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  1. 总督作为中央权力分寄地方的一个重要人事职位设置,在有清一代发挥了重要作用。

    In Qing dynasty , governor-generals as an important personnel position setting play an important role in sending power from central to local .

  2. 它根本不是为老职位设置的新名称,而是重新定义了业务和开发/IT之间的关系。

    Far from being a new name for an old job , the role redefines the relationship between business and development / IT .

  3. 成功营销的电脑,一度占据了整个房间后,职位设置上他的目光投向他的计算机萎缩口袋大小,和声乐的设想。

    After successfully marketing the computer , which once occupied an entire room , Jobs set his sights on his vision of shrinking the computer to be pocket sized , and vocal .

  4. 其次,完善职位资格设置的程序。

    Second , improve the post qualifications set program .

  5. 为避免考生过于集中,首尔市政府按照不同的职位类别设置了不同的考试日期。

    The city government holds exams for separate types of job on different days to ease congestion .

  6. 职位资格设置主要应遵循比例原则、不当联结禁止原则、平等原则与法律保留原则。

    The author thinks that , position qualification sets shall be mainly under the principles of proportionality , improper connection retention ban principle , equality principle and the law .

  7. 提议:应在企业高层职位中设置首席“培训”官,其职责应与首席财务官和首席信息官同等重要。

    Proposition : the chief " training " officer becomes the top staff job in a business , with a charge equivalent in gravity to that of the chief financial officer or chief information officer .

  8. 故应明确规范的职位资格设置所应遵循的法律原则,为行政机关考录公务员的具体行为提供法律理论框架的同时,也为未来具体法律规则的确立奠定理论基础。

    Normalization of post qualification settings should follow the principle of law , administrative authorities to substantially specific behavior provides the legal framework at the same time , also for the future detailed theoretical basis for the establishment of the rule of law .

  9. 主要可从以下方面入手确保职位资格设置的规范化、科学化与法制化:强化依法行政意识,健全职位说明书制度,加强听证制度的运用,完善相关救济制度。

    Mainly start from the following aspects to ensure that the post qualifications set of standardized , scientific and legal system : to strengthen the awareness of administration according to law , improve the position description system , strengthen the use of the hearing system , improve the relief system .

  10. 其中,公务员考录职位资格的设置在制度层面与实践层面存在着较为突出的规范性问题,而国内的相关研究相对薄弱。

    Among these problems , there is more focus on issues of the post qualification of civil servants ' recruitment both in the system and practice levels , but related research in China is relatively weak .

  11. 省级公务员主管部门可以地方政府规章或地方政府规章以下规范性文件的形式,统一明确规定各级各类职位的资格设置标准和原则。

    The provincial civil service department local government regulations or local government regulations in the form of the following normative documents , unified clearly defined at all levels of posts in the set standards and principles .

  12. 通过CRG职位认证确定公司的职位设置,明确每个职位的主要职责和关键绩效衡量指标;

    First , this plan decides the main duties and key performance indicator of each position through CRG position certification .

  13. 随后分析了职位体系、任用体系以及工作分析与职位设置、薪酬管理、绩效管理和培训发展的有关内容;

    Next , the contents are position system , appointment system , job analysis and position establishment . Then , this paper introduces wage , performance , training and development management .