
  1. 许可是知识产权转让和利用的主要法律形式。

    Licensing is the most important legal method in transfer and usage of intellectual property .

  2. 知识产权转让伦理是知识产权转让中的一种行为规范和价值取向。

    During the transfer ethics of intellectual property are the code of conduct and value orientation .

  3. 我国高新技术企业适合证券化的资产有出口贸易应收款和知识产权转让收入。

    The securities assets of Chinese high - technology enterprises include the money of export trade and the money of transferring property rights .

  4. 知识产权转让伦理规范主要有:自由、公平、有利最小受惠者利益。

    Code of ethics for the transfer of intellectual property rights are : freedom , equity , beneficial to the interests of the smallest beneficiaries .

  5. 目前,选择出口贸易应收款和预期知识产权转让收入,作为主要资产进行证券化具有一定的可行性。

    At present , the export account receivable and the transfer revenue of expected intellectual property right can be taken in the major assets to issue securities .

  6. 今年1月,华为在芝加哥法庭赢得一个回合,阻止摩托罗拉将其与华为联合开发的某些知识产权转让给诺西。

    In January this year , Huawei won a Chicago court order to stop Motorola transferring certain intellectual property to NSN that had been developed in co-operation with Huawei .

  7. 但是在档案法制建设的初级阶段,某些领域还存在盲区,诸如高校科研档案中科研成果、知识产权、技术转让等的利用问题。

    However , in the entry-level stage of legal construction of file , some blind realms are in existence yet , such as the exploitation problems about the research fruits , intellectual property rights and technique transfers and so on , which consist in files of high schools .

  8. 知识产权的使用与转让是知识产权权利体系中的重要内容。

    The use and transfer of intellectual property rights are an important aspect of the system .

  9. 所有权:你必须承认本软件的知识产权的所有权没有转让给你。

    TITLE : You acknowledge that no title to the intellectual property in the SOFTWARE is transferred to you .

  10. 从这个意义上说,知识产权贸易是知识产权转让或许可使用一个动态过程。

    In this sense , intellectual property trade is a dynamic process of intellectual property assignment and license .

  11. 随着知识经济的发展,以知识产权转让、许可使用为主要形式的无形商品贸易受到了世界各国的普遍关注。

    With the development of knowledge economy , every country in the word widely pay close attention to intangible commodity trade that is made mainly by assignment and license of intellectual property .