
  • 网络United Nations Tourism Organization;WTO
  1. 联合国世界旅游组织(UNWorldTourismOrganisation)表示,2015年赴中国旅游的外国游客数量微升至5690万人,两年仅增长了2.2%。

    The number of foreign tourists visiting China inched up to 56.9m in 2015 , a rise of only 2.2 per cent in two years , said the UN World Tourism Organisation .

  2. 联合国世界旅游组织(UnitedNationsWorldTourismOrganization)的最近数据显示,中国游客2012年出境游支出跃居全球首位,达到1020亿美元,较2011年增加40%。

    Chinese tourists became the world 's biggest travel spenders in 2012 , when outlays on outbound travel swelled to $ 102 billion , up 40 % from 2011 , according to the most recent annual figures from the United Nations World Tourism Organization .

  3. 根据联合国世界旅游组织(WorldTourismOrganization)的一份新报告,2012年,在旅游消费收入上,西班牙位居全球第二,欧洲以外的游客在这个国家消费了11亿美元。

    Spain ranked second in the world in 2012 for revenue from tourism spending , according to a new report from the UN 's World Tourism Organization , with $ 1.1 billion spent on shopping in the country by visitors from outside the E.U. And Madrid and Barcelona were tied for second , behind London ,

  4. 英语学习笔记:联合国世界旅游组织你好,请问能给我推荐一家好吃的甜品店吗?

    the United Nations World Tourism Organization Hello . Can you recommend a good dessert shop ?

  5. 这一称号在今年早些时候由联合国世界旅游组织和中国国家旅游局联合颁发。

    The award was jointly issued earlier this year by the United Nations World Tourism Organization and China National Tourism administration .

  6. 联合国世界旅游组织发布的一项报告显示,世界上约有四分之三的人口进入欧洲需要获得签证。

    A UN World Tourism Organization ( UNWTO ) report stated that three-quarters of people in the world travelling to Europe need a visa .

  7. 根据联合国世界旅游组织,今年有超过10亿多人出国旅行。

    According to the UNTO , the United Nations World Tourism Organization , more than a billion people traveled outside their countries this year .

  8. 我高兴地看到,联合国世界旅游组织在旅游与生物多样性的主题下纪念今年的世界旅游日。

    I am delighted that the UN World Tourism Organization is celebrating this year 's World Tourism Day under the theme Tourism and Biodiversity .

  9. 联合国世界旅游组织预计,今年国际旅游人数将下降多达80%,出口收入损失将高达1.2万亿美元。

    UNWTO predicted that international tourist numbers would fall by as many as 80 percent this year , posting a loss of up to 1.2 trillion U.S. dollars in export revenues .

  10. 联合国世界旅游组织总干事塔勒布·瑞法依说,旅游可以跨疆域产生影响,也可以促进其他产业的发展。

    Taleb Rifai , Secretary General of the UN World Tourism Organization , says the travel sector can also have an effect beyond its own boundaries , and boost other industries .

  11. 据联合国世界旅游组织称,去年,中国游客在海外消费达1020亿美元(670亿英镑),而德国和美国游客总共消费为840亿美元。

    Its tourists spent $ 102bn ( 67bn ) overseas last year , compared with the $ 84bn that German and US tourists spent , according to the UN World Tourism Organisation .

  12. 联合国世界旅游组织已经对来往旅游的担心轻描淡写,因其国家机场及码头的辐射水平在人体的安全范围内。

    The UN World Tourism Organization has downplayed fears about traveling to and from Japan as radiation levels at the country 's airports and ports are " well within safe limits " .

  13. 联合国世界旅游组织表示,自2012年以来,中国已经成为了最大的境外游消费市场。而2016年这一数据也标志着中国游客境外消费连续第13年呈两位数的增长。

    The UNWTO said that China has been the largest outbound travel market since 2012 and that 2016 marked the 13th consecutive year that China saw double-digit growth on outbound tourism expenditure .

  14. 联合国世界旅游组织表示,中国已成为全球第四大最受欢迎旅游目的地,去年,由其他国家到访中国的游客超过6000万人次。

    China has become the fourth most popular destination for tourists worldwide , with more than 60 million trips made by people from other countries last year , according to the United Nations World Tourism Organization .

  15. 联合国世界旅游组织提供的数据显示,2014年中国的出境游客总数增长了10%左右,达到1.09亿人次;中国游客的境外支出也上升了约17%。

    According to data from the United Nations World Tourism Organization , the total number of trips abroad by Chinese citizens rose about 10 % to 109 million in 2014 , with spending up about 17 % .

  16. 联合国世界旅游组织近日发布的数据显示,去年中国游客的境外消费额在全球出境游客中居首,且是美国游客的两倍多。

    Chinese tourists continued to spend more than any other country 's outbound travelers last year , while more than doubling the spending by their US counterparts , according to data released by the United Nations World Tourism Organization .

  17. 这些改变使游客人数迅速上涨——联合国世界旅游组织称,2014年上半年,台湾的国际游客人次增长了26.7%,成为2014年游客人数增长最多的地区。

    The changes created a substantial spike in visitors - Taiwan saw a 26.7 percent increase in international tourist visits during the first half of 2014 , making it the world 's largest tourism increase recorded in 2014 , according to the United Nations World Tourism Organization .

  18. 联合国世界旅游组织在其网站上发布的一份声明中说,这一增幅令中国迅速超越德国和美国。后两者在之前是出境游支出最高的两个国家。2012年德美两国出境旅游支出均同比增长6%,至大约840亿美元。

    That surge sent China screaming past Germany and the U.S. ─ the former No. 1 and No. 2 spenders , respectively ─ which both saw tourist outlays increase 6 % year-on-year to around $ 84 billion in 2012 , the UNWTO said in a statement on its website .

  19. 联合国与世界旅游组织合作和关系协定

    Agreement on Cooperation and Relationship between the United Nations and the World Tourism Organization

  20. 虽然从旅行团成员统一佩戴的旅行帽和配备扩音器的导游来看,中国旅行团缺少了一些时尚气息,但联合国下属机构世界旅游组织(WorldTourismOrganization)公布的数据显示,中国游客对全球旅游业的贡献最大。

    With their matching hats and bullhorn-equipped tour guides , Chinese tour groups may not win many style points , but according to the United Nations World Tourism Organization they 're doing more than anyone else prop up the global tourism industry .