
Lì Táo Wǎn
  • Lithuania
  1. 立陶宛的石油供应几乎完全依赖莫斯科。

    Lithuania is heavily reliant on Moscow for almost all its oil .

  2. 立陶宛的粮食生产供大于求。

    Lithuania produces more than enough food to feed itself .

  3. 立陶宛爱乐交响乐团演奏了贝多芬的《第九交响曲》。

    The Lithuanian Philharmonic Orchestra played Beethoven 's Ninth Symphony .

  4. 立陶宛人开始意识到物资日益匮乏。

    Lithuanians are waking up to a world of increasing shortages

  5. 很多立陶宛人对该决定是否明智表示了怀疑。

    Many Lithuanians have expressed doubts about the wisdom of the decision .

  6. 立陶宛的事业仍然拥有相当的国际支持。

    Lithuania still commands considerable international sympathy for its cause

  7. 立陶宛和亚美尼亚在维尔纽斯签订条约,承认彼此为独立主权国家。

    Lithuania and Armenia signed a treaty in Vilnius recognising each other as independent sovereign states

  8. 几十万人涌入立陶宛首都维尔纽斯的市中心。

    Hundreds of thousands of people have crowded into the center of the Lithuanian capital , Vilnius

  9. B小组则包括西班牙,阿根廷,立陶宛,东道主巴西,尼日利亚以及一只7月份决定的资格赛球队。

    Group B includes Spain , Argentina , Lithuania , host Brazil , Nigeria and the remaining July qualifier .

  10. 周三的四分之一决赛中,中国男篮以B组第四的成绩将对战立陶宛,希腊队将迎战阿根廷。立陶宛是A组的冠军。

    China finished fourth in Group B and will face Lithuania , leaders of Group A , in the quarterfinals on Wednesday , while Greece to meet Argentina .

  11. 立陶宛创业者表明,此款运动鞋应安装一个蓝牙接收器,将显示器与智能手机上的app连接起来。

    The Lithuanian start-up explained the shoes would have a Bluetooth receiver inside to connect the displays to a smartphone app .

  12. 这里是波兰立陶宛联邦继承王位的JanIIISobessky的出生地。

    This is the place where a future king of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth named Jan III Sobessky was born .

  13. 与她同校的TomDaley则代表立陶宛参加了跳水项目的比赛。

    The teenager , who swims for Lithuania , attends the same school as diver Tom Daley .

  14. 拉脱维亚不得不向国际货币基金组织(IMF)申请贷款,立陶宛和爱尔兰可能被迫走上同样的道路。

    Latvia has had to go to the International Monetary Fund for a loan . Lithuania and Ireland may be forced to tread the same route .

  15. ERMII是为尚未引入欧元的欧盟国家构想的,现阶段其成员包括丹麦、拉脱维亚、立陶宛。

    Conceived for EU member states that have not yet introduced the euro , the ERM II at present includes Denmark , Latvia and Lithuania .

  16. 以及由安提·乔金恩(AnttiJokinen)执导的芬兰和立陶宛的合拍片《助产士》(TheMidwife)。

    and the Finnish-Lithuanian film " The Midwife " by Antti Jokinen .

  17. 在两年内,拉脱维亚和立陶宛政府削减财政支出的举措,已使两国GDP缩减了逾20%,而拉脱维亚公共部门的工资水平则下降了30%。

    Government cuts have shrunk the gross domestic product of Latvia and Lithuania by more than 20 per cent in two years , while wages in Latvia 's public sector have fallen by 30 per cent .

  18. 居于榜首的是立陶宛的公共WIFI网咯,它的平均速度为16.6兆,几乎是美国的两倍。

    Topping the list of fastest public Wi-Fi is Lithuania , with average download speeds of 16.6 Mbps , nearly double that of the U.S.

  19. 波罗的海各小国的数据格外反常:欧盟委员会预计,2007年至2009年间,拉脱维亚的经常账户赤字下降了GDP的21%,爱沙尼亚与立陶宛分别为17%和13%。

    The figures for the tiny Baltic states are extraordinary : reductions in current account deficits forecast by the Commission of 21 per cent of GDP for Latvia , 17 per cent for Estonia and 13 per cent for Lithuania between 2007 and 2009 .

  20. 沃斯在CBC的午间广播中说这对他来说是一种学习经历,“完全不了解安道尔共和国,立陶宛和列支敦士登也不太知道。”

    Voth told CBC 's Radio Noon that it has been a learning experience for him , " Andorra , I had no clue about . Same with Lithuania and Lichtenstein . "

  21. 在波兰和匈牙利WALMARK是在立陶宛第二和第三的是市场。

    In Poland and Hungary WALMARK is second and in Lithuania it is third in the market .

  22. 和平奖:授予立陶宛市长ArturasZuokas,以奖励他成功解决了道路乱停车的问题,方法是驾驶一辆装甲车去压碎它们!

    PEACE : Arturas Zuokas for solving the problem of illegally parked cars by crushing them with an armored vehicle .

  23. 二十幅由当地艺术家拍摄的大幅面照片在立陶宛西部的Plateliai湖泊中得到展出。

    Twenty large format photographs by local artists were put on display in lake Plateliai , western Lithuania .

  24. 汤姆。克利夫利也帮助英格兰U21和立陶宛0-0战平,而费德里克。马切达在意大利4-0战胜卢森堡的比赛中并未出场。

    Tom Cleverley could only help England U21s to a goalless draw in Lithuania , while Federico Macheda was an unused substitute in Italy U21s '4-0 win in Luxembourg .

  25. 当我在Zalgiris,LietuvosRytas和立陶宛国家队的时候,我们的队员都可以和我这个教练一起成长。

    When I started at Zalgiris , Lietuvos Rytas and the Lithuanian national team , those players were able to grow with me as a coach .

  26. 以立陶宛人的标准来看,她并不是一个真正的大西洋主义者。

    By Lithuanian standards , she is not a great Atlanticist .

  27. 当年理想主义的波兰忽略了立陶宛这样的国家所面临的国内困难。

    Romantic-era Poland avuncularly ignored local difficulties in places like Lithuania .

  28. 立陶宛希奥利艾商会,是由自愿加入和服务费。

    Siauliai CCIC is financed by voluntary membership and services fees .

  29. 在南边,波兰&立陶宛联邦想要收复失地;

    To the south , Poland-Lithuania wants its lost lands back .

  30. 重点讲解:立陶宛人开始意识到物资日益匮乏。

    Lithuanians are waking up to a world of increasing shortages .