
  • 网络Background check;Background Investigation;reference check;Name Check
  1. 在战术上防范招聘风险则需要注意选择合适的招聘渠道、掌握适中的招聘规模、防止信息不对称、合理进行女性员工的招聘、严格的面试及评估和做好背景调查等方面。

    Against the risk of recruitment tactics you need to pay attention to choose the right recruitment channels , control the recruitment of moderate size , to prevent asymmetric information , rational recruitment of female staff , rigorous interview and assessment , and do reference check and so on .

  2. 通过背景调查后,Cho正式成为76人的行政主厨,他也有望成为NBA最全面、最精细和最完善的食品项目主厨。

    Pending a background check , Cho would become the executive chef of the NBA 's most comprehensive , sophisticated and well-equipped food program .

  3. 《民用航空安全保卫条例》修订草案规定,国内所有民航从业人员都必须接受安全背景调查。

    According to the draft of the revised Regulation on Safety and Security of Civil Aviation , all of the country 's civil aviation personnel must undergo background security investigations1 .

  4. 请在PENCIL网页注册并填写(如必要)背景调查授权书。

    Please register and fill out the Background Authorization Form ( if required ) on the PENCIL page .

  5. 其他大多数CEO都表示,他们会把30%至40%的时间用于背景调查,批准工作邀请和确定招聘的优先顺序。

    Most of the other CEOs on the panel said they spend anywhere from 30 % to 40 % of their time doing reference checks , approving offers and prioritizing hires .

  6. 不同于其他高管职位,CEO候选人的背景调查比较特殊,因为很多时候候选人都没有做过CEO。

    But unlike referencing for other senior executive positions , referencing for CEO contenders is tricky because in many cases the person up for the job has never been a CEO before .

  7. 服务内容包括求职者背景调查的kroll公司的查尔斯托马斯(charlesthomas)表示,简历不实大体分为三类。

    Charles Thomas of Kroll , a company whose services include background checks on job applicants , says that inaccuracies on CVs divide into three main groups .

  8. 只要你曾经跟印度政府部门打过交道,你就会知道,质疑Uber为什么没有做好背景调查,从而过滤掉这样一个有犯罪前科的司机,是一个多么可笑的想法。

    The idea of Uber doing background checks and filtering out this driver with an arrest record is laughable for anyone who has dealt with government records in India .

  9. 只要你曾经跟印度政府部门打过交道,你就会知道,质疑Uber为什么没有做好背景调查,从而“过滤掉”这样一个有犯罪前科的司机,是一个多么可笑的想法。

    The idea of Uber doing background checks and " filtering out " this driver with an arrest record is laughable for anyone who has dealt with government records in India .

  10. 根据一份美国新闻关于全球五百强企业CEO的教育背景调查得出,常青藤名校产出了相当数量的商业领袖。(该杂志每年都会对于收入最高的美国商业公司进行排名。)

    Ivy League schools produce a disproportionate amount of corporate leaders , according to a U.S. News study of the educational backgrounds of 2010 's Fortune 500 CEOs ( the magazine 's annual ranking of American corporations based on gross revenue ) .

  11. 通过对Precheck注册会员进行背景调查并不断对执法数据库进行扫描,TSA对可信任旅客进行的实际上是9.11之前那种程度的安检。

    By doing background checks on Precheck enrollees and constantly scanning law-enforcement databases , TSA offers what is essentially pre-9 / 11 screening to ' trusted travelers . '

  12. 他是在第二年1月获悉自己被录取的,经过一个全面的背景调查后(这其中包括测谎和验血),贝克被确定选为FBI的实习生。

    He was informed in January of the following year that he was selected , and after a full background check which included a lie detector and blood test Baker was a confirmed intern for the FBI .

  13. 一款名为Refresh的应用可以对预计会出席会议的人进行背景调查(或者在面试的时候使用),然后将数据显示到屏幕上,这样“你就可以提出恰当的问题。”

    An app called Refresh can do background research on everyone who 's expected in a gathering , or at a job interview , and put the data on the screen " so you can ask the right questions . "

  14. 目的:对幽门螺杆菌(Hp)相关性萎缩性胃炎分型、肠化分型和不典型增生进行背景调查,探讨Hp感染在萎缩性胃炎发展中的作用。

    Objective : Through the background investigation of the subtypes of chronic atrophic gastritis ( CAG ) and its intestinal metaplasia ( IM ), as well as dysplasia and gastric cancer , to analyze the clinical course of CAG associated with Helicobacter pylori ( Hp ) .

  15. 有些人建议Uber可以采取“更具印度特色”的背景调查方式,比如询问每个司机的几个邻居——虽然这个点子听起来似乎愚蠢,但像这样貌似疯狂、不容易大规模推广的“土办法”很可能会带来更好的结果。

    Someone suggested that Uber adopt a " more Indian way " of background checking by asking a few neighbors of each driver - as silly as it sounds , a crazy , unscaleable , localized approach like this might yield way better results .

  16. 德勤(deloitte)金融咨询部门的一项调查显示,有三分之一的美国企业,并不总是对其海外投资进行背景调查,而在进行调查的企业中,有70%不详细调查行贿和腐败问题。

    A third of US companies do not always do background investigations on overseas investments , and 70 per cent of those that do are not checking in detail for bribery and corruption , according to a survey from the financial advisory arm of Deloitte .

  17. 他把上周宣布、但4月份就已发现的美国人事管理局遭侵入事件,与之前针对该局的网络攻击、以及早先针对Anthem(面向政府雇员的医保提供商)和两家背景调查承包商的攻击联系起来。

    He linked the OPM incident - announced last week but discovered in April - to a previous cyber attack on the same organisation , as well as to earlier attacks on Anthem , a provider of health insurance for government employees , and on two background check contractors .

  18. 德里政府以“不安全”为由封掉Uber,透出一丝针对“外国”公司近乎本能的公关反应。德里的出租车司机、出租车公司和私人运营车辆成千上万,几乎没有人要求对任何驾驶这些车辆的人做任何严肃的背景调查。

    The Delhi government banning Uber as " unsafe " smells of a knee-jerk PR reaction against a company perceived to be " foreign . " Delhi has thousands of taxi drivers , cab companies and private transport vehicles - no one bothers asking for any sort of real background check for anyone driving these things .

  19. 历史调查员:?现状报告进行背景调查。

    Historian : Conducts background research for the existing conditions report .

  20. 光对你有意投资的创业者进行背景调查还不够。

    Doing a background check on your entrepreneur is not enough .

  21. 能很快的帮我做个背景调查吗?

    Could I trouble you to do a quick background check ?

  22. 民盟将进行彻底的所有申请人的背景调查。

    RCD will conduct a thorough background investigation of all applicants .

  23. 背景调查上说他和加西亚是兼职警卫。

    Background check says he and Garcia were part-time janitors .

  24. 您同意我们对您进行背景调查吗?

    Do you agree that we research your working background ?

  25. 民主党人奋力争取加大背景调查和其他枪支限制。

    Democrats are expected to push for checks and other gun curbs .

  26. 我们替必要的交易做些家族背景调查

    we do the requisite trading of familial background information .

  27. 特殊人才需作个人背景调查后方可任聘;

    Special talent 's background will be investigated before hired .

  28. 而通常的背景调查不是拯救一条生命……

    And universal background checks is not going to save one life ...

  29. 你让我通过了背景调查进警校后

    After you pushed my background check through the academy ,

  30. 大多数在美国的主教教区现在需要对雇员进行刑事背景调查。

    Most Catholic dioceses in America now require criminal background checks on employees .