
jīnɡ jì lǒnɡ duàn
  • economic monopoly
  1. 经济垄断和行政垄断是垄断的两种形式,它们的成因是不同的。

    It can be found in two forms : economic monopoly and administrative monopoly , with different causes .

  2. 以此为基础,探讨了经济垄断对竞争的全面影响。

    Based on this , we discuss the overall effects which economic monopoly affects competition .

  3. 纳粹对犹太人的经济垄断。

    The economic strangulation of the Jews by the Nazi Party .

  4. 反垄断法应重点规范行政垄断而非经济垄断;

    Anti-Monopoly should lay emphasis on administrative trust rather than economic trust .

  5. 我国基础设施领域国有经济垄断问题的再思考

    New Thinking of Monopoly of State-owned Enterprise in the Infrastructure Industries in China

  6. 行政垄断与经济垄断不同,在目前我国经济生活中其危害更甚于经济垄断。

    Administrative monopoly is different from economic monopoly and its harmful effects are even worse .

  7. 因此本文首先对经济垄断的竞争效应作了系统深入的分析。

    Therefore , this dissertation firstly analyses the competition effect of economic monopoly systematically and profoundly .

  8. 最后,比较了行政垄断与经济垄断、国家垄断的异同。

    Finally , a comparison is given between the administrative monopoly , economical monopoly and state monopoly .

  9. 这些观点的分歧集中于经济垄断对技术创新的动力与能力的影响两个方面。

    All these views ' differences center on the effects of economic monopoly on the motivation and ability of technological innovation .

  10. 在这个过程中我国经历了全面的行政垄断、行政垄断与经济垄断并存阶段,以及在现阶段社会之中行政垄断法律规制的三级跳。

    In this process , we experience overall administrative monopoly , administrative monopoly coexisting economy monopoly and administrative monopoly of statutory regulation .

  11. 我国的垄断行为主要包括行政垄断行为和经济垄断行为,行政垄断开始逐渐渗透到经济生活中的各个方面。

    The monopolistic activities in China include administrative monopoly and economic monopoly activities which began to infiltrate into economic situation in all aspects .

  12. 知识产权表现为一种法定垄断状态,而且在一定条件下这种法定垄断权可能转化成反垄断法所关注的经济垄断。

    Behaved as an legal monopoly , under certain circumstance intellectual property rights might transform into economic monopoly that antimonopoly law would regulate .

  13. 我国资源产业市场结构表现为市场集中度总体偏低,自然垄断、行政垄断和经济垄断混合的非常态垄断和资源产业上下游进入机制的不健全。

    Concentration degree of resource industry 's market is too low or too high which has caused the market structure 's low efficiency .

  14. 我国的反垄断法在反对经济垄断的同时,还特别应当规制行政垄断,并且应当设立独立性、权威性的反垄断执法机构。

    Chinese anti-monopoly law should regulate economic monopoly and administrative monopoly . The anti-monopoly law enforcement agency with independence and authority should be established .

  15. 从成因上可把垄断细分为行政垄断、法定垄断、自然垄断和经济垄断。

    In terms of causality , monopoly can be divided into four forms : administrative monopoly , legal monopoly , natural monopoly and economic monopoly .

  16. 行政垄断与经济垄断有着本质的区别,我们不能把两者从本质上进行分离,更不能因此忽略了两者在具体形式上的区别,忽视了行政垄断的行政性。

    There exists principle difference between administrative monopoly and economic monopoly . We cannot be ignorant of the difference in concrete model and the administration of administrative monopoly .

  17. 本文的研究对象为经济垄断,并把其定义为:一个或少数企业在特定市场上通过竞争和集中所形成的排他性控制市场状态。

    This dissertation mainly discusses the economic monopoly and defines it as that one or some enterprises have exclusive market power in special markets through competition and concentration .

  18. 行政垄断与经济垄断、国家垄断,自然垄断相比,有其相同或相似的一面,但更有其显著的区分。

    Although the administrative monopoly , economic monopoly , natural monopoly , and country 's monopoly have the same characteristics in some fields , they are definitely different .

  19. 规制经济垄断、建立市场经济体制、维护国民经济安全需要反垄断法。

    The enactment of Anti trust law is necessary to the regulation of economic monopoly , the establishment of market economy system and the security of our national economy .

  20. 无论是行业协会的经济垄断行为还是行政垄断行为,在特定的情况下可以得到豁免。具体而言,行业协会限制竞争行为的豁免包括无条件的豁免、有条件的豁免以及其他豁免等三种情况。

    However , whether it is economic monopoly or administrative monopoly , exemption may be available under certain circumstances , which includes unconditional exemption , conditional exemption and other exemption .

  21. 对行政垄断的基本理论进行探讨,厘清行政垄断与经济垄断、国家垄断、自然垄断等其它类型垄断之间的关系,有利于对行政垄断进行明确定位。

    Discussing the basic theory of administrative monopoly , and the relations between administrative monopoly and economic monopoly , national monopoly , natural monopoly , can make its position clearly .

  22. 本文通过对行政垄断概念的界定,并将其与经济垄断进行比较分析,揭示了行政垄断违法性的本质。

    This text is it monopolize definition of concept to administration to pass , monopolize comparative analysis it with economy , have announced that the administration monopolizes breaking the law essence .

  23. 通过理论比较分析、大量的实证对比研究,得出了本文的第二个重要结论:经济垄断有利于技术创新的发展。

    By the theoretical analysis and a large number of empirical comparative studies , this dissertation obtains the second conclusion : economic monopoly is conducive to the development of technological innovation .

  24. 本文通过经济学说史的研究,对垄断观念在垄断概念、垄断分析方法和反垄断政策实施中的观念分歧进行归纳和阐述,论证了经济垄断不存在,对经济垄断进行管制是值得怀疑的观点。

    The paper makes a " meta-theoretical " study of the history of monopoly doctrines and antimonopoly policy from the angle of both the idealistic history of monopoly and some main analyzing approaches .

  25. 首先,对行政垄断的概念加以界定;其次,对行政垄断的特征加以分析,揭示了行政垄断与经济垄断的区别。

    First , give a clear definition of the administrative monopoly . Secondly , the analysis of the features of the administrative monopoly reveals the difference between the administrative monopoly and economic monopoly .

  26. 行政性垄断由于有政府权力的支持,因而是一种制度性的,具有取消竞争功能的垄断形式,与其他经济垄断相比,对市场具有重大的危害。

    The monopoly of administration , owing to having support of government power , is a system monopoly form that competition function is cancelled , possesses bigger barm to market compared with other monopoly .

  27. 同经济垄断相比,行政垄断除具有垄断的一般特点外,其维护的对象多为本地区或本部门的利益,对竞争具有更大的危害性。

    Compared with the economic monopoly , the administrative monopoly has much more harm to competition . The main point is that the government and its departments misuse the power to prevent the enterprises from competing .

  28. 专利权是法律为鼓励技术革新、促进技术繁荣而赋予专利人的带有一定经济垄断性色彩的权利,是一种合法的专有垄断权。

    A patent is a legal order to encourage technological innovation , promote technology patent to give people the prosperity of the economy with a certain color of monopoly rights is a legitimate right to the exclusive monopoly .

  29. 与经济垄断不同,行政垄断是特定的非经济主体&政府及其所属部门滥用其依法享有的行政权力实施的垄断;

    Administrative monopoly , differing from economic monopoly , is one executed by the specific subject of non-economy ( governments and its enforcement departments ) by abusing its legal administrative powers . It is also different with legal monopoly .

  30. 由于行政垄断产生的效果与经济垄断相同,都是排除、限制或妨碍合法竞争,因此,通常将其视为一种违反了反垄断法的违法行为。

    Because the same results produced by both the administrative monopoly and economic monopoly : rejecting , restricting or blocking legal competition , the administrative monopoly is generally considered as a kind of illegal behavior against the Antitrust Law .