
  • 网络social operation;social functioning;social movement
  1. 社区是人们生产、生活的基本环境,是社会运行与管理的基本单位。

    The community is the basic environment of living and production and the social movement and management Fundamental unit .

  2. 利益是分析社会运行和状态的一个基本视角,经济利益和政治利益是社会关系的基础。

    The benefit is basic view to analyze the social movement and a condition , the economic interest and the political benefit are the social relations foundations .

  3. 加快建立同疫情防控相适应的经济社会运行秩序,完善相关举措,巩固和拓展这一来之不易的良好势头,力争全国经济社会发展早日全面步入正常轨道。

    We should speed up the establishment of an economic and social order compatible with the epidemic prevention and control , make efforts to consolidate and expand the hard-won positive trend , and bring the country 's economic and social development back to the normal track at an early date .

  4. 试论科学学派的社会运行

    SCIENCE A tentative exposition of the social performance of scientific schools

  5. 企业是社会运行的重要机构。

    The firm is an important organization of society function .

  6. 科技社会运行评估刍议

    A Preliminary Inquiry on Assessment of Science & Technology Processing in Society

  7. 国家审计是经济社会运行的免疫系统

    State Audit is the Immune System of Economic Society Movement

  8. 效率与公平是社会运行过程中的重要问题。

    Efficiency and fairness are important problem across society runs .

  9. 基于网络的学习型社会运行模式研究

    Research on the Running Modes of the Cyber - based Learning Society

  10. 道德约束是社会运行的有效控制力;

    Moral restraint is an effective control in social operation .

  11. 两种社会运行模式下的四代青年

    Four Generations Youth under Two Modes of Social Development

  12. 节水型社会运行机制体系研究

    Study on operating mechanism of water-saving society in China

  13. 国家创新体系的社会运行机制研究

    The Study of the Social Operation of the SNI

  14. 论知识创新的社会运行机制

    On the Social Functional Mechanism of Knowledge Innovation

  15. 社区是整个社会运行的基础,因此,社区自治是城市治理的基础。

    Because community is the base of the society , community self-governance is the base of the urban governance .

  16. 在社会运行方面,他是社会系统均衡态理论传统的延拓者。

    In aspect of social motion he is the inheritor and developer of equilibrium state theory of social system .

  17. 因此,需要构建和完善促进弹性就业的社会运行机制,以保障弹性就业的正常发展。

    Accordingly a mechanism of social security must be founded and perfected to promote healthy development of flexible employment .

  18. 建设有中国特色的社会主义,就是如何将动力机制与平衡机制有机地紧密结合起来,形成一种既有严密平衡、又有强劲动力、两者相互协调的总的社会运行机制。

    To build socialism with Chinese characteristics should unite effective , strong driving force mechanism with good balance mechanism .

  19. 协调分析是研究社会运行状态和社会政策之间的关系协调状态的重要方法。

    The harmony analysis is the important method of the research on the harmonious state between social operation and social decision .

  20. 财政作为政府调控经济社会运行的主要杠杆,是政府配置资源的主体。

    Finance , as the main levers of adjusting economy operation , is the main body of government to allocate resources .

  21. 能源作为国民经济发展的物质基础,在社会运行机制中正发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    As the material basis of national economic development , energy is playing amore and more important role in the social operational mechanism .

  22. 冲突与妥协是现代社会运行的常态,以一种不带偏见的平常心来认识冲突与妥协,是现代社会的客观要求。

    Conflicts and compromises are normal conditions in modern society . It 's the objective requirement of society to understand them without prejudice .

  23. 在实践角度上,针对科学发展社会运行的复杂性进行了分析,并在最后的总结性结语中给出了几条原则性建议。

    In the viewpoint of practice , aiming at the complexity of the social operation , the final conclusion offers several proposals in principle .

  24. 商业资本没有基础设施和人力资本就不能盈利。没有一个资本市场能够社会运行在社会资本耗尽的情况下。

    Business investment without infrastructure and human capital cannot be profitable . Nor can financial markets work if social capital ( trust ) is depleted .

  25. 社会运行是指社会中多种要素和多层次子系统之间的交互作用以及它们多方面功能的发挥。

    Social operation means that in society many key factors and subsystems of multiple level interact each other and develop their function in many fields .

  26. 但是,在我国国家创新系统的社会运行过程中,其结构的弊病和功能的缺失也是明显而深层的。

    Meanwhile , it is seen that during the moving process of NIS , it 's defects of structure and functions are obvious and deep .

  27. 论婚姻过程中的权力资源分配和权力冲突协商&一项微观社会运行层次的考察

    Sharing of Power Resources and Consulting of Power Conflict in the Course of Marriage ── An Observation from the Perspective of Microcosmic Level of Social Operation

  28. 婚龄性别比失衡对社会运行和发展的影响&来自吉林省延边朝鲜族自治州农村地区的调查分析

    Unbalanced Ratio of Marriage-Age Genders : Its Effect on Social Operation & An Investigation in the Rural Area of Jilin Province 's Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture

  29. 本文运用事实论据论述了信息技术的发展历史和它对社会运行方式的影响以及二者之间的辩证关系。

    This paper utilizes fact arguments , discussed developing history of IT and the influence of social run mode for IT , and dialectics relation between both .

  30. 加强公民道德建设是社会运行和发展的内在需要,是社会主义精神文明建设的重要内容。

    Reinforcing citizen moral construction is the infinite demand for the run and development of society , as well as the important content in establishing socialism spiritual construction .