
  • 网络through time;crossing time;traversal time
  1. 《宇宙连环画》中变来变去的主人公Qfwfq巧妙的穿越时间,空间,太阳系和地质年代,在这些新的故事中又以崭新的面目出现。

    Qfwfq , the protean hero of Cosmicomics dexterously moving through time and space , solar systems and geological eras , takes on a new dimension in these tales .

  2. 发生了什么事我想我们穿越时间了

    What happened ? ! I think we moved through time .

  3. 非高斯噪声激励下FHN神经元系统的定态概率密度与平均首次穿越时间

    The steady state probability distribution and mean first passage time of FHN neural system driven by non-Gaussian noise

  4. 首先给出了条件可靠性函数满足的后向Kolmogorov方程以及首次穿越时间条件矩满足的广义Pontryagin方程。

    First , a backward Kolmogorov equation for the conditional reliability function and a generalized Pontryagin equation for the conditional moment of the first-passage time are established .

  5. 求解与之相应的后向Kolmogorov方程得最优控制系统的条件可靠性函数,进而求得首次穿越时间的条件概率密度;求解与之相应的Pontryagin方程得最优控制系统的平均首次穿越时间(寿命)。

    Then the stationary joint probability density , the conditional reliability function , the mean first-passage time of the optimally controlled system are obtained from solving the reduced FPK equation , the backward Kolmogorov equation and the Pontryagin equation , respectively of fully averaged systems .

  6. 计算结构首次穿越时间概率密度函数的新方法

    A new method for first-passage time probability density function of structures

  7. 我穿越时间的瀚海,只为了找到你。

    I cross the ocean of time , to find you .

  8. 爱丽丝你要穿越时间回到过去

    Alice . You must travel back in time .

  9. 结果表明,禁带穿越时间大约在微秒量级,为储存环的束流冷却提供了理论分析。

    Which provides the theoretical analysis of the beam cooling in storage rings .

  10. 柯布,柯布,我们错过穿越时间了吗?

    Cobb ! Cobb , did we miss it ?

  11. 他们也穿越时间了吗我不知道

    Did they move through time , too ? I don 't know .

  12. 但哈撒韦不准备展示他是如何穿越时间旅行的。

    But Hathaway was not prepared to show how he had traveled through time .

  13. 双色噪声驱动非对称双稳系统平均第一穿越时间研究

    The mean first-passage time for an asymmetric bistable system driven by two colored noises

  14. 因为你在命令事物穿越时间和空间。

    Because you 're making things move through time and space , at your command .

  15. 穿越时间分布函数;

    Passage time distribution function ;

  16. 如果你能穿越时间,你会去哪里-向后或向前,为什么?

    If you were able to travel through time where would you go backwards or forwards and why ?

  17. 说完这句话,他就咽了气,再也无法告诉任何人他是如何穿越时间旅行的。

    With that he uttered his last breath , never to tell anyone how he had traveled through time .

  18. 而这种能穿越时间的抽象,源于他对具像艺术一步步的探索。

    And this time can pass through the abstract , from his figurative art of step by step exploration .

  19. 其间许多因素可以穿越时间、穿越文体的壁垒进行渗透和传递。

    Among those , many factors can pass time and the obstacles of different styles and infiltrate into each other .

  20. 它将穿越时间和空间,回头凝视宇宙中最早的星球和最早期的星系。

    It will gaze back through time and space to the very first stars and the earliest galaxies in the universe .

  21. 但是当涉及到业务数据,穿越时间旅行的能力非常重要。

    But when it comes to business data , the need to travel back and forth in time is absolutely essential .

  22. 我们无法回答那个问题,除非我们知道,人格要穿越时间需要什么条件。

    We can 't answer that question until we are clearer about what does it take to have identity across time .

  23. 取而代之的是,剧中展示了一种不大一样的爱,是上一代与下一代之间,穿越时间和空间的爱。

    Instead , there are the slightly different kinds of love , from generation to generation , and across time and space .

  24. 今天他们也有话对我们说,正如那些离去的英灵穿越时间在阿灵顿国家公墓向我们低语。

    They have something to tell us today , just as the fallen heroes who lie in Arlington whisper through the ages .

  25. 虽然那是个狂热的幻想,但哈撒韦博士却决意要做穿越时间旅行第一人并藉此出名。

    It was a fanatical fantasy , but Dr. Hathaway was determined to find fame by being the first to travel through time .

  26. 盲眼能够穿越时间的迷雾,预示未来的辉煌,但无法得知那是何时的景象。

    The Sightless Eye sees through the mist of time a great glory ahead , but how far ahead the Eye cannot discern .

  27. 本期节目中我们带领大家穿越时间回到伦敦大火的时代,一同探寻伦敦的历史。

    We go back in time to see what London was like in those days and discover the history of the tragic fire .

  28. 如果我们能穿越时间和空间来了解我们的星系的诞生和结束会怎样呢?

    What if we could travel through time and space to understand how our galaxy came to be and how it would end ?

  29. 这一套它会不停地干了又干。如果你不仅常做空间旅行还老是穿越时间,这一点就特别宝贵了。

    It did this sort of thing continually , which was particularly valuable if you did a lot of travelling in time as well as space .

  30. 《美国风暴》是一档穿越时间穿越美国历史的节目,节目中小伙子们穿着一系列的装束,迎合了女看客们的幻想。

    American Storm is a journey through time and American history featuring the boys dancing in a series of vignettes that cater to women 's fantasies .