
  • 网络Social commitment
  1. 分析和定义了Agent组织中Agent的内部承诺和社会承诺、小组承诺和组织承诺,研究了基于承诺的Agent组织的形成机制以及Agent组织中承诺的性质,从而推广了关于Agent组织的研究。

    In this paper , the mental states of commitments in Agent organization are defined and analyzed including internal commitment , social commitment , group commitment and organization commitment . The semantics and properties of different commitments are given so that the works associated with Agent organization can be advanced .

  2. 一种基于信念-期望-意图和效用的社会承诺机制

    One Mechanism of Social Commitment Based on Belief-Desire-Intention and Utility

  3. 社会承诺是宣传与推销,更是一种信誉,需要务在实处。

    Promise to society is more credit than propaganda and sale promotion .

  4. 我们需要经济资源来支持我们的社会承诺。

    We need the economic resources to back up our social commitments .

  5. 警务用语与社会承诺

    Language of Police Affairs and Promise to Society

  6. 国际社会承诺援助近55亿美元帮助加沙重建。

    The international community has pledged nearly 5.5-billion US dollars to help rebuild Gaza .

  7. 国际社会承诺向中国地震灾民提供救援物资。

    International Aid Offered to China Earthquake Survivors

  8. 他们希望津巴布韦能引进国际社会承诺的数十亿美元的重建援助资金。

    And they hope it will attract billions of dollars worth of reconstruction aid that have been promised by the international community .

  9. 贝鲁特港上周发生爆炸,国际社会承诺将向黎巴嫩人民提供及时和充足的援助。

    The international community has pledged timely and sufficient aid for the Lebanese people following the explosions at the Beirut port last week .

  10. 各国政府能在多大程度上履行它们的社会承诺?它们如何及何时偿还或部分偿还自己的欠债?

    How far are governments able to meet their social promises , and how and when will they settle or partially default on their ious ?

  11. 警语是一种社会承诺,其中的立场、观点、方法就有现实和理想、宣传与科学的统一。

    Police language in which standpoints , ideas and methods have the unity of reality and ideal and of propaganda and science is a promise to society .

  12. 米利班德说,所承诺的资金将用于该计划第一年的开支,而且国际社会承诺重回努力。

    The foreign secretary says the money pledged will be for the first year of the program , and that there is an international commitment to the reintegration effort .

  13. 四川移动通信公司应着重在塑造优质企业形象、实施服务社会承诺、强化大客户营销、提高网络服务质量和采取灵活的弹性资费策略上下功夫。

    SMCC should emphasis on creating excellent figures , making a service promise to the society , strengthening creditable customers marketing , improving the network quality and using flexible price tactics .

  14. 但这将给联合国安理会带来更大压力,此前五个常任理事国坚持由安南进行斡旋,把这当作国际社会承诺终止这场流血冲突的外在表现。

    But it will raise the pressure on the UN Security Council whose five permanent members held on to the Annan mission as a semblance of international commitment to end the bloodshed .

  15. 周五发表在耶路撒冷邮报上的民意调查显示,64%的以色列犹太人认为,以色列不应该相信国际社会承诺的从西岸定居点撤出换取以色列的安全。

    A poll published Friday in the Jerusalem Post shows that 64 percent of Israeli Jews believe Israel cannot trust international pledges for its security in return for withdrawing from West Bank settlements .

  16. 虽然“现实社会主义”在每一块试验田都以灾难收场,但历史告诉我们,社会主义社会承诺实现平等的思想永远不会消失,不管实践证明了什么。

    Whereas " real socialism " ended in disaster wherever it was tried , history teaches that the idea of a socialist society promising equality would never fade , whatever empirical evidence showed .

  17. 2007年国家电网公司在向社会公开承诺的八项服务中,提出积极奉献清洁能源,明确提出将向社会输送10.6亿KWh绿色电力。

    The State Grid promised 8 services to the public in year 2007 , one of which is to generate clean power , or more specifically , to provide 1.06 billion KWh " green power " to the public society .

  18. 图书馆实行社会服务承诺制的思考

    Thoughts on Libraries Implementing Social Service Commitment System

  19. 开展社会服务承诺制加强医院两个文明建设

    Hospitals'Social Services to Strengthen Civilization Construction

  20. 阐述图书馆实行社会服务承诺制是吸引读者利用图书馆的重要途径。

    The paper expounds that libraries implementing social service commitment system is an important way to attract readers .

  21. 现在企业的领导人可以借此表明他们的企业社会责任承诺毕竟不是短期化的。

    Now corporate leaders have a chance to show that they are not just motivated by short-termism after all .

  22. 中日双方的社会团体承诺将为进一步推动两国友谊做出贡献。

    Communities from China and Japan have pledged to make further contributions to boost the friendship between the two countries .

  23. 同时,中国面对着来自于国际社会要求承诺大幅度控制并减少碳排放的巨大压力。

    Meanwhile , China faces the enormous pressure of a commitment of controlling and reducing carbon emissions required from the international community .

  24. 在承诺的前提下,对现有规章制度进行改造,是社会服务承诺制成功与否的要害。

    Below affirmatory premise , undertake transforming to having regulations system , it is the society serves acceptance to make a success crucial .

  25. 在我们庆祝这些成就时,我呼吁各国政府和民间社会履行承诺,提高世界各地的土著人民的地位。

    As we celebrate these contributions , I call on Governments and civil society to fulfil their commitment to advancing the status of indigenous peoples everywhere .

  26. 筹资:除了在其余这几个流行国家中加强政治所有权以外,成功的关键还在于不断获得国际捐助社会的承诺。

    Funding : In addition to strengthened political ownership in the remaining endemic countries , key to success is the ongoing commitment of the international donor community .

  27. 如果没有公管服务社会的承诺和全球视野的指引,我可能还在为如何为世界带来改变而困惑。

    Without SPPM 's perspective and dedication to social commitment , I would just be another person confused as to how to bring change to the world .

  28. 在此之际,对我国宪法与两公约进行比较研究,找出我们立法上的不足,以便更好地履行对国际社会的承诺,有重要意义。

    In order to carry out commitments to international society , It 's necessary for us to find out the differences between the two covenants and our Constitution .

  29. 三是研究如何通过社会服务承诺确立上海计划生育药具服务顾客的主体地位,给予他们更多的知情权、选择权和监督权。

    Third , commitment to research how to establish social services of family planning contraceptives Shanghai dominant position of customer service , give them more right to know , to choose and supervise .

  30. 中国已经多次向国际社会庄严承诺,中国将坚定不移走和平发展道路,永远不称霸,永远不搞扩张。君子一言,驷马难追。

    China has reaffirmed its solemn commitment to the international community many times that it will unswervingly follow the path of peaceful development and will never seek hegemony or expansion . To use a Chinese idiom , A gentleman never goes back on his word .