
  • economy;Member Economy
  1. 分析家警告说,欧洲最强大的经济体可能将面临困境。

    Analysts warned that Europe 's most powerful economy may be facing trouble

  2. 他们的目的是要建立一个公平的社会和一个强大的经济体。

    Their purpose is to build a fair society and a strong economy

  3. 他的理论对很多欠发达经济体都不适用。

    His theory was inapplicable to many underdeveloped economies .

  4. 津巴布韦是非洲工业化程度最高的经济体。

    Zimbabwe boasts Africa 's most industrialised economy .

  5. 看来北非经济体几乎注定还将以欧洲为主导。

    It seems almost inevitable that North African economies will still be primarily oriented towards Europe

  6. 矛盾之处在于这个地区最有活力的经济体却有着最落后的金融体系。

    The paradox is that the region 's most dynamic economies have the most primitive financial systems

  7. 在发达的混合经济体中,充足的房源供给是可能的,在那里贫困阶层的利益较有保障。

    Adequate housing is possible in developed , mixed economies wherein the interests of the poor have prevailed .

  8. 在新兴经济体中,乡村社区绕开了传输电力的电线和木头电线杆。

    In emerging economies , rural communities are bypassing the wires and wooden poles that spread power .

  9. 对一个经济体来说,真正的考验不是王子们能在避税天堂积累多少财富,而是普通公民的富裕程度。

    The true test of an economy is not how much wealth its princes can accumulate in tax havens , but how well off the typical citizen is .

  10. 现在,这一非洲最大的经济体正面临粮食危机,原因在于主要的西红柿田正被一种昆虫破坏,导致全国范围内的西红柿短缺及价格上涨。

    Now , Africa 's largest economy is facing a food crisis as major tomato fields have been destroyed by an insect , leading to a nationwide shortage and escalating prices .

  11. 几年后,一个大型的国防工程终于提供了经济体所需的足够的财政刺激——然后突然间企业就热衷雇用这些“无法适应工作且缺乏培训”的员工了。

    A few years later , a large defense buildup finally provided a fiscal stimulus adequate to the economy 's needs — and suddenly industry was eager to employ those " unadaptable and untrained " workers .

  12. 即使是严重依赖化石燃杜出口的经济体,如非洲和中东,也有巨大的潜力开发可再生能源。

    Even   Africa   and   the   Middle   East ,   home   to   economies   that   are heavily   dependent   on   fossil   fuel   exports ,   have   enormous   potential   to   develop   renewables .

  13. 中国希望以北京会议为契机,深化亚太各经济体合作,建立面向未来的更紧密的伙伴关系,共同勾画亚太长远发展前景。Integration|一体化

    China hopes the Beijing meeting will deepen Asia-Pacific economic cooperation and shape the region 's future through closer partnership .

  14. 发达经济体FDI受疫情冲击最为严重。2020年,发达经济体吸收FDI约2290亿美元,较前一年骤降69%。

    The decline in FDI was concentrated in developed countries , where flows fell by 69 percent to $ 229 billion .

  15. 亚太经合组织目前共有21个经济体成员,它们的人口占全球40%,GDP占全球57%,贸易额占全球46%。FTAAP|亚太自由贸易区

    The 21 APEC economies make up 40 percent of global population , 57 percent of the world 's GDP , and 46 percent of the global trade .

  16. 《博鳌亚洲论坛新兴经济体发展2016年度报告》指出,如不加速去杠杆化,可能会引发“E11”(新兴11国)的债务危机。

    Debt crisis may erupt in the E11 ( eleven emerging economies ) countries , unless they make urgent de-leveraging efforts , the forum 's 2016 report on the development of emerging economies said .

  17. 中国是不是最大的世界经济体。

    Whether China has become the largest economy in the world ?

  18. 并列为二十一世纪全球最大经济体国家。

    the world 's largest economies in the 21st century .

  19. 第三,主要经济体央行联手降低利率。

    Third , main economy Central Bank collaborates to cut the interest rate .

  20. 约三分之二新兴市场和发展中经济体的人均收入损失在2022年之前将难以恢复。世行行长马尔帕斯表示,

    Per capita income losses will not be unwound by 2022 for about two-thirds of emerging markets and developing economies .

  21. “第三部门”指的是经济体的慈善机构和事业、宗教工作、志愿服务等领域。

    Third sector1 refers to the part of the economy that includes charity and religious work , philanthropy , and volunteerism .

  22. 报告指出,对于个别债务水平较高的新兴经济体来说,需要维持低利率以确保贷款偿还,而这又会进一步扩大信贷。

    Countries deep in debt have to maintain low interest rates in order to keep up with repayment1 , which further fuels borrowing and lending .

  23. 亚洲各经济体引入新措施推动数字经济、数字基础设施建设以及国际数字领域合作。

    Asian economies have introduced new measures to promote the digital economy , advancing digital infrastructure construction and international digital cooperation , among other initiatives .

  24. 当房地产价格下跌或流动性紧张时,一些经济体可能会陷入“借新还旧”的恶行循环。

    Some of them might fall into a vicious cycle of borrowing to return debts when property prices drop or liquidity2 dries up , it said .

  25. 我国成为疫情发生以来第一个恢复增长的主要经济体,在疫情防控和经济恢复上都走在世界前列,显示了中国的强大修复能力和旺盛生机活力!

    China has become the first major economy to return to growth since the COVID-19 pandemic , and has taken the lead in the world in both epidemic .

  26. 我们要牢固树立亚太命运共同体意识,以自身发展带动他人发展,以协调联动最大限度发挥各自优势,传导正能量,形成各经济体良性互动、协调发展的格局。

    We should strengthen the sense of community of common destiny , contribute to other 's development with that of one 's own , tap fully development among all economies .

  27. 发展中经济体相比发达国家更受外资青睐流入发展中经济体的外国直接投资约为6160亿美元,比2019年下降12%,流入发展中经济体的外国直接投资占全球外国直接投资的比重已高达72%,达到历史最高水平。

    Although FDI to developing economies decreased by 12 percent to an estimated $ 616 billion , they accounted for 72 percent of global FDI — the highest share on record .

  28. 我国在世界主要经济体中率先实现正增长,预计2020年国内生产总值迈上百万亿元新台阶。

    China is the first major economy worldwide to achieve positive growth , and its GDP in 2020 is expected to step up to a new level of 100 trillion yuan .

  29. 德国和法国这两个欧元区最大的经济体借债额最高,不过,斯洛文尼亚和西班牙这种经济实力不太强的国家可能会在希腊债务危机中受损更多。

    The Eurozone 's largest economies , Germany and France , are owed the most but countries with smaller or less robust economies , such as Slovenia and Spain , would likely suffer more .

  30. 一部手机的生产过程可能涵盖10到15个国家,全球价值链的形成已成为各经济体贸易与产业分工合作发展到新高度的重要标志,也为贸易投资自由化的深入发展增添了新动力。

    About 10 to 15 countries are involved in making a mobile phone . The formation of global value chain is an important sign that trade and industrial cooperation among member economies has reached a new height .