 老布什(georgeh.w.bush)总统显然注意到了盛夏时节的诡异之处。

    President George H. W. Bush certainly noticed that there was something a bit odd about the height of summer .

  2. 这还不算,我们在沃金(Woking)的新剧院在经济衰退期间的盛夏时分揭牌。

    Add to this a new theatre in Woking , launched at the height of summer in the teeth of a recession .

  3. 正值盛夏,河流都干涸了。

    It was high summer and the rivers were dry .

  4. 正值盛夏。

    It is now high summer .

  5. 窗子底下关不严,所以有一段时间即使是在盛夏我们也觉得很冷。

    The windows didn 't fit at the bottom so for a while we froze even in the middle of summer

  6. 盛夏炎热使某些植物萎缩了。

    The summer heat withered up certain plants .

  7. 我去那个城市时,正值盛夏。

    I came to that city in high summer .

  8. 这座城市处在盛夏的炎热之中。

    Midsummer heat closed over the city .

  9. Summerof85《85年盛夏》弗朗索瓦·欧容是一位作品类型多样又多产的法国编剧兼导演,他的新片改编自艾登·钱伯斯的开拓性同性恋成长小说《在我坟上起舞》,这部电影回到了欧容的起点,或许也是对他自己青春期的回顾。

    Fran ç ois Ozon , the prolific14 , genre-hopping French writer-director , gets back to his roots – and , perhaps , his own adolescence15 – with an adaptation of Aidan Chambers16 ' ground-breaking gay coming-of-age novel , Dance On My Grave .

  10. 盛夏的大地热闹纷繁。

    Summer is in riotous profusion .

  11. A.堪萨斯的某个盛夏,空气燥热而潮湿。

    A. IT 'S MIDSUMMER IN KANSAS . The air is hot and heavy .

  12. 在盛夏,亚洲上空有两个副热带长波槽,其位置在65°E,115°E。

    In summer there are two mean troughs of subtropical long wave , respectively at 65 ° E and 115 ° E.

  13. 湖北水稻对盛夏低温冷害的敏感性分析基于GIS的东北地区水稻低温冷害区划研究

    Research on Sensitivity of Rice to Chilling Injury in Summer in Hubei Province An Analysis of Cold Damage on Rice in Northeast China Based on GIS

  14. TakeMeOuttotheBallGame历史上最激烈的战争——美国大联盟盛夏时节,棒球在美国人心目中的地位,足以同冰淇淋和学校暑假媲美,更是其他运动所望尘莫及的。

    As much a part of an American summer as ice cream and school vacations , baseball has a grip on the national psyche unrivalled by that of any other sport .

  15. 其中,季风槽的异常偏西及在盛夏的异常偏北对TC的异常活动产生了主要影响。

    And in which the anomalous westward and northward movements of monsoon trough in midsummer exerted a main effect on the TC anomalous activities .

  16. 盛夏7月500hPa月平均环流场的EOF分析

    EOF analysis of monthly 500 hPa height field in July

  17. 中高纬Rossby波活动对盛夏东亚/太平洋事件中期演变过程的影响

    Impacts of Mid-and High-latitude Rossby Wave Activities on the Medium-range Evolution of East Asia / Pacific Events during the Mid-and Late Summer

  18. 在盛夏高温季节,水流滞缓的小河流表层水和底层水的氮磷指标存在明显分异:底层水NH4~+,水溶态磷和总反应态磷(TRP)含量高于表层水;

    At the height of the summer , the surface and bottom water of the creeks differed in N and P loadings . NH4 + , soluble P and total reactive P in the bottom water were higher than those in the surface ;

  19. 指出7月份的东亚太平洋型(EAP)、北美东西遥相关型(NAEW);8月份的EAP型、欧亚型(EU)与我国盛夏季风降水关系密切。

    It is shown that the East Asian / Pacific ( EAP ) and Northern American East / West ( NAEW ) pattern in July and the EAP and Eurasian ( EU ) patterns in August are closely related to mid summer monsoon rainfall in China .

  20. 摘要根据1997~1998年的7~8月高温加密观侧资料和卫星遥感资料,应用自然正交函数分解技术(EOF),对上海地区盛夏高温分布的气候平均场和第一特征场进行了分析。

    Abstract Based on the data of the temperature intensive observation and the satellite remote sensing in July - August of 1997-1998 in the Shanghai area , the mean field and the first characteristic field of the high temperature are analysed with the Empirical Orthogonal Function ( EOF ) .

  21. 本文将1956&1985年北半球100hPa月均格点高度场资料转换成可代表纬向风指数的南北高度差值场,探讨了该场在盛夏的特征和在降水预报中的应用。

    By using monthly mean data of 100 hPa in Northern Hemisphere for years of 1956 - 1985 , the intensity indices of zonal wind could be defined as different value between southern and northern geopotential height from grid points .

  22. 我的第一次是在盛夏厅之战中对一个塔利家的小子.

    Mine was some Tarly boy at the Battle of Summerhall .

  23. 闽北邵武为盛夏干旱高温。气候影响最明显的时期为盛果期。

    The climate has the most effect on full fruiting period .

  24. 武汉市盛夏气温预报

    Forecast of the surface air temperature change of Wuhan in midsummer

  25. 盛夏中国北方的超强区域性持续暴雨

    The Regional Continued Super Rain Storms during Midsummer in North China

  26. 我不会在盛夏时节去那里的。

    I wouldn 't go there in the height of summer .

  27. 长沙市盛夏高温概率预报方法

    The Probability Forecast of High Temperature in Midsummer at Changsha City

  28. 街道的布局缓解了盛夏的日照。

    Street layouts mitigate the effects of the hot summer sun .

  29. 盛夏时节再没有比一杯新鲜啤酒更好的东西了。

    Nothing beats a fresh beer in the middle of summer .

  30. 但把这个盛夏当成一个全新的开始吧。

    But take this upcoming summer as a brand new start .