
pò chǎn xuān gào
  • Bankruptcy declaration;adjudication of bankruptcy
  1. 破产宣告对于待履行合同的效力

    The Legal Effects of Adjudication of Bankruptcy on Executory Contracts

  2. 破产财团制度是破产制度的核心,是破产宣告后能否继续进行破产程序的基础,也是破产债权人得以通过破产程序接受清偿的物质保证。

    The system of bankruptcy property is the core of the bankruptcy system , the basis of whether the bankruptcy procedure can still go on after the adjudication of bankruptcy and also the material guarantee for the bankruptcy creditor to accept payment through the bankruptcy procedure .

  3. 浅论破产宣告对未履行合同的影响

    The Influence of Bankrupt Proclamation on an Unfulfilled Contract

  4. 随着世界经济、贸易等诸领域国际交流的日趋频繁和普遍,破产宣告的域外效力问题成为任何一部现代破产法不可回避的内容之一。

    Any bankruptcy law can 't avoid the question of the bankruptcy effects beyond territory .

  5. 而且一些人还担心,毕业生会滥用破产宣告制度逃避债务,使纳税人受到损失。

    Some worry that graduates would rush to declare bankruptcy , handing losses to taxpayers .

  6. 第五章破产宣告和破产清算

    Chapter V bankruptcy declarations and bankruptcy liquidations

  7. 论破产宣告的地域效力

    On Regional Validity of Rendition of Bankruptcy

  8. 两年前,雷曼兄弟的破产宣告世界经济步入了一个令人恐惧的时期。

    Two years ago the collapse of Lehman Brothers heralded a frightening period for the world economy .

  9. 破产宣告产生一系列法律后果,其中主要是对债务人公私法上资格性质。

    The declaration of bankruptcy result in a series of legal consequences among which the main consequence is the qualification of debtor in public law and private law .

  10. 普及主义原则,承认一国的破产宣告不仅在宣告国,而且在与该破产宣告有利害关系的其他国家也有效。

    The Principle of Universalism admits that the bankruptcy declaration from a country is valid not only in that country , but also in the other interested countries .

  11. 二十世纪八十年代是后保债券最鼎盛的时期,这个时期由高产的债务证券带动的接管的浪潮而开始,以1990年占市场主导地位的德崇证券公司的破产宣告结束。

    The exuberant junk-bond era of the1980s , when high-yielding debt securities fuelled a wave of takeovers , ended with the bankruptcy in1990 of Drexel Burnham Lambert , which had dominated the market .

  12. 笔者认为,造成上述问题的主要原因有是立法本身给境外破产宣告在中国的承认与执行带来了极大的不确定因素。

    The author holds that the said problem is caused by the fact that the relevant law in itself has caused great uncertainty to the recognition and enforcement of insolvency orders made by foreign courts .

  13. 雷曼破产宣告了金融业新时代的到来吗?在这个新时代,幸存下来的机构将分享较大份额的战利品,享受竞争减少带来的好处,并确信政府永远不会让它们倒闭。

    And did the end of Lehman usher in a new era in the financial industry in which the survivors will share a larger portion of the spoils , feasting on the reduced competition , safe in the knowledge that governments will never let them fail ?

  14. 他的破产,宣告了传统商人阶层的集体殒落。

    His bankruptcy announced the collective falling of the traditional business class .

  15. 破产债权是破产宣告以前成立的债权,债权应当通过法定程序申报,逾期申报将对债权人产生不利的影响。

    The obligatory right of bankruptcy is the one happened before the declaration of bankruptcy .

  16. 按照我国现行破产法的规定,对于破产宣告后破产人尚未履行的合同,由清算组决定解除或者继续履行。

    According to the bankruptcy law in our country , the bankruptcy group has the right to determine to fulfill the contract or not when bankrupt is proclaimed , but this clause is too ambiguous to meet practice .

  17. 破产复权,是解除破产人因破产宣告所受之各种资格或权利限制,恢复破产人原有法律地位的一种制度。

    Bankruptcy system of individual is discharged from bankruptcy suffered due to the bankruptcy declaration of the various qualifications or restrictions on the rights restore the original legal status of the bankrupt a system .

  18. 破产收购是在企业出现了破产原因被依法宣告破产后,具有收购资格的企业依照法定程序,通过破产管理人对破产企业的财产进行整体购买。

    Bankruptcy purchase happens when there are reasons for an enterprise being declared bankrupt . Then another enterprise which has the purchase qualification purchases the whole bankrupt assets according to legal proceedings by the bankruptcy administrator .

  19. 论文的第一部分主要阐述了跨国破产的相关概念,如破产、跨国破产、破产宣告及域外效力等基本问题。

    Section one of this thesis discusses the concerned concepts of cross-border insolvency , such as insolvency , cross-border , insolvency adjudgment and extraterritorial jurisdiction .

  20. 破产和解制度是债务人不能清偿债务时,为避免受破产宣告或破产分配,与债权人就债务清偿事务达成和解以预防破产的制度。

    Bankruptcy conciliation is the system concerning about liquidation conciliation between creditor and debtor , who can not pay off debts and want to avoid bankruptcy announcement or distribution .

  21. 在司法实践层面,从《企业破产法》实施前后的相关案例来看,我国法院认为我国破产的宣告具有域外效力。

    In terms of judicial practice , judging from the cases happened before and after the Enterprise Insolvency Law , the courts of our country are of the view that the insolvency orders made by the courts are also valid in foreign jurisdictions .

  22. 通过对跨国破产概念的分析,界定了所要讨论的跨国破产问题的外延,之后,重点对破产宣告域外效力涉及的主要问题进行了分析。

    The author defines the extension of the cross-border insolvency problem and analyses several primary issues that the cross-border insolvency involves in .

  23. 这一问题涉及两个方面,即在跨国破产案件中,内国法院是否有权对位于国外的财产进行管辖处理以及外国法院的破产宣告在内国是否有效。

    This question relates to two aspects , firstly , whether the domestic court has the right to dispose the overseas property , secondly , whether the insolvency adjudgment of the overseas court has the domestic effectiveness .

  24. 这部《企业破产法》有六章,它们是:总则,破产申请的提出和受理,债权人会议,和解和整顿,破产宣告和破产清算以及附则。

    This enterprise bankruptcy law is composed of six chapters including general provisions , the presentation and acceptance of a bankruptey petition , a creditors meeting , composition and reorganization , bankruptcy declaration and bankruptcy liquidation , and supplementary provisions .

  25. 地区性的跨国破产公约,特别是欧洲的跨国破产公约为国际破产法的统一化运动增色不少。此外,各国还缔结了大量的双边条约以解决破产宣告的域外效力问题。

    Regional treaties on transnational bankruptcy , especially in European countries , have promoted the movement .