
  • 网络occupational structure;career structures;employment structure
  1. 近代浙江职业教育的发展与经济变革有着密不可分的关系,而直接影响职业学校课程开设、规模层次的因素当属人口职业结构的变迁。

    The modern vocational education in Zhejiang province has a tight relationship to economic change . The changes in employment structure undoubtedly impact the courses and the scale at vocational schools .

  2. 社会转型与辽宁人口职业结构的变迁

    Social Transformation and the Changing of Population Occupational Structure in Liaoning

  3. 护理专业提供优秀的训练和良好的职业结构。

    Nursing offers excellent training and a good career structure .

  4. 我国人口的职业结构变化特征分析

    Analysis on the Changes and Features of the Occupational Structure in China

  5. 福建省体育人口职业结构特征及比较研究就业人口的结构转型

    Occupational Composition Characteristics of Sports Population in Fujian Province and Comparative Study

  6. 工程界的职业结构不利于女性。

    The engineering career structure works against women .

  7. 山西省职业结构分析

    Analysis on the Vocational Structure of Shanxi Province

  8. 人口职业结构的改变,是近代人口变迁的一个重要变量。

    The change of population professional structure is one important variable of modern demographic transition .

  9. 广东省在业人口职业结构时空变迁:1982-2005

    Historical and Geographical Changes in the Occupational Structure of Working Population in Guangdong Province : 1982-2005

  10. 明清江南人口职业结构变动的思考

    On the Changes of Occupational Structures of Population in the Jiangnan Areas during the Ming-Qing Times

  11. 个别行业内职业结构上的转变

    Occupational structural changes in individual industry

  12. 超大城市社会结构的演化:广州市职业结构变迁分析

    Social Structural Evolvement of Chinese Super Metropolis : An Analysis of the Vocational Structure Change of Guangzhou

  13. 很多这些男女差异都源于传统的性别模式,由社会和职业结构所决定。

    Many of these differences arise out of traditional gender models and are dictated by social and professional structures .

  14. 本文从贵州省就业结构现状,就业人员和职业结构以及对策和建议方面着重进行了探讨。

    The paper explores the present structure of employment , employees , structure of professions , measures and suggestions .

  15. 我国金融保险业的快速发展促使了职业结构的快速变化,职业种类、职业人数以及技能要求都发生变化。

    The speedy development of the industry of finance and insurance causes speedy changes of occupational structure in China .

  16. 城市流动人口在年龄结构、性别结构、文化结构、户口结构上特征鲜明。流动原因同中有异,流动前后职业结构的变化与所在城市的经济结构明显相关。

    The trait in age structure , sex structure , culture structure and registered residence structure of urban floating population is clearly .

  17. 受城市产业转型的影响,城市职业结构也发生了显著变化,非农产业的就业比重已占优势。

    Affected by the urban industrial transformation , occupational structure changed a lot . The employed population in non-agricultural industries played a dominant role .

  18. 小城镇建设必然推动经济结构、产业结构、职业结构和就业结构的变化。

    The construction of small town is bound to promote the change of economic structure , industrial structure , occupational structure and employment structure .

  19. 本文试图在有关基础理论的基础上建立一个关于职业结构的分析框架,并运用这个框架对我国的职业结构进行研究,以期为我国职业结构的研究提供一个分析思路。

    The paper builds an analytical framework of occupational structure on the basis of some relevant basic theories and has a research on it .

  20. 从资源继替关联和生活面向的角度分析职业结构变迁具有一定的学理意义。

    Analyzing the structural changes of occupation of China and Russia from the aspect of correlation of resource renewal and life facing is academically significant .

  21. 北京京剧繁荣的历史与首都优势下的人口数量、职业结构、文化环境、生活节奏密切相关。

    Its flourish in Beijing is closely related with the populations , occupations , and cultural environments by the capital advantage ment in the history .

  22. 产业结构和职业结构在以往的理论框架下出现新的模式:以美国为代表的服务型经济和日本、德国为典型的工业生产型经济。

    Industrial & employment structure and occupational structure have appeared new modes under the background of original theories . One is the Service economy represented by America ;

  23. 在高科技迅速发展、经济全球化趋势、产业结构和职业结构日益变化的今天,学徒制富有更广泛的内涵和意义。

    With rapid technological change , economic globalization , reconstruction of industrial structure and occupational structure , the apprenticeship system will be abundant in meaning and connotation .

  24. 因此,本文认为我国的职业结构是不合理的,可以采取一些措施推进我国职业结构的合理化,充分利用劳动力资源,促进社会经济的健康和谐发展。

    We should take some measures to advance the occupational structure , make full use of the human resource and promote the harmonious development of society and economy .

  25. 用人单位往往在就业进入、工资收入、职位晋升、职业结构和工作时间等方面表现出对男性的偏爱,对女性要求更为苛刻。

    Employers tend to enter employment , wage income , job promotion , occupational structure and work time has demonstrated a preference for men , women more demanding .

  26. 阶层利益关系变化的原因在于我国经济所有制结构的巨大改变、产业结构与职业结构的变迁和经济全球化的影响。

    Transformation of interests of different strata lie in a great change of Chinese ownership structure , transformation of the industrial and occupational structure and the impact of economic globalization .

  27. 职业结构是就业结构的重要组成部分,反映了一个国家和地区的社会结构,也是一个国家和地区现代化程度的重要指标。

    Occupational structure is an important component of employment structure , which is a reflection of social structure and an important index of modernization degree of a country and region .

  28. 广东省内部的人口流动对各地职业结构改变有明显影响,绝大多数出自农村的流动人口通过迁移改变了职业,外出人口众多的地区是职业结构没有明显改变的区域。

    The change of occupation structure was closely associated with the population flow inside Guangdong province , the majority of the rural floating population switched their job on farm to non farm job .

  29. 其后果是,在全社会劳动力职业结构趋于高级化的同时,城镇底层劳动力群体扩张并构成“沉淀”的劳动力供给群。

    As a result , while the labor structure is becoming more and more advanced in the whole society , the base labor groups in cities and townships will see a large expansion .

  30. 老年妇女的职业结构以工人为主,属体力型,在智力型的职业者中,锻炼者高于非锻炼者,在无职业者中,则是非锻炼者高于锻炼者;

    Third , from occupation structure , they are mainly workers , belonging to physical profession , while in intellectual professions , the exerciser are more contrary to the situation among the non-profession .