
  • 网络Structural Functionalism;structural-functionalism;The Structure-Functionalism
  1. 至此,论文中可以析出两个结论:第一,费孝通完成了对布朗结构功能主义的超越。

    Thus , the thesis can be precipitated two conclusions : first , Fei completed structural functionalism more than Brown .

  2. 20世纪五六十年代,西方学术界的主流理论学派是多元主义和结构功能主义。

    In the 1950s and 1960s , the Western mainstream academic theory of factions was the pluralism and structural functionalism .

  3. 教育与社会秩序&结构功能主义的观点

    Education and Social Order : the Views of Structural - functionalism

  4. 结构功能主义的社会整合效用分析

    The Analysis of Structure and Function Theory of the Social Combining Utility

  5. 传统的结构功能主义范式在这方面建立了较为完整的分析框架;

    The traditional structure functionalism gave a more integrated analysis fram about it .

  6. 结构功能主义在西方社会学理论中一直占据很重要的地位。

    Compared the actuality of the structure of th Structural functionism is an important sociological theory .

  7. 人文的结构功能主义时期,时间大致是反右派之后到其晚年。

    Human structural functionalism during the period of time generally is its old age of " anti-rightist " .

  8. 在解释方面,功能主义相继出现过结构功能主义方法、语用功能主义方法和认知功能主义方法。

    With regard to the process of explanation , functionalists have attempted the approaches of structural functionalism , pragmatic functionalism , and cognitive functionalism .

  9. 科学社会主义中国化的结构功能主义审视有机体·结构·功能&孔德有机体类比功能主义及其他

    The Structural Functionalism Examination on Chinese Characterization of Scientific Socialism 's Organism , Structure and Function & On Comte 's Organic Functionalism of Allegory

  10. 其中,在为数不多的家庭变迁研究的理论范式中,由于受到西方研究者们的影响,结构功能主义被更多的研究者潜在认同。

    Due to the influence of the researchers ' ideas from western countries , structural functionalism paradigm has been subconsciously recognized by researchers in China .

  11. 前两个部分在对国内外文献进行综述的基础上,概要介绍了结构功能主义和社会批判理论这两大社会思潮。

    Based on the literature review of domestic and international research , the first two parts are the general description of structural functionalism and social critical theory .

  12. 带着对这些问题的思考,本文从结构功能主义的理论视角出发,提出了对政府组织协同性进行研究。

    With the consideration of these problems , the thesis puts forward a study on the synergy of government organization from the theoretical perspective of structural functionalism .

  13. 基于结构功能主义的高职教育经济功能分析论职业中学校长经营能力在能力结构中的地位

    Analysis of Financial Function of Higher Vocational Education Based Structural Functionalism ; Study on the Status of Vocational School 's Principal 's Management Ability in Ability Structure

  14. 功能主义与结构功能主义,在西方社会科学尤其是人类学、社会学中,被视为彼此具有相似性却各具不同内涵的概念。

    In social sciences , especially in Western anthropology and sociology , functionalism and structural functionalism are regarded as similarity to each other with a different concept in meaning .

  15. 最后,论文指出该研究最宏大的应用可能出现在“结构功能主义”这一社会学流派中。

    Finally , this paper claims that the most magnificent application of this research maybe appear in the field of structural functionalism , which is a branch of sociology .

  16. 社会学结构功能主义认为公平的高考制度可以维护社会稳定,促进合理的社会分层和社会流动。

    The view of the sociological structure function proposed that the fair college entrance examination system can maintain the social stability , promote society lamination and maintain reasonable social mobility .

  17. 提出在应用结构功能主义的同时也要注意到功能主义对于社会需求一致性的假设,对体育群体不同利益的忽视以及对社会多元化的轻视等不足。

    It is held that weak points of its application such as ignorance of interests of different groups taking sports , of different social needs and diversity need to be heeded .

  18. 传播学学科建立之初,选择了以哥伦比亚学派为代表的结构功能主义而不是芝加哥学派的传播研究范式。

    When the discipline of communication was established , the structural functionalism , represented by Colombia School , was chosen as the research paradigm instead of that stood for by Chicago School .

  19. 转折期:20世纪40至50年代。纳粹德国践踏科学的事件以及帕森斯的结构功能主义理论对默顿产生了极大影响。

    The second stage is called turning-point phase-in the 1940s and 1950s . The events of Nazi Germany trampling on science and the Parsons ' structure functionalism had a great impact on Merton .

  20. 因为本研究需要描述和解释的,是特定的宗教发挥了怎样的功能,以及如何发挥这样的功能,回答这些问题,最有效的分析框架是结构功能主义的分析框架。

    Because this research aims to describe and explain how a certain religion functions in a service centre , so obviously the most effective analytical framework for the study is the structural functionalist one .

  21. 依据结构功能主义的观点,高等教育布局结构是高等教育系统与环境关系的集中表现,社会历史环境往往直接通过社会结构影响和制约高等教育的布局结构。

    According to the theory of structural functionalism , DSHE is a symbol of the relationship between higher education and the environment . Usually , a special period of history will directly affect DSHE by social structure .

  22. 如何成为一个社会问题?西方社会学结构功能主义、冲突论、批判论和后现代理论、行动理论、社会建构论等不同理论范式,展现了对社会问题理论研究的多维视角。

    This article presents multidimensional perspectives of theoretical studies on social problems from the different theoretical paradigms of western sociology , such as structural-functionalism , social conflict theory , critical theory , action theory and social constructionist perspective .

  23. 本文先对结构功能主义理论进行了简要的介绍,然后运用该理论,分别对政府组织的机构设置和运行机制两个方面进行了协同性分析。

    At first , the thesis gives a brief account of the theory of structural functionalism , and then , applies it to analyze the synergy of structural establishment and that of operation mechanism in government organization respectively .

  24. 结构功能主义和冲突理论对教育的选择功能提出了不同观点,前者肯定教育选择功能在促进社会发展中的重要作用,而后者则持相反的观点。

    Structural-functionalism and the theory of conflict put forward different views concerning the choice function of education ; the former affirms the positive role of choice function of education in facilitating social development while the latter holds opposite views .

  25. 最后对作为支撑性概念责任的阐释,结合结构功能主义的相关理论重新界定行政问责制中责任的性质,从而构建起一个以责任为基石的完整的问责体系结构。

    Through interpretation of the supportive concept related to responsibility and utilizing the related theories of structural functionalism to redefine the character of responsibility in the administrative accountability system , a complete systematic structure on the basis of responsibility is established .

  26. 结构功能主义视角下的高等学校组织其次,论文在分析高等学校组织属性的基础上,探讨高校战略管理与企业战略管理的共性与差异;

    Secondly , on the basis of the analysis of the organizational attribute of the institutions of higher education , an exploration is made into the similarity and the difference of the strategic management between enterprises and institutions of higher education .

  27. 在结构功能主义的视角中,功能与结构的良性互动、功能的不断扩充必然要求打破旧的结构,并形成新的结构来适应功能的发展之需。

    From the perspective of the structural functionalism , positive interaction between function and structure and the expansion of the function request that the old structure should be broken , so that a new structure meets the need of development of the function .

  28. 本文以结构功能主义理论和福利多元化理论作为理论支撑,主要采用了质性研究方法,在质性研究方法中主要运用了个案访谈和观察法。

    The paper regards the structural functionalism theory and welfare pluralism theory as the theoretical support , and mainly used qualitative research methods and literature research methods . In the qualitative research , the paper mainly uses the case interview and observation method .

  29. 隐蔽课程自提出以来,一般都是从结构功能主义、现象诠释学和社会批判理论的角度,围绕传统教育进行研究,但忽视了从文化的角度对其进行探讨;

    Since its introduction of Hidden Curriculum , most researches on Hidden Curriculum are usually carried out around the traditional education from the theoretical angles of structuralism & functionalism , phenomenal hermeneutics and social criticism but are ignored from the cultural point of view .

  30. 根据现代的社会冲突理论对传统结构功能主义的反思,社会冲突只要控制得当,能对社会起到积极的作用而不完全是破坏社会和谐的消极作用。

    According to the reconsideration of the modern social conflict theories on the traditional structural functionalism , social conflicts , so far as being controlled appropriately , serves not only as destructive forces that undermine social harmony but also as positive elements in the society .