
  • 网络jodl;yodel;Yodeling;yordle
  1. “你在这里没有办法指挥,”约德尔说。

    " You can 't direct anything from here ," jodl said .

  2. 约德尔要求讲一句话,得到了允许。

    Jodl asked permission to say a word and it was granted .

  3. 我把加入阿尔卑斯蒿酒的这款酒取名为“约德尔歌者”(TheYodeler),因为它是阿尔卑斯风格的“LastWord”——明白了吗?

    I christened this variation the Yodeler , because it 's an Alpine Last Word -- get it ?

  4. 代表德国签字的是海军上将弗雷德堡和约德尔将军。

    Admiral Friedeburg and general Jodl signed for germany .

  5. 胡多尔是个顽皮的约德尔男孩。

    Hoodle was a naughty Yordle boy .

  6. 约德尔如今把这些话重复给科勒听。

    Jodl now repeated this to koller .

  7. 谷歌女发言人莎丽•约德尔•道尔蒂拒绝对谷歌、其合作伙伴以及相关诉讼进行评论。

    Google spokeswoman Shari Yoder Doherty declined to comment on Google and its partners or any complaints to the government .

  8. 约德尔将军在无条件投降书上签完字后说,他想讲几句,当即获准。

    After having signed the full surrender , General Jodl said he wanted to speak and received leaves to do so .

  9. 最后到了那天晚上,他把凯特尔和约德尔叫来,命令他们到南方去直接指挥残余的军队。

    Finally that evening he called in Keitel and Jodl and ordered them to proceed south to take over direct command of the remaining armed forces .

  10. 科勒在柏林与波茨坦之间的克拉姆普尼茨(没有最高统帅的最高统帅部的临时大本营现在设在这里)找到了约德尔,约德尔把全部悲惨的经过告诉了空军里的这位朋友。

    At Krampnitz , between Berlin and Potsdam , where the now Fuehrerless OKW had set up temporary headquarters , he found him , and Jodl told his Air Force friend the whole sad story .

  11. 来自阿尔卑斯山的款�附近的奥地利招待馆内,在滑雪小屋风格的露台上提供泡菜腊肠和斯梯阁啤酒,还可以欣赏到伦敦塔的景色。那里也有一个大屏幕可以观看奥运比赛,还有一个“约德尔电话亭”。

    Nearby Austria House offersbratwurst with sauerkraut and Stiegl beer on a ski chalet-style terrace with views of the Tower of London , as well as big-screen sports and a " yodeling telephone box . "

  12. 在下个补丁中我们提高了皮城女警凯特琳的约德尔捕捉陷阱的上限数量,以改善他的团队作用,同时提高她的攻击速度以提高她在后期的伤害。

    We added an extra maximum Yordle Snap Trap to Caitlyn , which will improve her team utility presence , along with an attack speed boost to give her a little more ability to scale into late-game damage .

  13. 但是在两个晚上以后,在东线的灾难的打击下,希特勒、戈林和约德尔反而认为没有必要向西方要求停战了。

    But two nights later , under the impact of the disaster in the east , hitler , Goering and Jodl were in such a state that they thought it would not be necessary to ask the West for an armistice .