
  • 网络social role;social function
  1. 新时期传记文学社会作用管窥

    Biographical Literature 's Social Role in the New Era

  2. 笑无疑具有重要的社会作用。

    Laughter 's social role is definitely important .

  3. 医学高自考社会作用与效益分析

    The analysis of social function and profit of medical self-education

  4. 周实重视诗歌的时代风貌与社会作用,他的爱国诗篇,显示出革命浪漫主义和乐观主义的精神。

    His patriotic poems manifest revolutionary romanticism and optimistic spirit .

  5. 它们具有不同的理论价值和社会作用。

    They have different theoretic values and so-cial functions .

  6. 从新加坡英语看低位语言变体的社会作用

    Singlish : Role of Basilect in Society

  7. 论中国古代图书馆的社会作用

    On Social Function of Chinese Ancient Library

  8. 道德与法的社会作用:(1)维护公正与正义;

    The social role of moral and law is ( 1 ) uphold just and justice ;

  9. 由此也决定了两种权力观的不同社会作用和历史命运。

    Consequently two different social effect and historical fate of the two points on power of people .

  10. 这是由道德的本性、独特价值和社会作用使然。

    First , moral should be believed in , due to its nature , special value and social effect .

  11. 从粮食事件看晚清徽州绅商的社会作用&以《歙地少请通浙米案呈稿》和《祁米案牍》为例

    The gentlemen and merchants ' social function in the late Qing Dynasty : from the incidents of Huizhou 's food supplies

  12. 本研究为学界探讨如何在传媒时代更好地发挥知识分子的社会作用提供理论参考。

    The research provide a theoretical reference for the discusses that how the intellectuals should better play in the media age .

  13. 通过大量例证从新的角度重新探讨什么是委婉语及其社会作用。

    With a lot of examples , the paper explores the connotation of euphemism and its social functions in a new angle .

  14. 民族认同意识可能产生积极的和消极的两种社会作用。

    The sense of national identity tends to create two kinds of effect upon society , which is either positive or negative .

  15. 科学技术的社会作用的发挥,离不开科学传播这一重要环节。

    Without science communication , which is so important a part , the social functions of science and technology cannot be performed well .

  16. 马克思主义哲学的社会作用模式的先进之处在于:它是一种自觉的超越理论域的理论,通过人的理解与运用与社会其他领域结合。

    The advanced character of Marxist philosophy 's affective pattern in social system is that it is a kind of theory which can break through academic field consciously .

  17. 李白对诗歌的见解和主张,大部分散见于他的诗篇,其内容表现在四个方面:一、对诗歌社会作用的看法和要求;

    Most of Li Bais view and understanding of poetry can be seen all through his poems , which falls into four main aspects : the poetrys social function ;

  18. 文章所讨论的雅俗共赏,是一种艺术审美理想与文学批评标准。雅俗共赏的优秀诗词作品有着鲜明的艺术特点,能更好地发挥社会作用,是诗词创作的最高境界。

    The author holds the view that appealing to refined and popular tastes is a norm for artistic aesthetics and literary criticism and believes that it is the highest aim of poetry writing .

  19. 长期以来,人们对于宗教的社会作用,常常囿于“左”的偏见,只看到它的消极面,而否定或忽略它的积极面。

    For a long time , confined by the prejudice of " Leftism ", people used to emphasize the negative aspect of the social function of religion to the neglect of its positive aspect .

  20. 作为马克思主义宗教理论的重要组成部分的宗教社会作用观,是正确认识宗教的本质与社会作用,有效开展宗教工作的理论前提。

    Marxist view of religion is an important theoretical point of view that the social role of religion is the correct understanding of the religious situation , the key to effectively carry out religious work node .

  21. 保险合同当事人诚信义务履行方面所暴露出来的诸多问题,制约了保险业的发展,使保险业难以充分发挥其应有的社会作用。

    Insurance contract the parties with regard to good faith obligation to reveal the many problems which restrict the development of the insurance industry , the insurance industry is difficult to fully play its due role in society .

  22. 论文用比较的方法研究了宋代书院藏书与西方中世纪大学图书馆藏书的异同,重点分析了它们不同的社会作用及其原因。

    Using comparative method , this paper studies the differences and the similarities between the Song Dynasty academy collected books and the academic library collected books of western Middle Ages , and emphatically analyses their different social functions and their reasons .

  23. 本文旨在通过对中国人面子观念的理论基础、分类表现、文化根源、社会作用等方面的分析,使人们更加了解中国人的性格结构以及社会行为,从而在跨文化交际中避免不必要的误会。

    By discusses the theory ? performance ? cultural roots and the social effect of face , this thesis wants to let people know more about the character and the behavior of the Chinese , on this basis , they can avoid the unnecessary misunderstandings during the intercultural communication .

  24. 小学生对情绪社会调节作用的理解

    Elementary School Students ' Understanding of the Social-regulatory Functions of Emotion

  25. 英汉委婉语之社会交际作用的对比研究

    A Contrastive Study on Social Function of English & Chinese Euphemism

  26. 阐述了第三方物流对企业和社会的作用;

    Expounds the role of third party logistics to enterprise and society ;

  27. 人的全面发展与构建社会主义和谐社会交互作用,共同促进人类社会的进步。

    The mutual interaction between the both promotes the civilization of human society .

  28. 战后德国劳资合作制度及其社会调控作用

    German Postwar Labor-Capital Co-Operation System & Social Adjustment

  29. 服饰演化的社会环境作用

    Social environment function on dress and adornment evolution

  30. 阿拉伯妇女社会经济作用问题区域会议

    Regional Conference on Arab Women 's Socioeconomic Roles