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tóng yǎng xí
  • child bride;a girl taken into the family as a daughter-in-law-to-be;a girl taken into the family as a daughter-in-law
童养媳 [tóng yǎng xí]
  • [a girl taken into the family as a daughter-in-lawtobe;child bride] 从小被婆家领养、等长大再跟这家的儿子结婚的女孩子

童养媳[tóng yǎng xí]
  1. 她被给了另一户人家作童养媳。

    She was given to another family as a child bride .

  2. 他对那个受苦的童养媳十分同情。

    His heart ached for the suffering child bride .

  3. 三是爱情剧;古装剧与文明戏的历史演进&吕家河民歌《童养媳》与《姑恶》比较

    The third is love story ; The Historical Evolution of Costume Piece and Civilization Play

  4. 她是一个童养媳。

    She is a child Bride .

  5. 人口买卖及童养媳现象对女性的伤害。

    ( B ) The phenomenon of human trafficking and child bride of the women of their injuries .

  6. 她爸爸养活不了她,就把她给人作了童养媳。

    When her father couldn 't keep her any longer , she was given away as a childbride .

  7. 童养媳是封建社会的一种畸形婚姻,宋元时期童养媳已经普遍盛行。

    Child bride is a feudal society , an abnormal marriage , child bride of the Song and Yuan Dynasties have been universally popular .

  8. 他废除了童养媳和一夫多妻制,建设了北京第一条地铁线路,开启了中国的人造卫星发射计划。

    He banned child brides and polygamy , built Beijing 's first subway line and started a space program with China 's first satellite launch .

  9. 她后来被过继到另一户人家,遵循传统成为童养媳,长大后要和那家的一个男孩结婚。

    She was then given to another family in part of an old traditional arrangement where she would later marry one of the family 's sons .

  10. 一个后果就是贩卖年轻女孩和女童的现象增多。许多小女孩被拐后卖给人家当童养媳。

    One result is a growing trade in young girls and toddlers , who are abducted and sold to families to be raised as future brides .

  11. 在缺乏婚龄女性的中国社会,许多拐卖案件涉及女婴或幼小的女童,她们被卖给急于寻找儿媳妇的家庭充当“童养媳”。

    Many abductions involve infant or toddler girls being taken to serve as " child brides " sold to families desperate for daughters-in-law in a culture short of marriage-aged women .

  12. 在经济和政治双重压力下,中国媒体拥有经济托和政治童养媳的双重身份,多方磨合、妥协,最终成就了变异的新闻客观性,与传统的客观性有很大差别。

    Under constraints both from politics and economy , media in China own dual figures , economy " capper " and political " child bride " . Furthermore , multi-adjustments , and compromise , finally lead to aberrance , far different from traditional objectivity .