
  1. 景观生态学是由生态学、地理学和人文科学综合产生的一门交叉学科,是生态学的新概念构架,是一种综合整体的思想(holisticconcept)。

    The subjects of ecology , geography and academics combine the landscape ecology . It is a frame of new concept and an idea of holistic .

  2. 土壤分类是土壤科学综合研究水平的反映。

    Soil classification reflects level of the overall research in pedology .

  3. 用系统科学综合考察翻译学的构想

    Toward a Systems Approach to the Comprehensive Study of Translatology

  4. 材料科学综合实验课新探

    Exploration into the comprehensive laboratory course of science of materials

  5. 《生物科学综合实验课》管理模式的探索

    Exploratory on administrant mode of integrative experiments of bioscience courses

  6. 摘要环境科学综合能力是当今大学生应具备的基本素养之一。

    Synthesize ability of environmental science is essential accomplishment for undergraduate today .

  7. 中学生命科学综合实践活动课程的研究初探

    Pilot Study of Intergrating Fulfillment Course in Middle School Life Sciences Activities

  8. 为加强环境科学综合能力的培养,配合环境学的教学,探讨了环境科学综合能力培养的理论和与之相配套的培养方法。

    Educating theory and method of synthesize ability of environmental science was discussed .

  9. 浅谈自然科学综合学术期刊的校对

    Proofreading of natural science synthetical academic periodical

  10. 科学综合思维的桃花园,比诗歌里的桃花园更美!

    The Peachblossom Garden of comprehensive science thoughts , is more beautiful than Peachblossom Garden of poem !

  11. 科学综合化、技术现代化、经济全球化、社会信息化是21世纪的基本特征。

    The features of the 21st century are scientific synthesization , technical modernization and economic globalization , society 's informationization .

  12. 莱斯利的公司已经接下了为新的科学综合大楼做广告的工作,以便为计划中的大楼筹集合作基金。

    Lesley 's company had been hired to advertise the new science complex in order to raise corporate money for the proposed building .

  13. 北京学的建立,在历史文化、社会发展、改革开放以及科学综合等方面都具有重要意义。

    The setting up of Beijing Studies has an important significance for historic culture , social development , reform and open and science of multiple .

  14. 它使中期天气预报成为模拟气象专家解决复杂问题时科学综合、逻辑推理的思维过程。

    It has maee mid-range forecast become a think proceeding that analog the meteorological experts to synthesize scientifically and logical reason when they solve complex problems .

  15. 第四章中,笔者通过对美术与科学综合课程的开发模式与相关案例的阐述,对这一综合课程在实践方面进行论述。

    In the fourth chapter , through expound the develop model about the art and science colligate curriculum with related cases , the writer discussed this colligate curriculum from practice side .

  16. 该项研究发表在地球科学综合杂志上(詹姆斯格林伍德及多人《月球岩石标本中的氢同位素比例显示月球水来自彗星》)。

    The study appears in the journal Nature Geoscience . [ James Greenwood et al . , " Hydrogen ratios in lunar rocks indicate delivery of cometary water to the Moon " ]

  17. 鉴于小学科学综合的学科属性,小学科学的知识组成比较复杂,包括三个部分:生命世界、物质世界和地球与宇宙,这对小学科学教师的专业知识提出了严峻的挑战。

    For the scientific knowledge containing three parts , Life World , the Material World and the Earth and the Universe , it is a severe challenge in scientific knowledge of the primary school teachers .

  18. 对江河流域进行科学综合规划是实现水资源科学管理、配置、开发、利用和保护的需要,也是推进国民经济可持续发展的重要举措。

    The scientific planning to river watershed is the key to realize scientific management , disposition , exploiture , utilize and protection of water resource and important act to propel sustainable development of national economy .

  19. 摘要现代隐喻学研究不同于传统隐喻学研究,它的目的是将单一的修辞学垦拓为诗学、符号学、语义学、解释学和思维科学综合起来的一门新学科。

    Being different from the traditional one , the modern study of metaphor aims to expand from the simple study of rhetoric to a new comprehensive study including poetics , semiology , semantics , Hermeneutics and science of thought .

  20. 第三章中,笔者依据普通课程理论的相关结构,对美术与科学综合课程的目标、内容、实施与评价进行了阐述,以期形成这一综合课程的总体框架。

    In the third chapter , according to the correspond structure of the general curriculum theory , the writer expound the aim , content , implement , and evaluation of the art and science colligate curriculum , aimed to shape the general frame .

  21. 在经济全球化、科学综合化、发展整体化、信息技术高速发展的今天,研究性学习&这种新型的学习方式应运而生,适应了新时代中人材全面发展的新要求。

    Nowadays Information Technology ( IT ) has been highly developed , and during the process of economy globalization , science generalization , and development integration , Project-based learning ( PBL ) is adaptable to the new demands of able people in new age for comprehensive development .

  22. 四是改革师范理科的课程设置,增设科学综合课和、科学·技术·社会综合实践课等。如何有效地组织语法教学是大学英语专业基础英语课教学的一个重要课题。

    Reforms should be carried out on the curriculum in the schools of teachers , with the comprehensive course on science and practice-based courses involving science , technology and society included . How to teach gramma effectively is an important subject of the comprehensive course for junior English majors .

  23. 这项研究的论文于去年8月份发表在《公共科学图书馆综合卷》(PLOSOne)上。

    The research was published in August in PLOS ONE .

  24. 该研究发表在《公共科学图书馆综合》(PLoSONE)上。

    The study appeared in the Public Library of Science journal PLoS ONE .

  25. DNA计算是一种多学科相互交叉的技术,它的发展有赖于分子生物学和计算机科学的综合发展。

    DNA computing is a cross-cutting technology based on many disciplinary . It depends on the development of Molecular biology and Computer science .

  26. 戴维斯是一名高管教练,还担任NeuroLeadershipInstitute的研究主任。该机构将科学研究综合起来,应用到商业和组织领导中。

    He is an executive coach and director of research for the NeuroLeadership Institute , an organisation that synthesises scientific research and applies it to business and leadership .

  27. 科学基金综合评价指标体系优化的因子分析

    Factor analysis in the synthetical evaluation indicator system of scientific fund

  28. 优秀青少年运动员科学训练综合研究

    A Comprehensive Study on Scientific Training of Elite Young Players

  29. 《公共科学图书馆综合》上的某篇报道如是说。

    So says a study in the journal Public Library of Science One .

  30. 农业系统科学与综合研究计量分析与评价

    Bibliometric Analysis and Evaluation of " Agricultural Systems Science and Comprehensive Study "