
  • 网络Group experiment;social tests
  1. 本研究分群体实验和个体实验两部分。

    The present study included the experiments in groups and individual .

  2. 无论个体或群体实验,鲐鱼对光反应结果一致,而且群体反应更稳定。

    In both single and group experiments , the results of photoresponse of Common Japanese mackerel are the same and the response of group experiment is even more stable .

  3. EAR通常通过一个短时间小群体的实验来得出的。

    The EAR is usually defined experimentally , often over a relatively short period and in a relatively small study population .

  4. 根据混合分布理论扩展了利用DH或AIL群体重复实验数据鉴定数量性状混合遗传模型的分离分析法,特别是2对连锁主基因+多基因模型。

    The segregation analysis method of identifying mixed major genes and polygenes inheritance model , including linkage inheritance model , of quantitative traits by using DH or AIL population was developed in this paper .

  5. 新编人类群体遗传学实验一组

    A Group of New Experiments on Human Population Genetics

  6. 方法设计了由两个群体暗示实验组、两个权威暗示实验组和1个控制组组成的实验来进行研究。

    Method Design an experiment which consists of four experimental groups ( two authority-suggestion groups and two group-suggestion groups ) and one control group to carry out the related study .

  7. 他们把这种工具包带到世界各地的20多个文化群体中进行实验。

    They took these kits to over 20 cultural groups around the world .

  8. 大淀级轻巡高校公体课篮球教学小群体学习的实验

    Group Learning in the Basketball Class for Non - PE Majors in High Institutions

  9. 体育专业篮球专选课引用联赛制的实验研究高校公体课篮球教学小群体学习的实验

    The Experimental Research on League Tournament Institution Cited into the Basketball Class Group Learning in the Basketball Class for Non-PE Majors in High Institutions

  10. 利用网络边缘中的网格数量和边缘长度作为特征,估计密集和高密集群体密度。实验结果显示,相比于现有算法,本算法估计准确率提高约五个百分点,同时算法处理速度更快。

    The number of grid and length of the edge network are utilized as features to estimate crowded objects densities . Experimental results show , compared to existing methods , this approach has higher accuracy rate on dense and very dense objects densities estimation .

  11. 氨茶碱对哮喘患儿Th亚群体外影响的实验研究

    Experimental Study of Effects in Vitro of Aminophylline on Th Subsets from Children with Allergic Bronchial Asthma During Remission Period

  12. 关于Vibrioharveyi群体感应系统的实验研究已有很多,却没有一个发展完好的理论模型。

    There are a lot of experimental research about the Vibrio harveyi quorum sensing system , while lacking a well-developed theoretical model .

  13. 对分组群体评价方式的实验研究激波与固体颗粒群相互作用实验研究

    Experimental research of grouping assessment ; Experimental investigation on the interaction between shock wave and solid particles

  14. 设计了一个群体机器人路径优化实验,将实验分成3个阶段:探索阶段、信息素积累阶段和路径优化阶段,分别对3个阶段进行了实验,对实验结果进行了分析。

    Design a Multi-Mobile-Robots robot path optimization experiment . The experiment is divided into three phases : the exploration phase , pheromone accumulation phase , and path optimization phases .

  15. 经过遗传算法计算后会生成与初始群体规模相同的新群体(即要进行下次实验的构型),并对新群体进行风洞实验,获得其适应度,不断重复此过程直至算法收敛到最优值。

    We can get new population by genetic algorithm numerating which are selection , crossover and mutation . Then the same process is repeated until algorithm convergences .

  16. 大学生非正式小群体探析高校公体课篮球教学小群体学习的实验

    Analysis of College Students ' Informal Little Groups . Group Learning in the Basketball Class for Non-PE Majors in High Institutions

  17. 研究我国教育方针、政策和体育法等理论,调查本地区本单位系级群体工作评估经验与不足,以本校为群体工作评估的实验基地。

    According to the research on the theories of education policy , priciple and physical law , according to the investigation on the experience and failure of departmental group work in the local area and unit , experimentally based on the group work evaluation of our university .

  18. 运用群体心理的理论,在高校排球体育课中进行了非正式群体分组教学实验。

    This article is about the experiment achievement of physical excise teaching in college by informal group division in public psychology principle .