
pò chǎn yuán yīn
  • cause of bankruptcy
  1. 从不同的视角看破产原因

    Viewing the Cause of Bankruptcy From Different Perspectives

  2. 笔者具体分析了由于对破产原因界定的立法差异、对提出破产申请法律主体的规定不同、对破产程序开始时间规定的不同对法律适用规则的影响。

    I analyze the influence to the law application by the differences of legislation on defining the cause of bankruptcy , the different stipulation on the legal subject applying for bankruptcy and the different stipulation on the starting point of time of the bankruptcy proceedings .

  3. 第二,商业银行的破产原因。

    Second , the reasons of the commercial banks ' bankruptcy .

  4. 安然公司破产原因之我见

    My Opinions on the Causes of Enron Corp. 's Bankruptcy

  5. 抗战胜利后中间路线破产原因

    The Failure Reasons of the Mid-route after the Anti-Japanese War

  6. 列举主义和概括主义是当今世界关于破产原因的两钟立法模式。

    Enumerationism and generalizationism are the two legislative modes of bankruptcy causes in today'world .

  7. 第二部分是三地区破产原因之比较。

    Part Two is a comparison of causes of bankruptcy in these three areas .

  8. 第二国际破产原因再探

    Causes of Dissolution of the Second International

  9. 论破产原因

    On the Causes of Bankruptcy

  10. 对于破产原因,不能清偿到期债务是一般原因,在有些情况下,债务超过也是破产原因之一。

    However , under certain conditions , the excess of debts can also result in the bankruptcy .

  11. 第一部分为程序性制度,分别对个人破产原因、破产申请条件、破产和解、简易破产程序提出了设想;

    It includes the reason of bankruptcy , the condition the application , bankruptcy conciliation and the summary procedure .

  12. 对于银行破产原因、申请人范围、债权人确认、债权人会议、银行破产管理人、银行破产重整、银行破产清算等方面内容没有做明确详细规定。

    The bank bankruptcy , applicant range , confirming creditors , the creditors ' meeting , the bank insolvency , bankruptcy reorganization , bank bankruptcy etc did not make clear detailed provisions .

  13. 在破产原因的规定上,笔者认为除了适用流动性标准和资产负债表标准外,可以参考美国的监管性标准。

    The author believes that in addition to the application of the " liquidity standard " and " balance sheet standards ", a reference to the United States " regulatory standards " is necessary .

  14. 因此,笔者提出了完善内地破产原因的立法建议并深入论述了“不能清偿”与“停止支付”的含义。

    Therefore , the author gives some advices of perfection on multiplicity in the mainland , and a deeper study on the implications of " inability of settlement " and " stop payment " .

  15. 商合伙破产原因应引入“停止支付”概念,并严格区分合伙与合伙人、合伙财产与合伙人财产;

    The count for bankruptcy of commercial partnership should lead into the concept of " stop payment ", while the law should strictly distinguish partners and partnership , property of partners and property of partnership .

  16. 破产原因是指法院在何种情况下可以宣告债务人破产的状态,也是法院判断是否宣告债务人破产的标准和理由,是划分是否破产的界限,是破产开始的重要条件,也是破产程序启动的实质要件。

    The bankruptcy cause is the situation that the court claims a debtor 's bankruptcy . It is the standard and reason of bankruptcy for the court to make a decision . It is also the beginning of bankruptcy procedure .

  17. 第二部份:从法律制度上讨论了现行有关破产原因、清算组及债权人会议的规范缺陷及重新设制的原则。

    Section 2 : The author illuminates the drawbacks of the present insolvency law of China on the reasons of insolvency law of China on the reasons of insolvency , liquidator , creditor-meeting and the principle of modification of the said institutions .

  18. 其次,通过对合伙企业破产原因立法模式和国内外法律规定的介绍和分析,指出合伙企业破产原因概括主义立法模式是各国合伙破产立法发展的趋势。

    Secondly , through the partnership model of bankruptcy legislation and the reasons for the law at home and abroad to introduce and analyze the reasons for bankruptcy that the partnership is a general legislative model is the development trend of the insolvency legislation .

  19. 10年前,通用汽车(GeneralMotors)在世界范围内拥有几十种汽车平台,这导致了成本失控,成为该公司在2008年最终破产的原因之一。

    General Motors ( GM ) a decade ago struggled with scores of vehicle platforms worldwide , a cause of uncontrollable costs and a contributing factor to its eventual bankruptcy in 2008 .

  20. 安达信(ArthurAndersen)、安然(Enron)和雷曼兄弟(LehmanBrothers)破产的原因,都是内部人士看到公司做出错误之举后没有询问他们的上级:“我们为什么要这么做?”

    Arthur Andersen , Enron and Lehman Brothers all crashed because people inside them , seeing their organisations taking wrong turns , did not ask their superiors : " Why are we doing this ? "

  21. 雷曼兄弟、贝尔斯登(bearstearns)以及全球其它银行在2008年破产的原因是,源自美国次贷的金融风险通过影子银行结构在市场上反复循环。

    The fall of Lehman , Bear Stearns and other banks around the world in 2008 was made possible because the financial risk that stemmed from the US subprime mortgage lending was being recycled around the market via shadow banking structures .

  22. 信用视角的消费者破产立法原因分析

    An Analysis on Reasons for Consumer Bankruptcy Legislation Viewing from Credit

  23. 这就是中国人有钱而我们却破产的原因所在。

    Wonder why they have the money and we are broke .

  24. 安然公司破产的原因及启示

    Causes of Enron Corp. 's Bankruptcy and Its Revelation

  25. 佩奇认为,多数公司破产的原因是他们持续做同一件事。

    Mr Page believes most ventures fail because they keep doing the same thing .

  26. 这也就是为何我相信布里亚托利在美国发展的那些加盟店也差不多都破产的原因。

    This is why I am confident that most of the franchises that Briatore sold in the States went belly-up .

  27. 此外,当事人从事不正当甚至非法活动,本身不善经营、不良的生活消费习惯等,亦是导致其破产的原因。

    In addition , bankrupts itself is not good business , bad life habits and so on , are also the cause of the debtor bankrupt .

  28. 该计划破产的原因在于,此前出台的大量计划为房地产投资保证了高收益,从而导致甚至连其拥护者也难以证明大幅税收优惠的合理性。

    Its demise came after a flood of schemes offering high guaranteed returns from property investments left even its champions struggling to justify the generous tax breaks .

  29. 中小企业破产的原因是多方面的,如管理水平低下以及政治、经济、社会、文化和环境等因素,这些因素交互影响中小企业的发展。

    The causes of small and medium businesses failure are multidimensional and diverse . They include poor management as well as political , economic , social , cultural and environmental factors .

  30. 同时用数学的方法找到了破产的原因,并得到在有限时间内企业必破产、企业的临界破产概率等结果。

    Meanwhile , the reasons of bankruptcy are found out via mathematical ways . Some other results are achieved , for instance , the certain bankruptcy of enterprises in a finite time , the critical ruin probability of the enterprise and so on .