
shè huì xīn wén
  • social news;city news
  1. 博客网BoingBoing和社会新闻网站Reddit也关闭以示抗议。

    The blogging site Boing Boing and Social news website Reddit also went black .

  2. 社会新闻基本特征及其采写原则

    Basic Characters of Social News and Principles for Interviewing and Writing

  3. 听遍美国之社会新闻[4]:一美国援助工作人员在车臣被绑架AnAmericanAidWorkerwasKidnappedinChechnya一美国援助工作人员在车臣被绑架俄罗斯消息:国际援助组织因为一位美国援助人员被绑架而中止了在车臣的工作。

    Russia : International aid groups are suspending ( 1 ) operations in Chechnya after the kidnapping of an American aid worker .

  4. 社会新闻媒体BuzzFeed拥有1.5亿热情的年轻读者,让许多传统传媒公司羡慕不已。

    With its engaged audience of 150 million young readers , BuzzFeed has been the envy of many traditional media companies .

  5. 社会新闻的舆论导向与题材选择

    Guide of Public Opinion and Subject matter Selection of Social News

  6. 在媒体竞争日趋激烈的今天,社会新闻作为争抢读者眼球的利器之一越来越受到重视。

    The competition in the media industry is increasingly becoming fierce .

  7. 社会新闻,本地商务文化活动,人文信息。

    Social events , local business culture activities and people .

  8. 伯顿家的浪漫故事是许许多多的社会新闻专栏作者最喜欢的写作材料。

    The burtons'romance was food and drink to a thousand gossip columnists .

  9. 有些记者喜欢渲染耸人听闻的社会新闻。

    Some reporters like to play up sensational social news .

  10. 古代罗马社会新闻史简论

    On the Communication of the News Information in the Ancient Rome Society

  11. 市民报社会新闻文本的叙事分析

    An Analysis to City News Text Narration in " Citizen Newspaper "

  12. 近代中国社会新闻的演进与价值取向

    Development and Value Orientation of Modern Social News in China

  13. 但也有一部分是有关于名人、政客以及社会新闻的流行专栏。

    But some are well-read columns on celebrities , politics and current events .

  14. 《聊斋志异》的社会新闻性质及写作特点

    Social news nature and writing characteristics of Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio

  15. “这么说你改变主意了?”那个社会新闻作家无礼地问道。

    ' so you 've changed your mind ? 'the gossip writer impudently asked .

  16. 电视社会新闻报道是电视新闻节目的重要形式之一。

    TV coverage of social news is an important means of TV news programs .

  17. 各报大肆渲染耸人听闻的社会新闻。

    The newspapers played up sensational social news .

  18. 新闻从业人员性别差异对社会新闻的影响

    The Influence on Social News Based on the Gender Difference of Editors and Reporters

  19. 社会新闻是一个历久弥新的话题。

    Social news is a timeless topic .

  20. 社会新闻价值取向探微

    The Tropism of Value of Social News

  21. 社会新闻报道的三个选择

    Three Choices of the Social News Report

  22. 经济和社会新闻信托基金

    Trust Fund for Economic and Socialist Informatio

  23. 经济的发展程度最终决定了社会新闻的面貌;

    The degree of economic development has decisive effects on the look of social news .

  24. 古代罗马社会新闻信息传播活动较为发达。

    The Ancient Rome manages its vast territory by the valid communication of news information .

  25. 最后是社会新闻

    And finally , in society news ,

  26. 第一章对社会新闻的定义给以界定,澄清目前较为混乱的认识,论述了社会新闻的特征及功能。

    Section one makes clear the definition of social news explaining its features and functions .

  27. 经济和社会新闻咨询委员会

    Economic and Social Information Advisory Board

  28. 电视社会新闻中的上海生活图像

    Shanghai TV News Community Life Images

  29. 一些专业期刊出现社会新闻化和时尚娱乐化的现象;

    Some of the professional journals on journalism are turning to cover social and entertainment news ;

  30. 全球宗教新闻的数量至少与整个欧洲的社会新闻相当。

    And the global output of religious journalism was comparable at least to Europe 's secular press .