
  • 网络Kuwait Investment Authority;kIa;Kuwait Investment Office
  1. 科威特投资局和新加坡政府投资公司(GIC)均在2008年1月投资于花旗,并得以获利。

    Both the KIA and the Government Investment Corporation of Singapore put money into Citi in January 2008 , and were able to make profits .

  2. 科威特投资局主管巴达尔阿尔萨阿德(Baderal-Saad)上月在纽约发表演讲时表示:我们已成为政客不负责任的行为的人质。

    We have become hostage to the irresponsible behaviour of politicians , said Bader al-Saad , head of the KIA , in a New York speech last month .

  3. 包括科威特投资局(KuwaitInvestmentAuthority)在内的几家个人投资者已向这家保险公司发起诉讼,他们可能会选择继续自行诉讼。

    A handful of individual investors , including the Kuwait Investment Authority , have sued the insurer and may choose to pursue their separate litigation .

  4. 在卡塔尔投资局这样比较年轻的主权基金,本地员工的数量要少于资历更老的同类基金,比如科威特投资局(KuwaitInvestmentAuthority)。

    Younger sovereign funds , like the Qatar Investment Authority , have fewer locals than their more venerable peers , such as the Kuwait Investment Authority .

  5. 另一种选项是只有一家机构,科威特投资局(KuwaitInvestmentAuthority)便是如此。该机构已成为主权基金中最佳行为的楷模。

    The alternative is to have a single agency , as is the case with the Kuwait Investment Authority , currently a role model for best practice among sovereign funds .

  6. 他说:成立时间较短的基金如中投公司和科威特投资局(KuwaitInvestmentAuthority)在房地产领域的资产配置尤其不足,同时不存在业绩或历史遗留问题。

    He said : The younger funds [ such as CIC and the Kuwait Investment Authority ] especially are under-allocated to real estate and have no performance or legacy issues .

  7. 这些知情人士表示,如果美林决定推进那宗交易,其所持贝莱德股权的一部分可能会被科威特投资局(kuwaitinvestmentauthority)收购。

    If Merrill Lynch had gone through with the deal , some of its BlackRock shares were likely to have been purchased by Kuwait Investment Authority , these people said .

  8. 阿拉伯世界的资金进军中国首次公开发行(IPO)&科威特投资局(KuwaitInvestmentAuthority)去年购买了中国工商银行(ICBC)7.2亿美元的股份。

    Arab money has gone into Chinese initial public offerings – the Kuwait Investment Authority bought $ 720m of shares in Industrial and Commercial Bank of China last year .

  9. 以科威特投资局(kuwaitinvestmentauthority)为例,虽然该机构寻求每10年能让资金翻一番,但私人股本公司会将此视为一个相对谨慎的目标。

    Whereas the Kuwait Investment Authority ( KIA ) , for example , seeks to double its money every 10 years , private equity firms would regard that as a relatively modest target .

  10. 知情人士表示,科威特投资局(kuwaitinvestmentauthority)预计将成为美林再融资交易中的主要投资者,该交易最早可能会在本周宣布。

    The Kuwait Investment Authority is expected to be a major investor in the new deal , which could be announced as soon as midweek , according to people familiar with the matter .

  11. 在中国和美国,科威特投资局(KuwaitInvestmentAuthority)负责人巴达尔•阿尔•萨阿德(Baderal-Sa'ad)已与中投公司高层官员频繁会晤。

    Bader Al-Sa'ad , head of the Kuwait Investment Authority , has met frequently with senior officials at CIC , both in China and in the US .

  12. 中国工商银行(ICBC)2006年上市时,科威特投资局就持有该银行的股份。

    The Kuwait Investment Authority took a stake in Industrial and Commercial Bank of China when the Chinese bank went public in 2006 .

  13. 包括科威特投资局(KuwaitInvestmentAuthority)和卡塔尔投资局(QatarInvestmentAuthority)在内的主权财富基金可能将提供总计30亿美元的资金,但任何一家基金的持股比例都不超过4.9%。

    Sovereign wealth funds , including the Kuwait Investment Authority and the Qatar Investment Authority , would likely contribute close to $ 3bn in aggregate , with no one fund taking a stake larger than 4.9 per cent .

  14. 在主权财富基金数量相对较少时,如新加坡的淡马锡控股(TemasekHoldings)和科威特投资局(KuwaitInvestmentAuthority)等,它们给全球金融体系和市场化跨境投资带来的挑战相对较小。

    When relatively few SWFs existed , such as Singapore 's Temasek Holdings or the Kuwait Investment Authority , the challenge they posed to the global financial system and to market-based cross-border investment was small .

  15. 戴姆勒的最大股东是持股6.8%的科威特投资局(KIA)、以及雷诺-日产(Renault-Nissan),戴姆勒与雷诺-日产之间有交叉持股协议。

    Daimler 's largest shareholders are the Kuwait Investment Authority , which has a 6.8 per cent stake , and Renault-Nissan , with which the German company has a cross-shareholding agreement .

  16. 当时,科威特投资局觉得中国地产估值过高。

    At the time , the Kia found Chinese property overvalued .

  17. 最近几年,科威特投资局一直在扩大其亚洲投资。

    The Kia has steadily increased its investment in Asia in recent years .

  18. 迄今为止,中国一直是科威特投资局对亚洲兴趣的主要受益者。

    So far , China has been the main beneficiary of the KIA 's interest .

  19. 外国人不会来科威特投资局,因为报酬不够有吸引力。

    And foreigners don 't come to the KIA because the packages are less attractive .

  20. 作为反应敏捷和成熟的投资者,科威特投资局与阿布扎比投资局等基金可谓历史悠久。

    Funds such as adia and Kia have a long history as responsive and sophisticated investors .

  21. 科威特投资局投资花旗和美林交易的价格和条款目前仍在谈判之中。

    Both the price and the terms of the deals at Citi and Merrill are still being negotiated .

  22. 去年9月,科威特投资局向中国派出了一个代表团,使命之一是考察地产投资。

    In September last year , the Kia sent a delegation to China with a mandate to look into property investments .

  23. “眼下,科威特投资局还不想采取任何行动,”一位知情人士表示。

    Right now the KIA does not want to do anything more , says one person with knowledge of the matter .

  24. 科威特投资局负责人阿萨德(Al-Sa'ad)说,当时他羡慕地问自己:我该如何改变科威特投资局,让我们的行动也能如此快捷?

    Bader Al-Sa'ad , the head of Kia , says he asked himself enviously at the time : How can I change Kia so we can move that quickly ?

  25. 上述知情人士表示,科威特投资局曾是最为保守的主权财富基金之一,如今,为了抢在竞争对手前面,并在美国信贷市场危机中抓住机会,该机构正在改变其战略。

    Once among the most conservative of sovereign wealth funds , Kia is changing its strategy in order to move faster than competitors and seize opportunities amid the turmoil in the US credit markets , these people say .

  26. 数月前,科威特投资局和阿布扎比投资局都再度转向美国,美国是多数海湾国家资金的传统接受国。它们认为,此次信贷危机是百年不遇的良机,(在此时)能以低价进行大笔投资。

    A few months ago , both KIA and ADIA turned once more to the US , the traditional recipient of most Gulf money , regarding the credit crisis as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to put a lot of money to work at bargain prices .