
  • 网络Privatization Organization
  1. 科学家、私营组织和决策者仍然尚未认识到在CO2浓度上升和气候变化的背景下营养质量的“隐蔽的饥饿”的问题。

    Acknowledgement of the'hidden hunger'aspect of nutritional quality in the context of the rising CO2 level and climate change remains unappreciated by scientists , private groups and policymakers .

  2. 公共和私营组织之间的合作旨在提供从获取融资到书写商业计划等全方位的辅助。

    Partnerships between public and private organizations assist with everything from financing to writing a business plan .

  3. 除了武装力量,几乎所有政府组织(和几家私营组织)多年来都被用于为少数利益服务。

    Apart from the armed forces , virtually all public institutions ( and several private ones ) were coopted over many years to serve narrow interests .

  4. 他列举了因素包括,不同文化里的复杂规则,对于科学、技术和政策的知识,以及公共组织和私营组织之间的逐渐模糊的界限。

    He lists the complex rules of different cultures , knowledge of science , technology and policy and the blurring lines between public and private organisations .

  5. 的确如此,全世界公共和私营组织都认识到人力资源政策在支持高绩效中起到越来越重要的作用。

    Just as what we said , the public and private organizations all over the world come to realize the importance of human resource policies in establishing high performance organizations .

  6. 战略管理最初多运用于私营组织的管理,后来随着战略理论向多学科发展,其在实践应用方面变得用途广泛,一些行政组织也都开始研究战略管理。

    Strategic management was initially used in private organization management , later as the strategic theory was developed , It was widely used in practice aspect , some public organization also began to research strategy management .

  7. 据推广英国金融行业的私营部门组织伦敦国际金融服务公司(InternationalFinancialServices,London)统计,伦敦占据了全球外汇交易成交量的36%,而排名第二的纽约所占比重为14%。

    London accounts for 36 % of global foreign-exchange trading : the next-biggest player , New York , is responsible for 14 % of turnover , according to International Financial Services London , a private-sector group that promotes the U.K. financial industry .

  8. 大卫爵士表示,像石油公司荷兰皇家壳牌(RoyalDutchShell)等一些私营行业组织,以其针对未来的工作而闻名,但它们倾向于专注开发细节的设想,而不是全方位的水平扫描。

    Some private sector organisations such as Royal Dutch Shell , the oil company , are known for their work on the future but they tend to specialise in developing detailed scenarios rather than in horizon scanning across the board , Sir David says .

  9. 这个公共和私营联合组织为贫困国家的疫苗提供资金。

    This alliance of public and private groups finances vaccines in poor countries .

  10. 私营企业组织形式的演变是长期制度选择和市场竞争的综合结果。

    The evolution of private enterprises'organization is the result of long-term institutional selection and market competition .

  11. 公司制已经成为私营企业组织形式的最主要组成部分,独资制次之,合伙制逐渐边缘化,成为私营企业组织形式的一种补充。

    Corporation becomes the major form of organization for private enterprises , while the other two working as supplementary .

  12. 只有富裕国家才能够在公共部门和私营部门组织这种机构。

    Only the affluent countries have been able to organize such entities , both in the public and the private sector .

  13. 基因组计划并不是单一组织、而是来自世界各地的一些政府隶属机构和私营行业组织的活动。

    Genome projects are not a single organization 's efforts , but instead a group of organizations working in government and private industry throughout the world .

  14. 私营部门组织,从咨询公司到媒体,到信息服务公司,在迎合美国对气象信息的需求都很重要。

    Private sector organizations , ranging from consultants to the media to information service companies , are vital to meeting America 's needs for weather information .

  15. 按照私营企业路线组织起来的富裕社会。

    Private enterprise rich societies organized along private enterprise lines .

  16. 河南省私营企业党组织建设中存在的主要问题与解决路径

    On the Main Problems of Party Organization Construction in Henan Private Enterprises and the Countermeasures

  17. 该报告来自私营人道主义组织救助儿童和世界卫生组织。

    The report is from the private humanitarian group save the children and the World Health Organization .

  18. 河南省目前在私营企业党组织建设过程中尚存在基层党组织覆盖面较窄等问题。

    In the present construction of party organization there exist many problems such as the narrow coverage of grass-rooted branches .

  19. 两国公立和私营部门的组织正在参与一个“学习平台”从而共享该领域的成功经验。

    Public and private sector organisations from both countries are participating in a'learning platform'to share experiences of what works in the field .

  20. 该公立,私营和民办组织的合伙机构周三宣布了该计划,通过更好的检测,诊断和药物,希望未来的五年之内将因肺结核死亡的人数减少500万。

    The consortium of public , private and civil groups announced the plan Wednesday , saying they hope to prevent 5 million deaths from TB over the next five years through better testing , improved diagnosis and more effective drugs .

  21. 新公共管理运动将官僚制政府的弊病归结为政府的组织结构、管理技术以及运行方式问题,因此它试图通过引入私营企业的组织结构、管理技术以及市场化的运作模式来解决这些弊端。

    NPM ascribes the malfunction of bureaucratic governments to the organizational structure , methods of management and pattern of function , so it tries to solve these tough problems by introducing organizational structure and methods of management of private firms with mechanism of market into bureaucratic government .

  22. 私营企业会计工作组织弱化的原因及对策

    The Reasons and Countermeasures of Weakening Accounting Organization in Private Corporation

  23. 代表私营经济的经济组织&民营企业,其数量也在快速地增加。

    As the private economical organization , the number of family enterprise is increasing at a high speed .

  24. 这些都需要“聪明的政府”的支持,这并不是仅仅意味着和私营经济和非营利性组织合作就能达到目标。

    Many of these require " smart government ", which more often than not means partnering with private businesses and non-profit organisations .

  25. 一项关于“如何处理IT业的转变”的调查显示,对于云计算的应用,政府和私营部门的全球性组织百感交集。

    Global organisations from public and private sector spheres expressed mixed feelings on cloud computing adoption according to a survey examining how they are dealing with IT changes .

  26. 从组建私营企业的党组织、发挥私企党组织的作用、团结职工和教育业主,以及领导机制四个方面,概括了私营企业党建的初步经验。

    In terms of organizing and establishing the party organization , taking exertion of the party organization in private enterprise , uniting the workers , educating employers and the leadership mechanism , this chapter generalizes the preliminary experiences of party building in private enterprise .