
  1. 谷歌却恰好跟Facebook相反:管理型人才手握权柄,梦想家却郁郁不得志。

    Google had things upside-down : a manager at the top and a visionary stuck underneath .

  2. 鼓励发展新型贝类产业化经营模式,着力培养经营管理型人才。

    Encourage the industrialization of shellfish production , and make efforts to bring up managers with ability .

  3. 所以,会计人员应由以往的记录型人才飞跃为适合现代经济发展的管理型人才。

    Therefore , accountants must leap from the recording-style into a managing style to adopt the development of modern economy .

  4. 而目前浙江国际货代企业往往缺乏的就是国际化、高层次管理型人才以及复合型技能人才。

    However , nowadays Zhejiang international freight forwarder industry lacks the international , high-level managerial compound talents and skilled personnel .

  5. 应用型人才有工程型人才、管理型人才、技能型人才三种类型。

    There are three types of applied talents , which are engineering talents , management talents , and skilled talents .

  6. 三是中介机构缺乏经营管理型人才、高技术人才,员工综合素质处于低水平,整个保险中介行业目前仍处于低层次展业水平。

    Three was the facilitating agency lacks the management talented person , the high-tech talented person , the staff synthesizes the quality to be in the low level , the entire insurance intermediary profession at present still was in the low level unfolding industry level .

  7. 基于管理型财会人才培养的教学模式探索

    Probing into a teaching pattern based on fostering managing type accountants

  8. 市场经济需要高素质的管理型档案人才。

    Market economy demands high-quality management-oriented archives personnel .

  9. 管理知识型人才的秘诀&关于开展企业员工工作满意度的评价

    The Secret of Manage Knowledge - talent

  10. 分析以岗位职业能力为中心培养物流管理操作型人才的必要性,通过以岗位需求为导向确立培养目标,以能力培养为中心构建实践教学体系,探讨物流人才的培养途径。

    Cultivating object is guided by the post needs . Teaching system is centered on ability cultivation . The paper discusses the cultivating way of logistics talents .

  11. 目前社会急需三类电子商务人才,即商务管理型实务人才、技术支持型操作人才和战略管理型人才。

    At present the society urgently needs three kind of electronic commerce talented person : namely commercial management practice talented person , technical support operation talented person and strategic management talented person .

  12. 高职教育是教育部在全国范围内推行的一种以培养面向生产和服务第一线的高级技术及管理应用型人才的高等职业技术教育形式。

    Higher occupational education is an educational form of higher educational techniques carried out by Ministry of Education aiming at training technicians and practical managing personnel for the first front of production and service .

  13. LFM项目诞生于1988年,在美国声誉斐然,为美国制造型企业培养了诸多生产管理的领袖型人才。

    Established in1988 , the LFM program enjoyed a good reputation in the U.S.A.by culturing leaders in the production and management fields for national manufacturing enterprises .

  14. 学习型领导;管理型艺术设计人才培养的思考

    Learning managers ; Thoughts on the Training of Administrative Art Designers

  15. 经济管理类应用型人才培养实践教育体系建设与探索

    On Construction of Talent Cultivation Education System for Finance and Economics

  16. 加强实验室开放管理促进创新型人才培养

    Strengthening Open Management of Laboratories , Promoting Innovative Talents Fostering

  17. 立足财经类院校培养管理型统计学专业人才

    Based on Finance and Ecomomics Colleges and Universities to Train the Managing Statistician

  18. 敏捷制造理论对管理类应用型人才培养的启示

    Agile Manufacturing Theory Reflected in Training of Practical Talents

  19. 工商管理专业创新型人才培养模式的实证研究&基于默会知识的视角

    Empirical Analysis of the Model of Cultivating the Innovative Talents in MBA Majors & In View of Tacit Knowledge

  20. 宏建橡塑注重培养的是一批懂技术,会经营,善管理的复合型人才。

    Hongjian rubber is dedicated to cultivating a large number of versatile professionals who understand technology and are good at management .

  21. 国家图书馆应注重选用信息管理专业复合型人才,其知识结构应具有整体性、层次性、比例性和动态性特征。

    For its future development , the National Library of China selects its staff members with a structure of integration , stratification , proportionality and dynamic .

  22. 福建鞋业人才资源开发缺少强有力的举措,低层次人才穷于应付,高层次的技术人才不足,既能创新开发又能搞管理的复合型人才严重缺乏。

    High-level technical talents are insufficient and multi-skilled talents who both possess the spirit of creativity and development and are good at management are lacking seriously .

  23. 本文在研究国内外大量学习型组织理论,以及知识型人才理论的基础上,提出了如何管理知识型军事人才的问题。

    On the basis of " learning organization ", and " knowledge typed t alents " theories , the paper brings forward the topic-the management of knowledge typed military talents .

  24. 但正如人力资源专家阿德勒先生所说的,他们常常减少雇员的人数超过他们所需要的股份管理型的新人才。

    But according to human resources experts like Mr Adler , they often reduce their headcount more than they necessarily need to in order to re-stock their pipeline of fresh talent .

  25. 重庆教育学院经过多年探索与实践,主动适应市场需求,改革办学观念,成功构建起高职旅游管理专业应用型人才培养模式,取了良好的效果。

    After experiencing many years ' exploration and practice , Chongqing College of Education has made progress in building applicable tourism talents cultivation mode of higher professional education by changing ideas of running school and successfully met the demand of the market .

  26. 加强实践教学管理培养高素质技能型人才

    Strengthen the Practical Teaching Management , Cultivate High-quality and Skillful Talent

  27. 工商管理类本科应用型人才培养探析

    Study on the Application Personnel Training of the Business Management Undergraduate

  28. 工程管理专业应用型本科人才培养体系研究

    On the Cultivation System of Competent Application-oriented Graduates in the Major of Engineering Management

  29. 我国信息资源管理高层次应用型人才教育模式探讨

    Discussion on the Educational Model of the IRM High Level Applied Talent in China

  30. 作为劳动密集型产业,酒店业需要大批训练有素、既有熟练的业务水平又懂酒店管理的高级技能型人才。

    As a labor-intensive industry , hotels need a large number of well-trained , both mastering modern hotel operation and understanding management , senior specialized persons .