
jīnɡ jì dà ɡuó
  • An economic power;economic powerhouse
  1. 中国已崛起为一个自主的全球经济大国。

    China has emerged as a global economic powerhouse in its own right .

  2. 中国正成为一个经济大国。

    China is becoming an economic powerhouse .

  3. 报告特别指出经济大国的进出口量攀升。

    The report notes that export and import volumes picked up in leading economies

  4. 向其它国家提供FDI的国家通常被认为是具备影响力的经济大国。

    Countries that supply FDI to other nations are perceived to have clout as economic players .

  5. 近几年,世界经济大国对LNG的需求迅速增长。

    In recent years , the demand of LNG from theworld major economies has increased rapidly .

  6. 戴维卡梅伦(DavidCameron)周三警告称,如果中国不承担起全球经济大国的新责任,全球化可能会出现倒退。

    David Cameron warned on Wednesday that globalisation could go into reverse if China does not live up to its new responsibilities as a global economic power .

  7. 对于像北卡罗来纳大学这样的EMBA课程,相关需求在一定程度上源于中国经济大国地位的崛起。

    Demand for programs like the one at UNC partly stems from China 's growing status as an economic heavyweight .

  8. SDR定值的篮子货币范围应扩大到世界主要经济大国,也可将GDP作为权重考虑因素之一。

    The basket of currencies forming the basis for SDR valuation should be expanded to include currencies of all major economies , and the GDP may also be included as a weight .

  9. 在向清华大学(TsinghuaUniversity)学生发表演讲时,萨科齐敦促中国承担起作为全球经济大国的环境责任。能源专家预计,中国很快将成为全球最大的二氧化碳排放国。

    In a speech to students at Beijing 's Tsinghua University , Mr Sarkozy urged China to shoulder its environmental responsibilities as a global economic power that energy experts predict will soon emerge as the world 's biggest emitter of carbon dioxide .

  10. 教皇方济各(PopeFrancis)即将发表的一则关于环境的通谕初稿显示,他将呼吁大幅减少碳排放,并抨击那些抵制抗击气候变化努力的经济大国。

    Pope Francis will call for a drastic reduction in carbon emissions and lash out against economic powers that are opposing efforts to combat climate change , according to an early draft of his forthcoming encyclical on the environment .

  11. 由经济大国组成的7国集团(g7)财长上周日深夜举行了半个小时的电话会议,通报欧洲方面的最新讨论进展;一名欧盟外交官将此举形容为美国感到担忧的一个迹象。

    Finance ministers from the group of seven economic powers held a half-hour , late-night conference call on Sunday to be updated on European deliberations a call one EU diplomat described as a sign of us concern .

  12. 教皇方济各(PopeFrancis)即将发表的一则关于环境的通谕初稿显示,他将呼吁“大幅减少”碳排放,并抨击那些抵制抗击气候变化努力的“经济大国”。

    Pope Francis will call for a " drastic reduction " in carbon emissions and lash out against " economic powers " that are opposing efforts to combat climate change , according to an early draft of his forthcoming encyclical on the environment .

  13. 尤其对于中国这样一个经济大国和能源消费大国来讲,在各国参与新能源产业的竞争中扮演了十分重要的角色。

    Each country plays a significant role in new energy competition .

  14. 中国是现在世界上的经济大国之一。

    China is now among the greatest powers in the world .

  15. 一个外向型经济大国日益繁荣,不过其贸易伙伴勃然大怒。

    BIG export-oriented economy is booming but its trading partners are livid .

  16. 中国必将成为一个占据主导地位的经济大国。

    China is set to become an economically dominant power .

  17. 任何人不需提醒就知道,中国将是未来的超级经济大国。

    No one needs reminding that China is the coming economic superpower .

  18. 在南美地区,巴西仍将是占据主导地位的经济大国。

    In South America , Brazil continues to be the dominant economic power .

  19. 正是这一点让我们跻身世界经济大国之列。

    That 's what made us an economic superpower .

  20. 而且许多经济大国通常能够不受油价波动的影响。

    Also , big economies today are generally better insulated from oil-price fluctuations .

  21. 这些国家随后全都发展成经济大国。

    They then went on to be economic behemoths .

  22. 日本是一个经济大国也是一个教育大国。

    Japan is powerful in economy and education .

  23. 论日本经济大国的地位及其发展前景

    Japanese Economy : Its Present Status and Prospects

  24. 日本作为第二经济大国在世界事务中发挥的影响不容小看。

    Japan as the second economic power in the world affairs plays a great role .

  25. 经济大国组成的七国集团中,只有德国经济没有退步。

    Of the G7 group of large economies , only Germany has not gone backwards .

  26. 从国际上看,世界上经济大国莫不是海洋大国。

    Internationally , all the economic powers in the world are powerful in the ocean .

  27. 支撑其奇迹的是国内外诸多有利因素,所有这些因素便构成了日本经济大国地位及其发展前景的基点。

    These achievements were brought about by many advantageous factors both at home and abroad .

  28. 这一情况被称为中国作为国际经济大国崛起的里程碑。

    This situation is called as milepost China International Economic Rise of the great powers .

  29. 南非是能源大国,也是非洲经济大国,电力发展较快。

    South Africa is energy and economy big country with rapid development of electic power .

  30. 作为世界第二经济大国,日本因其贸易保护政策而遭受批评。

    Japan as the second-largest world economy has been criticized due to its closed-door policy .