
zuì niè
  • sin;evil;suffering;misery;distress;wrongdoing that brings retribution
罪孽 [zuì niè]
  • (1) [wrongdoing that brings retribution;sin]∶佛教语。指应当受到报应的恶行

  • 罪孽深重

  • (2) [suffering;misery;distress]∶苦难

  • 生活太无情,真是遭不完的罪孽,说不尽的伤心。--老舍《鼓书艺人》

罪孽[zuì niè]
  1. 我就要陷入罪孽的深渊了。

    I was about to sink into the quicksand of sin

  2. 上帝的神圣揭示世人自身的罪孽。

    The holiness of God reveals one 's own sin

  3. 他渴望赎清自己的罪孽。

    He craves redemption for his sins .

  4. 背叛是最不可饶恕的罪孽。

    Treachery was the ultimate sin

  5. 基督徒认为耶稣•基督是来解救我们摆脱罪孽的。

    Christians believe that Jesus Christ came to redeem us from sin .

  6. 那部法典中提到的罪孽之一就是无信仰。

    One sin mentioned in that code is unbelief .

  7. 在它阴翳,在基督,主,因罪孽而变苦之前

    Before it cloud , Christ , lord , and sour with sinning ,

  8. 牧师乞求上帝赦免我们的罪过,涤荡我们的罪孽

    The preacher asked God to forgive us our sins and wash away our iniquities .

  9. 主―耶和华啊,你若究察罪孽,谁能站得住呢

    If thou , Lord shouldest mark iniquities , O Lord , who shall stand ? 3

  10. 玷污者!它对他耳语道。现在你该为你的罪孽付出代价了

    Defiler ! it whispered to him . The time has come to pay for your crimes .

  11. 他们选择把自己的罪孽都投射到他身上,希望在他离开时,他们将得到赦免,福克斯勋爵(LordFoulkes)表示。

    They have chosen to project all their sins on to him in the hope that when he goes it will absolve them , said Lord Foulkes .

  12. Mezzofanti用一夜学会了这种语言,并于隔天早晨倾听了他们的罪孽,救赎了他们的灵魂以免于沦落地狱。

    Mezzofanti learned it in a night , heard their sins the next morning and saved them from hell .

  13. 他认为拯救以宽恕罪孽为基础。

    He believes that redemption is based on remission of sin .

  14. 我们会告诉你的;那是罪孽。

    We would have told you ; it 's a sin .

  15. ?赦免你的一切罪孽,医治你的一切疾病。

    Who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases .

  16. 他的新书主要讲爱情与罪孽。

    Love and guilt form the substance of his new book .

  17. 她是火焰,她是罪孽。

    She is the flame , and she is the blame .

  18. 为罪孽、过错而感到或表示痛苦或悲痛的。

    Feeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offenses .

  19. 那不是罪孽的话,还能是什么?

    If that isn 't a sin , then what is ?

  20. 她为她父亲所作的事感到罪孽。

    She felt guilty for whather father had done to them .

  21. 他必救赎以色列脱离一切的罪孽。

    And he will make Israel free from all his sins .

  22. 原谅我们的罪孽,引导我们至永恒人生。

    Forgive us our sins and lead us to eternal life .

  23. 弥3:10以人血建立锡安、罪孽建造耶路撒冷。

    Who build Zion with bloodshed And Jerusalem with violent injustice .

  24. 在由封建王权所主导的话语系统中,野心就是罪孽,麦克白因而被贴上了恶魔的标签。

    Its unique discourse labeled ambition as evil and thus doomed Macbeth .

  25. 具了解你会移除他们的所犯下的罪孽。

    In the knowledge that you will take from them their burdens .

  26. 你的罪恶岂不是大麽。你的罪孽也没有穷尽。

    Is not your wickedness great ? Are not your sins endless ?

  27. 这样,贫寒的人有指望,罪孽之辈必塞口无言。

    So the poor hath hope , and iniquity stoppeth her mouth .

  28. 在受难节,我们为着主被订十架而忧伤,为自己的罪孽而惮悔。

    On Good Friday , we remorse over Jesus'crucifixion and our sins .

  29. 万能的上帝宽恕我们所有的罪孽。

    The Almightly God that forgives us * Of all our sins .

  30. 全是我的罪孽,父皇,请惩罚我吧。

    It is my crime , father , punish me .