
  • 网络Management mechanism;regulatory mechanism;Policing Mechanisms
  1. GIS空间数据的变更管理机制研究

    The Research on Alteration Management Mechanism of GIS Spatial Data

  2. NET特有的用户管理机制,来对不同的用户分配不同的权限。

    Also using the especially consumer management mechanism to distribute different power for different consumers .

  3. 这个机构在新的管理机制下一直在进行重建。

    The agency has been rebuilding under new management .

  4. Linux下的设备驱动及其管理机制

    Device Driving and Its Management Mechanism in Linux System

  5. 一种基于PCBUS的DCS网卡的令牌管理机制

    The Token Mechanism of a Kind of DCS Network Card Based on PC BUS

  6. Linux内存管理机制分析和改进

    Analysis and Improvement of Linux Memory Management Mechanism

  7. WINDOWSnt系统的用户管理机制及安全性分析

    User Management Mechanism and Safe Analysis of Windows NT System

  8. 研究了ATM交换中缓冲管理机制和信元丢弃策略。

    Researches on buffer management and cell discarding in ATM switch .

  9. 提出了高效的Buffer管理机制。

    Effective buffer management mechanism .

  10. Netware中的Object及管理机制编联库

    Object Management Mechanism and Bindery in Netware

  11. SNMP网络管理机制及其实现

    SNMP Network Management Mechanisms and its Implementation

  12. 面向应用的IPSec系统策略管理机制

    An Application-Oriented IPSec System Policy Management Mechanism

  13. IPSec策略管理机制

    IPSec Policy Management Mechanism

  14. 解决方案架构师定义服务部署和注册中心管理机制(它们能够对跨多个ESB的请求寻找最佳路由)。

    The Solution Architect defines mechanisms for service deployment and registry management that permit optimum routing for requests spanning several ESBs .

  15. DiffServ中的队列管理机制

    Router Queuing Management Mechanism of Diffserv Model

  16. 第二章讲述嵌入式Linux系统设计,着重分析了构建嵌入式Linux系统需要解决的几个问题与虚拟内存管理机制的改进。

    In chapter two , the thesis studies embedded Linux design . It emphasizes on several topical which fabricate embedded Linux require , and virtual memory management upswing .

  17. MS-DOS的内存管理机制及其优化

    The Memory Management Mechanism and Its Optimization in MS-DOS

  18. 针对随机早期检测(randomearlydetection,RED)主动队列管理机制的参数依赖问题,提出一种以网络流量优化理论中价格的变化为依据,自适应调节参数的RED改进算法。

    To alleviate the parameter dependence problem of random early detection ( RED ) algorithm , an improved method is proposed . The main idea is to adaptively adjust the parameter according to the changed price presented in the network traffic optimization theory .

  19. 本文分析了MS-DOS的内存管理机制,介绍了它的数据结构及有关算法。

    The mechanism of memory management in MS-DOS and its data structures and algorithms are introduced in this paper .

  20. 接着提出一种把公平的启发式仲裁和随机提前丢头队列管理机制(hFs&rEDF)结合起来的算法,能够兼顾交换结构吞吐量和TCP公平性。

    Then we proposed a scheme of hFS & rEDF , which provided high throughput and fairness by combining heuristic fair arbitrating ( hFS ) with queue management mechanism of early dropping front randomly ( rEDF ) .

  21. 提出了一个优化的IP-DiffServ实时记费管理机制。

    This paper addresses an optimal accounting management mechanism for IP-DiffServ network .

  22. 通过对流量的采集和分析模式进行一定的分析和总结,提出了一种专门针对BGP异常流量的基于Netflow协议的流量采集和分析管理机制。

    After researching on the traffic collection and analyse model , focus on BGP anomalous traffic , provides a mechanism of traffic collection and analyse management based on Netflow .

  23. 目前对于智能光网络(ION)生存性方面的研究主要是针对光网络本身,基于静态的资源配置和管理机制对于快速变化的业务需求而言缺乏灵活性,难以满足未来智能光网络中复杂业务的需求。

    Nowadays , the survivability research of Intelligent Optical Network ( ION ) is mainly about optical network itself . Source allocation and management mechanism based on static features lacks flexibility for fast changing services requirements , and is difficult to satisfy the complex services in the future ION .

  24. 在此基础上,系统的交换管理机制是:优先处理信令数据,确保准确、快速地传递PSTN的信令给以太网内部和正确解析由以太网内部发来的控制信令数据;

    Based on this , the system data exchange management mechanism is : handling singling first in order to accurately and timely transfer singling derived from PSTN to Ethernet and correctly parse control singling from Ethernet ;

  25. FSRA系统采用严格的访问控制和权限管理机制:充分保证了用户数据访问的合法性和有效性。

    FSRA picks the control of connection access and management of right : So FSRA system fully ensured the legality when users access data .

  26. 深入了解IA-32体系结构中保护模式的功能,包括三种工作模式、地址变换机制、任务管理机制和异常调试机制。

    Studied the fuction of IA-32 protected mode , including three working modes , address transform mechanism , task management mechanism and exception debugging mechanism .

  27. 一种新的、基于合同能源管理机制运作的专业化公司(EMCo)则可以有效地解决这些问题。

    A new kind of energy management company ( EMCo ) & operating in a way of energy performance contracting and aimed at profit making , can effectively remove these barriers .

  28. 创建逆向物流体系,完善物资管理机制

    Create a Reverse Logistics System and Improve the Materials Management System

  29. 以战略为导向的预算管理机制研究

    A study of budget management system based on the strategic direction

  30. 高校贵重仪器设备管理机制的研究与探索

    Research and Explore the Management System of Large Equipment in Universities