
  • 网络Rental;Car Rental;leasing trade;Leasing
  1. 随着汽车租赁业的两极分化,生意将流向较大的公司。

    As the car rental industry polarizes , business will go to the bigger companies

  2. 欧美汽车租赁业发展报告

    Report on Development of the Vehicle Rental in America and Europe

  3. 然而,世界经济论坛今年的一份报告指出,服装租赁业产生的碳排放量占到了全球排放量的5%。

    A report by the World Economic Forum8 this year suggested that the industry generates 5 % of global emissions9 .

  4. 这种新型还原染料为工装租赁业建立了新的标准:ControlledColoration和ColorConfidence。

    The new vat dye sets new standards in Controlled Coloration and Color Confidence for workwear leasing companies .

  5. 随着加入WTO后对外开放步伐的加快,会使中国融资租赁业面临很大的冲击。

    After joining WTO , China is accelerating the step to open to the foreign . It will make Chinese finance leasing be confronted with impulsion .

  6. 我国加入WTO以后,与世界经济接轨是其主要的发展途径,融资租赁业在我国必将得到快速发展。

    With the WTO 's entry of our country , it is an important avenue to great economic development that to get joint with the world economic .

  7. 中国汽车租赁业现状与发展实证研究&以JL汽车租赁公司退出市场为例

    On Normative Research of Status and Development of China 's Automobile Lease Industry

  8. 近年来,随着浮式生产储存卸货装置(FPSO)逐渐成为世界海洋石油开发的主流方式,FPSO租赁业也随之兴盛起来。

    In recent years , the Floating Production Storage & Offloading ( FPSO ) has become one of the more dominant technologies in worldwide offshore oil exploitation , and FPSO charter operations have flourished accordingly .

  9. 租赁业的基本分类及概念辨析

    An Analysis of Some Basic Categories and Concepts about Modern Lease

  10. 浅析我国工程机械租赁业的发展

    On the development of construction machinery leasing trade in out country

  11. 试论推动我国金融租赁业发展的财税激励措施

    On discussing tax incentive measures for the development of finance leasing

  12. 中国医疗设备租赁业的研究

    The Study of the Financial Leasing of Medical Equipments in China

  13. 建筑施工机械设备租赁业发展状况

    Development Status of Tenancy Trade About Mechanical Plant for Construction

  14. 未来的悬念从发展的角度解读徐州租赁业市场

    Explaining the Xuzhou Leasing Market from the Aspect of Developing

  15. 中国建筑机械租赁业信心度调查分析

    RENTAL : Investigation on the confidence of rental market in construction machinery

  16. 国内汽车租赁业病在哪?

    Domestic car rental industry is in a bad way ?

  17. 租赁业在2007年收入达到这高峰30十亿美元。

    The rental business peaked in2007 at $ 30 billion in revenue .

  18. 融资租赁业的服务重点:中小企业

    Service Focus of Financing Lease : Small and Medium Enterprises

  19. 城市小汽车租赁业发展网络化经营研究

    Study on the City Car Rent Trade Developing Network Management

  20. 融资租赁业市场潜力和发展前景分析

    Research on Market Potential and Development Prospect of Financial Lease

  21. 金融危机下新疆融资租赁业发展的思考

    On Financial Leasing Industry under the Economic Crisis in Xinjiang

  22. 中国融资租赁业的竞争力又如何?

    How about the competitiveness of Chinese financing lease ?

  23. 中国融资租赁业发展方略研究

    On Development Strategy of China 's Financing Lease Business

  24. 试论增值税转型后融资租赁业的应对措施

    Analysis on the Measures of Financial Leasing after the Transformation of Value-added Tax

  25. 图书租赁业的发展。

    Fifth , the development of book leasing industry .

  26. 突破现代租赁业发展的信用瓶颈

    Breaking the credit bottleneck of modern leasing industry development

  27. 保障融资租赁业发展的法律对策

    Legal Countermeasures for the Protection of the Development of the Finance Leasing Industry

  28. 国家是否应该鼓励我国现代租赁业的发展?要发展中国租赁业又该采取哪些有效对策?

    Should the lease industry be encouraged in China ?

  29. 论我国发展现代租赁业的制约因素

    On Restrictive Factors of Modern Leasing Service in China

  30. 我国特大城市汽车租赁业发展研究

    The Research on the Development of Automobile Lease in the Metropolis of China