
  • 网络the relevant market;relative market
  1. 通过HHI法,笔者确定平高集团在GIS市场具有支配地位,而国家电网公司在三类产品的相关市场上均具有支配地位。(三)确定合并后实体封锁市场的意愿。

    HHI method by the author to determine high level group dominant in the GIS market , while the State Grid Corporation in the three categories of products are dominant on the relevant market . ( C ) identify the merged entity will blockade the market .

  2. 内容提要相关市场界定是反垄断领域的核心问题。

    Relevant Market Definition is the key issue in antitrust area .

  3. 通过分析,笔者将断路器、隔离开关、GIS分别确定为三个相关市场。

    Through analysis , the author circuit breaker , disconnecting switch , GIS were identified as three related markets .

  4. 通过营销工具和理论的应用得出了立足CDM相关市场的有选择的专门化市场策略。

    And get " bases on the CDM related market " strategy through the marketing tool and the theory application .

  5. Uber可以进一步将其范围扩大到快递、物流以及其他相关市场。

    Further , it can expand it 's services - potentially to delivery , logistics , other adjacent markets .

  6. 根据信息技术和云相关市场数据提供商Synergy研究集团发布的最新报告,第一季度,我国顶尖电商企业阿里巴巴超越IBM公司,成为世界第四大云基础设施及相关服务供应商。

    The leading Chinese e-commerce player Alibaba surpassed IBM to become the world 's fourth-biggest provider of cloud infrastructure and related services in the first quarter , according to the latest report from Synergy Research Group , a data provider on information technology and cloud-related markets .

  7. 接下来,结合所学相关市场营销理论,如STP、4Ps等对SIM公司的目标市场营销策略、营销组合策略进行分析,最后为SIM公司今后的发展提出了相应的市场营销解决方案。

    Thirdly , the writer uses the marketing theories she learned , such as " STP " & " 4Ps " to study the target marketing strategy and marketing combination strategy of SIM . Finally , a marketing management solution for SIM is put forward .

  8. 推进外部制度创新,完善联赛相关市场等。

    Promoting the outer system creation and perfecting the relevant market , etc.

  9. 相关市场又分为相关产品市场、相关地理市场和相关时间市场。

    Relevant market comprises product market , geographic market and time market .

  10. 开发和维护工业胶带相关市场及客户群。

    Develop and maintain industrial tape market and target customers .

  11. 探矿权、采矿权市场及其相关市场

    Exploration Rights Market , Mining Rights Market and Related Market

  12. 论美国银行并购反垄断的相关市场界定

    On the Definition of Relevant Market of Bank Mergers Antitrust in America

  13. 反垄断法中核心设施的界定标准&相关市场的视角

    The Criteria of Defining Essential Facilities : In the Perspective of Relevant Markets

  14. 首先介绍产品的特点,在完成了产品相关市场调研之后,得出相应的结论。

    The relevant conclusion is made after markets research .

  15. 《反垄断法》中相关市场的含义及其界定

    The Connotation and Its Defination of the Relevant Market in the Antimonopoly Law

  16. 反垄断法中的相关市场问题研究

    Study on the Relevant Market of Anti-monopoly Law

  17. 反垄断法中相关市场的界定标准

    The Definition of Relevant Market in Antitrust Laws

  18. 然后,在所界定的相关市场范围内,考察企业是否具有市场力量。

    Secondly , to examine whether the firm or not has the market power .

  19. 数据业务资费下调对互联网及相关市场的影响

    Influence of Charge Fall on Internet Service Market

  20. 新造船市场作为航运相关市场之一,也出现了前所未有的景气。

    As one of shipping rated market , newbuilding market took on unprecedented prosperity .

  21. 相关市场的界定&判断垄断力存在与否的核心

    The Drawing of the Market 's Boundary & The Core of Whether the Monopoly Exist

  22. 相关市场又有相关的产品市场和地域市场二个核心因素构成。

    Related market is consisted of two crucial factors : related product market and regional market .

  23. 解决这一难题的突破口是要准确的对相关市场进行界定。

    And the key point for solving this problem is to define the relevant market precisely .

  24. 执行市场计划,明确并分配团队工作目标,组织相关市场活动;

    Execute marketing plan , allocate work target for team members and organize relevant market activities ;

  25. 在反垄断实践中,相关市场的界定需要根据具体情况,采用不同的方法。

    In antitrust practice , the method used to define the market boundary depends on specific circumstances .

  26. 相关市场界定问题的研究是反垄断法理论的基石。

    Research about the definition of the relevant market is the theoretical cornerstone of the anti-monopoly law .

  27. 相关市场是竞争法中的基础性概念,对所有限制竞争行为的讨论都必须以界定相关市场为基础。

    Relevant market , a basic conception of the antitrust laws , is the beginning of antitrust analysis .

  28. 相关市场的认定与发展及对中国反垄断执法的借鉴

    The identification and development of relevant market & implications for china 's anti-trust law administration in the future

  29. 我们非常专业的制作压缩机、阀门业务,在相关市场上占有率是最高的。

    We specialized in manufacturing compressors and valves , and we claim the maximum market share in the industry .

  30. 本章依次探讨了审查实体标准模式选择、相关市场、市场份额、市场集中度等问题。

    Substantial standard model , the relevant market , market share and market concentration are studied in this chapter .