
jié ɡòu zhǔ yì yǔ yán xué
  • Structuralism Linguistics;structuralist linguistics
  1. 本文讨论与美国结构主义语言学有关的四个问题。

    The paper examines four controversial questions concerning American structuralist linguistics .

  2. 美国结构主义语言学:回顾与反思

    Review of American Structuralist Linguistics

  3. 结构主义语言学产生的影响广泛而深刻。

    The impact generated by structural linguistics was deep and wide .

  4. 标记概念可以称得上是结构主义语言学中的一个非常重要的概念。

    Markedness theory is one of the most important theories of Structuralism .

  5. 传统理论和方法是结构主义语言学和历史比较语言学。

    The traditional methods and theories are based on Structuralism and historical comparative linguistics .

  6. 结构主义语言学思想与语法化理论

    The Thought of Structuralism and the Grammaticalization Theory

  7. 语篇语言学是一门较新的学问,是继结构主义语言学和转换生成语言学之后新兴起的一个语言学分支。

    Text linguistics is a relatively new discipline .

  8. 语言学未来的发展趋势必定是结构主义语言学和解构主义语言学的统一。

    The developing tendency for linguistics is the combination of constructive linguistics and deconstructive linguistics .

  9. 在汉语语法方面,赵元任先生是第一个也是最成功地运用结构主义语言学的理论方法研究汉语语法的学者。

    He is the first scholar adopts theoretical methods of structural linguistics to study Chinese grammar successfully .

  10. 结构主义语言学确立了将人类的语言活动纳入二元对立体系分别进行考察的新方法。

    Abstract : Structuralist linguistics represents a new , dualistic approach to the speech acts of human beings .

  11. 在结构主义语言学遭受社会语言学的挑战时,测试也从心理测量学结构主义语言测试学向心理语言学社会语言学测试转变。

    When structuralism was challenged by sociolinguistics , language test was transformed from psychometrics-structuralist testing to psycholinguistic-sociolinguistic testing .

  12. 结构主义语言学限制自己的研究于各语言内部结构,从内部结构来解释各语法形式。

    Structural linguistics reduces its research to the plain internal structure of language to explain all grammatical forms .

  13. 自结构主义语言学之后,对语言的研究超越了对语言内部结构的分解。

    In the post-structuralist era , language research and study go far beyond the analysis on language structures .

  14. 对比分析的语言学理论基础是结构主义语言学,其心理学的理论基础是行为主义心理学和迁移理论。

    The language basis of this method is structural linguistics and its mental fundation is behaviorism and transfer theory .

  15. 20世纪初经验主义哲学的盛行推动了结构主义语言学的发展;

    The prevalence of experimentalism philosophy in the beginning of the 20th century enhanced the development of structuralism linguistics ;

  16. 列维-斯特劳斯是首先将结构主义语言学方法运用于对社会文化现象分析的文化人类学家和结构主义大师。

    Levi-Strauss is a cultural anthropologist and structuralism master who applies the method of structuralism to analyse the social culture phenmenon at first .

  17. 传统理论之一的结构主义语言学认为,语言符号由能指(形式)和所指(意义)构成,它们之间的关系是任意的。

    Structuralists proposed that linguistic signs consist of " significant " ( form ) and signified ( meaning ) and their relationship is arbitrary .

  18. 作为语言学发展历史上承上启下的人物,布龙菲尔德在世界结构主义语言学历史上扮演着十分重要的作用。

    Forming a connecting link in the linguistics development , Leonard Bloomfield played an very important role in the history of structural linguistics study .

  19. 他利用结构主义语言学模式来研究人类学问题,开创了一种社会学与人类学研究的新方向。

    He used the model of structuralism linguistics to study the question of anthropology that opened a new direction for study of sociology and anthropology .

  20. 标记理论是结构主义语言学的重要理论之一,它强调语言符号的极对称现象和这种对立的不平等性。

    As one of the most important structuralist theories , markedness theory lays great emphasis on the polarity of linguistic signs and its inequality or asymmetry .

  21. 作为美国结构主义语言学理论的两个基础概念,“向心结构”和“离心结构”首先由布龙菲尔德提出,后由霍凯特加以改进。

    Being two fundamental concepts of Stmcturalism ," endocentric structure " and " exocentric structure " were first proposed by Bloomfield , later improved by Hockett .

  22. 标记理论是结构主义语言学的重要理论之一,是布拉格学派研究音位对立问题时提出来的。

    Markedness theory , one of the fundamental theories of structuralist linguistics , was put forward by the Prague School in their study of phonemic oppositions .

  23. 索绪尔首创的结构主义语言学是语言学史上的第一次革命,主要有三个分支流派,即:布拉格学派,描写语言学和伦敦学派。

    The Structrualism founded by Saussure was the first revolution in Linguistics which has three branches ; the Prague School , American Structrualism and London School .

  24. 生成语义学与结构主义语言学发展的关联性研究结构主义语言学确立了将人类的语言活动纳入二元对立体系分别进行考察的新方法。

    On the Correlation between Generative Semantics and Structuralism Linguistics Abstract : Structuralist linguistics represents a new , dualistic approach to the speech acts of human beings .

  25. 话语理论是福柯学术思想中的重要组成部分,它是在福柯对结构主义语言学和结构主义文论批判的基础上形成的。

    Discourse theory is an important part of Foucault 's academic thought , which is constructed on the basis of his criticizing structuralism linguistics and literature theory .

  26. 传统语文学和结构主义语言学的翻译研究范式对翻译文化史上屡见不鲜的“不忠于原作”的行为一概加以贬斥,认为这样的译文无异于“背叛”了原作。

    All the repeatedly occurring infidelity among the translators is labeled as an act of treason by critics in the philological and structural linguistics paradigms of translation studies .

  27. 论述了国外对比语言学发展的三个时期及与之相应的研究方法&结构主义语言学方法、转换生成语言学方法和综合性的方法。

    This paper describes the three periods of development of external contrastive linguistics and the corresponding studying methods & the methods of structural linguistics and transforming linguistics and comprehension .

  28. 20世纪语言学研究经历了三个阶段的发展:结构主义语言学阶段、转换生成语言学阶段和系统功能语言学阶段。

    The linguistics study has experienced three stages in the 20th century : the stage of structuralism , the stage of TG Grammar and the stage of systematic-functional grammar .

  29. 以往基于结构主义语言学的研究更多地从描写出发以展现其句法、语义特征,语法化理论兴起后也出现了对其起源的探讨。

    The structuralism-based studies detailed its syntactic and semantic traits through meticulous depictions and some studies on its origin also appeared with the introduction of the theory of Grammaticalization .

  30. 长期以来,巴蜀语言学一直以现代结构主义语言学作为研究框架,重视语言的“本体”描述。

    But with the development of modern society and multi-exchange of language , Ba-Shu language has changed gradually , resulting in limitations in studies based on traditional linguistic perspective .