
jīnɡ jì wēi jī
  • economic crisis
  1. 经济危机反映出政府政策不如人意的一面。

    The economic crisis reflects badly on the government 's policies .

  2. 很显然,自然灾害也是造成该大陆经济危机的原因之一。

    Natural disasters have obviously contributed to the continent 's economic crisis

  3. 对于这场经济危机有着截然不同的解释。

    The economic crisis was interpreted in diametrically opposing ways .

  4. 一场经济危机可能严重影响到全球安定。

    An economic crisis may have tremendous consequences for our global security .

  5. 战争加剧了原本已很严重的经济危机。

    The war has aggravated an acute economic crisis

  6. 那是该国摆脱经济危机的最后一搏。

    It represents a last ditch attempt by the country to extricate itself from its economic crisis

  7. 英国报界小题大做,酿成了一场不必要的经济危机。

    The British press , making a mountain out of a molehill , precipitated an unnecessary economic crisis .

  8. 议会还没有着手应对日益严重的经济危机,公众日渐失去了耐心。

    Parliament has not yet begun to combat the deepening economic crisis , and public patience is wearing thin .

  9. 经济危机使得找到工作几乎成为不可能,就连能力出众的学生都对工作前景不抱希望。

    The economic crisis makes jobs almost impossible to find and even able pupils feel hopeless about job prospects .

  10. 经济危机期间,数百万工人被解雇。

    Millions of workers were laid off during the economic crisis .

  11. 这个新生的国家目前正面临一场经济危机。。

    This newly founded country now faces an economic crisis .

  12. 经济危机加剧,失业人数激增。

    With the deepening of the economic crisis , unemployment shot up .

  13. 政府在政治和经济危机中愈陷愈深。

    The government has been bogged down deeper and deeper in political and economic crises .

  14. 在这次经济危机中,已有许多公司倒闭了。

    Many companies have been sent under in the economic crisis .

  15. 通货膨胀政策解救不了经济危机。

    Inflationary policies are no remedy for an economic crisis .

  16. 那场经济危机过去好长时间之后,公司才恢复元气。

    It was quite some time before the firm pulled round after the economic crisis .

  17. 经济危机一到,小企业往往最先倒闭。

    In economic crisis , smaller enterprises are usually among the first to fold up .

  18. 我知道,警察这份工作已成为纽约人抵抗经济危机的“香饽饽”。

    I know that the police has become new yorkers ' " sweet pastry " to resist the crisis .

  19. 结果,快餐连锁企业比那些贵一点的同行们更好地度过了这次经济危机。

    As a result , fast-food chains have weathered the recession better than their more expensive competitors .

  20. 在一个日益受到战争、恐怖主义、经济危机以及大范围爆发的传染病带来的种种威胁和不确定因素挑战的世界,人们是否能享受平静的生活呢?

    Is it possible to enjoy a peaceful life in a world that is increasingly challenged by threats and uncertainties from wars , terrorism , economic crises and a widespread outbreak of infectious diseases ?

  21. 市场调查显示,医生和护士几乎不用担心失业问题:即使发生经济危机,医疗工作者通常也能保住自己的工作。

    According to market research , doctors and nurses almost never face the unemployment issue : even when economic crises take place , medical workers usually are able to keep their jobs .

  22. 对于制造业中谁将成为全球经济危机中的输家或赢家,英国工程师戈登斯泰尔斯(gordonstyles)的看法很明确。

    Gordon styles has strong views on who will emerge as the winners and losers in manufacturing from the global economic crisis .

  23. 许多经济学家警告称,如上世纪30年代的大萧条(greatdepression)一样,本次全球经济危机可能促使各国诉诸于保护主义,以应对国内产业的求救呼吁。

    Many economists have warned that the global economic crisis may prompt countries to resort to protectionism as domestic industries cry out for help , as in the Great Depression of the 1930s .

  24. 但是,这轮全球经济危机的爆发,极大的抑制了天津地区的电力需求,全社会用电量增长率与GDP增长率之间呈现出明显的背离。

    However , with the outbreak of the global economic crisis has greatly inhibited electricity demand in Tianjin , electricity consumption and GDP growth rate showed a significant difference .

  25. 第三,通过对比回归分析和Granger因果检验,厘清了投机力量在金融危机前后以及后经济危机时期在油价波动中发挥的作用,是对石油金融属性研究的一个重要补充。

    Thirdly by comparing the regression analysis and Granger causality test , the paper makes clear the role of speculation on oil price before and after the financial crisis .

  26. 尤其在1997年经济危机之后,韩国政府进一步认识到了FDI在拉动经济增长,创造就业机会,促进生产力发展及技术转让发面的重要作用,并努力对相关政策进行了修订。

    Further , after the economic crisis in year of 1997 , Korean government recognized importance of FDI in economic growth , job creation , productivity improvement , technology transfer and make a special effort to amend the policy .

  27. 确实,由于面临收入缺口的家庭往往减少食品支出,尤其是健康食品支出,因此婴儿在经济危机期间可能会死亡,Friedman说。

    Indeed , infants die during economic crises because families , facing an income shortfall , tend to spend less on food , especially healthy food , Friedman said .

  28. 佐利克表示,富裕国家和大型新兴市场国家决定为国际货币基金组织(imf)提供更多资源,用于应对经济危机,“其根本作用是为全球经济购买了一份金融保险。”

    Mr Zoellick said the decision by wealthy countries and large emerging markets to give the International Monetary Fund more resources to fight economic crises was " fundamental in offering a financial insurance policy for the global economy . "

  29. 他补充道:在华盛顿,我们就一些原则达成了共识。在伦敦,我们希望看到结果。他指的是去年在华盛顿举行的上届G20会议,那是针对金融和经济危机的首次全球政治回应。

    In Washington we agreed on principles , in London we want to see results , he added , referring to last year 's precursor G20 meeting , the first global political reaction to the financial and economic crisis .

  30. 美国200亿的电子游戏市场正受到世界经济危机的影响,因此微软的kinect是承担着巨大风险的。

    The $ 20 billion US video game market has been hard hit by the economic downturn . So the pressure is on for Microsoft to score big with Kinect .