
zhī shi chǎn quán
  • intellectual property;intellectual asset in the form of copyright and/or patent
知识产权 [zhī shí chǎn quán]
  • [intellectual asset in the form of copyright and/or patent] 指法律规定公民、法人对其科学、技术、文化等知识领域中的创造性智力成果所享有的专有权。知识产权主要包括两部分:(1)版权以及近似版权的邻接权;(2)工业产权,主要指专利、实用新型与外观设计、商标以及服务(劳动)标记、厂商名称、货源标记等

知识产权[zhī shi chǎn quán]
  1. 随着公司向知识产权公司转型,其业务规模显著下降。

    There was a significant decline in the size of the business as the company transitioned to an intellectual property company .

  2. 加强知识产权保护。

    We will strengthen protection of intellectual property rights ( IPR ) .

  3. 要加强知识产权保护工作顶层设计。

    The top-level design for intellectual property rights ( IPR ) protection should improve .

  4. 知识产权一般具有无形性、专用性、地域性、时间性特征

    IPR generally have the features of intangibility , exclusivity , territoriality and temporality .

  5. 与贸易有关的知识产权协定

    TRIPS Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property

  6. 倡导创新文化,强化知识产权创造、保护、运用。

    We will foster a culture of innovation , and strengthen the creation , protection , and application of intellectual property .

  7. 要研究制定“十四五”时期国家知识产权保护和运用规划,明确目标、任务、举措和实施蓝图。

    China will create a national plan for IPR protection and application for the 14th Five-Year Plan period from 2021 to 2025 , specifying for innovation .

  8. 2019年,欧盟知识产权局驳回了香奈儿的反对,认为这两个商标并不相似,也不会造成公众混淆。

    In 2019 , the trademark office dismissed Chanel 's objection , saying there was no similarity and no likelihood of confusion in the mind of the public .

  9. 路透社:欧洲法院裁定,香奈儿在与华为的商标纠纷中败诉这起纠纷始于2017年,当时华为曾向欧盟知识产权局申请,为其计算机硬件注册商标,图案为两个在垂直方向互联的半椭圆。

    The dispute dated to 2017 when Huawei sought approval from the EU Intellectual Property Office ( EUIPO ) , a trademark body , to register its computer hardware trademark which has two vertical interlocking semi-circles .

  10. 全国知识产权局局长会议1月6日在北京举行,会议指出,2019年,知识产权高质量发展取得新成效,知识产权塑造良好营商环境和创新环境取得新进展。

    China has made a series of achievements over the past year to create a friendly environment for business , innovation and high-quality intellectual property development , according to a meeting of the heads of intellectual property rights ( IPR ) administrations on Monday in Beijing .

  11. WTO框架下的技术标准与知识产权问题

    Technical Standard and Intellectual Property Under the Framework of WTO

  12. WTO框架下金融创新的知识产权保护

    Intellectual Property Protection of the Financial Innovation under the Frame of the WTO

  13. 加入WTO后对数字化图书馆及知识产权保护的影响

    The influence on digital libraries and intellectual property right protection after our joining the WTO

  14. 作为WTO文件的一个重要组成部分,《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》(Trips)也将逐渐被国人接受。

    As an important constitution of WTO document , " Trips " will be accepted by China .

  15. SOPC的设计以知识产权核(IPCore)为基础,以硬件描述语言为主要设计手段,借助以计算机为平台的EDA工具进行。

    The SOPC design , based on IP Core , uses hardware description language as main method and EDA tools as associated method .

  16. 2个企业都从事RD活动,且RD溢出的大小用来表示知识产权保护的力度。

    The two firms both conduct R D activity , and the intensity of R D spillover is interpreted as an indicator of the strength of IPR protection .

  17. 随着知识产权与国际贸易关系的愈益密切,平行进口成为WTO多边贸易体制中的一个重要课题。

    With the closer and closer interaction between IP protection and international trade , parallel importation is becoming an important legal issue within the multi-lateral trade system in WTO .

  18. 因此,通过加强知识产权保护来吸引FDI、并期望获得根多技术溢出的措施是一项次优选择。

    Therefore , to obtain more technology spillovers , it is not the best choice for developing countries to attracting FDI by strengthening IPR protection .

  19. 片上系统技术通过知识产权核(IP:Intellectualproperty)的复用提高生产率,缩短产品上市时间,同时也显著提高了芯片的集成度。

    Relative to traditional ASIC ( Application Specific Integrated Circuit ), SoC improves the complexity remarkably , shortens the time to market and reduces the design cycle based on IP ( Intellectual Property ) core reusing .

  20. 充分利用加入WTO的有利因素,健全和完善我国的有关法律,尽力把实施知识产权保护的负面影响减小到最低程度,使文献信息资源共享得以真正实现。

    The author points out that we should perfect the related laws and reduce the negative influence of implementing intellectual property right protection to make the resource sharing become true .

  21. WTO成员国包括《商标法》在内的知识产权立法应与TRIPS协议的要求相一致。

    The making of intelligent property right law including the Trademark Law of the member of WTO should be in accordance with the request of the TRIPS .

  22. 随着3G的一步步临近,国内手机厂商也面临3G手机所涉技术专利和知识产权所带来的、来自两方面的经营风险和挑战。

    With the coming 3G era , domestic manufacturers are facing challenges in terms of 3G mobile telephone technology patents and other related intellectual property .

  23. 随后详细介绍了知识产权保护的四个经济学理论,分别是新古典学派的外部性理论、新制度学派的交易费用论、产品生命周期论以及《TRIPS》协定。

    Then we introduce four economics theories in details which contained the externality theory , transaction costs theory , product life cycle and TRIPS .

  24. WTO框架中的TRIPS协议采用了财产权理论,明确了商业秘密是一种知识产权,即无形财产权。

    TRIPS in WTO frame adopted the property right theory . It definite that the trade secrets is a kind of the intellectual property , namely Intangible property right .

  25. 乌拉圭回合把知识产权的保护纳入到WTO中,诞生了TRIPS协议,从而使WTO争端解决机制适用于源于TRIPS协议的知识产权争端。

    After Uruguay Round , TRIPS emerges and intellectual property is protected in the WTO , which makes WTO dispute settlement mechanism apply to intellectual property dispute under TRIPS .

  26. 通过服务贸易总协定的服务贸易,以及与贸易相关的知识产权和投资措施。中国成为WTO成员后,同印度有着共同的利益和共同立场,有利于两国的进一步合作。

    China who will soon be admitted into WTO has the same interests and views in relation to WTO with India , and China 's admission into WTO will help promote co-operation between the two neighbors .

  27. 要想控告这些克隆企业很难,来自美国律师事务所的知识产权专家davidgoldstone认为。

    Suing clones is hard , says David Goldstone , an intellectual-property specialist at Goodwin Procter , an American law firm .

  28. TRIPS协议是世贸组织中一部重要的知识产权保护文件,它对我国的商标立法和执法都产生了重大影响。

    As an important document about the protection of intellectual property rights in World Trade Organization , TRIPS Agreement has a great impact on legislation and execution of trade mark law .

  29. ARTs-EDB是自行研发、拥有自主知识产权的嵌入式主动实时数据库。

    ARTs-EDB is an embedded active real-time database researched and developed independently by us .

  30. 作为世贸组织三大法律支柱之一的TRIPS协定由于管辖的是知识产权的问题,而知识产权在现代的人类社会的发展中起的作用越来越大。

    As one of the three main legal text of WTO , TRIPS , which rules the intellectual property rights , became more and more important in the development of modern society .