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  • plotter
  1. 对HP绘图仪P3笔的改进

    The Improvement of the Border Pen P_3of HP Graphics Plotter

  2. 在DOS状态下直接使用绘图仪绘图

    Using graphics plotter to draw graphics directly under the DOS command state

  3. PLC在X-Y绘图仪实验设备中的应用

    Application of PLC in X-Y plot Experiment Equipment

  4. ROLANDDG系列绘图仪功能的开发

    Further Developing the Function of Roland DG Plotter Series

  5. 为此,本文首先在分析绘图仪和喷墨头工作原理的基础上,提出了基于DSP的宽幅面喷墨绘图控制器解决方案。

    To this end , a large format ink-jet-plotter detailed solution based on DSP is given in this thesis through a serious analysis of the principles of inkjet head and plotters .

  6. 本文介绍了在DOS状态下利用C语言,直接在绘图仪上绘图的方法。

    A new method and a C program are proposed in the paper , which can be used to draw graphics in the graphics plotter directly under the DOS command state .

  7. 绘图仪是指能分别沿着X向和Y向移动的坐标尺,X-Y绘图仪接收计算机的命令,在图纸上绘出各种字符和图形。

    As a ruler moving respectively along the X and Y coordinates , X-Y plotter receives computer instructions and draws various kinds of characters and figures .

  8. 本文提出利用通用计算机和X-Y平面绘图仪进行服装计算机辅助设计。

    This paper discusses the design of apparel with the aid of a General Purpose Computer with X-Y level plotter .

  9. 以VISUALBASIC6.0、VISUALFOXPRO6.0、Visualc++6.0等语言工具以及计算机、绘图仪和打印机为硬件支持,建立金矿区环境地质信息系统,实现金矿区环境地质信息的检索、管理与分析。

    Using Visual Basic 6.0 , Visual Foxpro 6.0 , Visual C + + 6.0 etc. as language tools and computer , plot machine and printer as hardware , realize the indexing , management and analysis of environmental geologic information .

  10. DSH仿真系统中适用于不同型号绘图仪的通用绘图软件

    A General Plotting Software for DSH Program

  11. 利用PC微机的并行打印口和MP-1溶出分析仪的绘图仪端口,通过接口电路实现微机对MP-1仪的数据采集;

    By using the parallel printing I / O port of PC microcomputer and the graph plotter port of MP-1 stripping analyzer , an interface circuit was designed for data acquisition .

  12. 其结果以表格的形式打印输出,特性曲线用X-Y数字绘图仪绘制。

    The results are printed out in the form of tables and the characteristic curves are plotted by a X-Y digital plotter .

  13. VPI接口的工程绘图仪在地震资料与测井资料数据处理中使用广泛,但它们无法在微机WINDOWS操作系统下联机驱动。

    The project graph plotter with a VPI interface is widely used in seismetic data processing and logging data processing . But microcomputer cannot drive it under WINDOWS operation system .

  14. 利用NICOLET计算机绘图仪接口和IBM-PC微机RS-232C串行接口作为传送数据端口。

    The plotter interface of NICOLET computer and the RS-232C serial interface of IBM-PC are used as end ports .

  15. 弹簧圆规(绘图仪)FHT型弹性防撞梁及缓冲托罐装置的应用

    Spring bow ( drawing instruments ) Application of FHT Collision Proof Crossbeam and Safety Catch Holding Apparatus

  16. 为了延长进口设备的使用年限,获得最佳经济效益,急需用新型绘图仪改造原DDL-Ⅲ系统的CRT绘图仪。

    To expand the usage life of import equipment and obtain optimal economic efficiency , a new type of plotting apparatus is badly needed to reconstruct CRT plotter used in DDL-III system .

  17. 本文介绍了CAD应用于服装加工业的概况,叙述了B样条函数在计算机辅助服装设计中的应用,并用Fortran-77语言编制了绘制服装曲线的子程序在WX-4675绘图仪上输出。

    The outline is stated of the application of B-spline function with the help of CAD . Subroutine is programmed for drawing curves of apparel . in Fortran-77 language and output is obtained on a WX-4657 plotter .

  18. 圆光栅编码器、力矩电动机和微型计算机等组成。该机采用汉字菜单提示,操作简便,自动化程度较高,并具有良好的检测精度,测试结果由CRT屏幕显示或绘图仪输出。

    With the chinese menu , it is easy to operate its degree of automaticity and testing precision is also highter . The testing results are displayed by CRT screen or by the plotter .

  19. 同时,本文对网络接口,USB接口相关协议进行研究,实现了接口板固件程序并完成了Windows驱动程序的设计与开发。最后完成了通过多个接口传送绘图仪控制信息与绘图仪数据流的任务。

    In the mean while , the firmware of the hardware board is implemented in company with the design and development of the Windows driver , and at last the task of transferring control information and data flow of plotter through multiple interfaces are completed .

  20. 提出一种适合于线状结构二值图象的最优化Freeman链码,并讨论其在绘图仪图纸绘制中的应用。

    In this paper , we present an optimized Freeman chain coding method for bi level line structured images and discuss its application in the storage and automatic plotting of engineering drawings .

  21. 最后,在2.4m幅宽的喷墨绘图仪上进行了实验验证。

    In the end , the proposed method was tested on a experimental inkjet plotter , on which there is a working table 2.4 meters long .

  22. 为了配合地震解释工作,对GS636-2热敏绘图仪的常见故障进行分析,给出具体的排除方法。

    The paper describes the common troubles of GS636-2 thermal plotter and the methods to remove them out .

  23. 本文介绍了作者在IBMPC/XT机和DMP52型滚筒式绘图仪上研制开发的工程地质岩性剖面图的绘图软件GYP,以及该软件的基本结构、算法特点、主要功能和应用示例。

    This paper describes the graphics software GYP of the engineering geological profile on the IBM-PC / XT computer and DMP-52 plotter made by the author , with its basic structure , algorithm characteristics , main functions and the applied examples .

  24. 基于微机并行接口,通过设计一外置VPI接口转换器,配合驱动程序,实现了在多种处理平台下用Windows2000/XP驱动VPI接口的工程绘图仪。

    According to PC parallel interface , we design an outside VPI interface converter and driving software , with them we can realize to drive various plotter with the VPI interface under Windows 2000 / XP on the basis of processing platform .

  25. 本文结合V12绘图仪的实际维修对该设备接口电路进行了详尽地分析,列举了接口电路的常见故障并给出了相应的故障排除方法。

    In combination with the practical maintenance of V12 plotter , the paper analyzed in detail the interface circuit of the equipment and gave the troubles easily appeared and removing methods .

  26. 自动测试对象的波形数据与参数,打印机拷贝VGA方式下屏幕波形并输出测试参数报告,绘图仪绘制测量波形等。

    The auto test of waveform data and parameters of the controlled objects , Also it can realize the coping of the screen waveform and output ing of the tested parameter reports through printer under VGA mode , and the plotting of the measuring waveform with plotter , etc.

  27. 本文给出了ALTOS68000计算机与SR6602六笔多功能智能绘图仪的两种联机方法:串行接口及并行接口联机。

    Two on-line methods , serial and parallel interface on-line ones , for linking an AITOS-68000 Computer to a SR-6602 six-pen multifunctional intelligent instruction manual personal plotter are introduced in this present article .

  28. 为此,本文针对某型号的喷墨绘图仪伺服运动特点,结合无模型自适应控制理论和仿人智能控制理论,提出了基于广义泛模型仿人智能MFAC串级控制算法。

    Therefore , this paper which focuses on the servo movement characteristic of the ink-jet plotter , combines with the theory of the Model-Free Adaptive Control ( MFAC ) and Human Simulated Intelligent Control ( HSIC ), proposes a strategy of MFAC-HSIC cascade control based on the generalized model .

  29. 刻字机改装宽幅面服装绘图仪方法

    The technique of refitting cutting plotter into wide format apparel plotter

  30. 用于色谱数据处理机的喷墨打印/绘图仪

    A Jet Printer / Graph Plotter for the Chromatographic Data Processor