
  • 网络Auto Completion;auto complete;Auto-Complete;Autocomplete
  1. 而GoogleSuggest试图自动完成搜索术语,它要在用户输入时向服务器发送多个请求。

    However , Google Suggest , which attempts to autocomplete your search terms , sends several requests to the server as the user types .

  2. 自动完成功能根据用户通过IME输入的文字笔画来预测单词。

    The AutoComplete feature predicts the word based on the strokes the user enters in the IME .

  3. 注意:Java编辑不是一个自动完成的步骤。

    Note : Java Editing is not an automatic process .

  4. 此外还对textfield略做修改关闭浏览器的自动完成机制。

    After that , I made one small addition to the text_field to turn off the browser 's automatic auto-completion .

  5. 由LinuxShell脚本自动完成评估活动。

    Linux Shell scripts make the evaluation conduct module .

  6. 通过在exchange命令行管理程序中运行脚本,可以自动完成复杂或频繁执行的任务,从而更快和更容易地进行公用文件夹管理。

    Running scripts in the exchange management shell can make public folder administration faster and easier by automating complex or frequently performed tasks .

  7. 应用程序将包括一个自动完成搜索的搜索框,比如GoogleSuggest。

    The application will also include a search box that auto-completes a search , such as Google Suggest .

  8. 自动完成控件&在用户输入时实时显示类似于GoogleSuggest的建议列表。

    Auto-complete control & Displays a suggestion list , similar to Google Suggest , in real time as a user types .

  9. Rails使得构建自动完成字段极其简单。

    Rails makes building auto-complete fields ridiculously simple .

  10. 运行时UI的改善:自动完成提示框,更好的键盘导航(keyboardnavigation),并对长时间运行操作的最终用户体验做出了改善。

    Runtime UI improvements : Auto-complete box , better keyboard navigation , and improved end-user experience for long-running operations .

  11. 我们从Java源代码编辑器中知道,这些内容助理具有一个特别的特性:它们的自动完成建议是可以参数化的。

    These content assistants as we know them from the Java source editor have one special feature : their completion proposals can be parameterized .

  12. 这个流程通常是自动完成的,在示例模型中,它被创建为一个子流程,名为AutomatedLoanSetupProcess。

    This process is frequently automated , and in the sample model , it has been created as a subprocess called Automated Loan Setup Process .

  13. 针对MATLAB控制系统工具箱中极点配置函数,不能完成状态反馈调节系统计算问题,提出借助符号数学工具箱中有关符号对象函数,构成M文件,自动完成设计过程。

    With using the symbolic object functions in MATLAB symbolic math toolbox , a CAD method of regulation system by state-feedback is presented .

  14. 应用软件的开发是基于VC++程序平台,对CAD参数化建模和有限元分析等过程都进行了封装,计算和结果显示可自动完成。

    Application software development was based on VC + + application platform . The CAD parametric modeling and finite element analysis were encapsulated in the software .

  15. 自动完成聚合酶链式反应的仪器就是PCR仪,全称酶链聚合扩增仪。

    The instrument that can automatically finish the polymerase chain reaction is called PCR instrument , whose full name is PCR Gene Amplification Instrument .

  16. 使用软件检查器,代码检查可以通过Ant或Maven这样的构建工具来自动完成。

    With software inspectors , code inspections become automated through build tools like Ant or Maven .

  17. 您会在键入时注意到Eclipse编辑器的一些特性,包括语法检查和代码自动完成。

    You 'll notice some of the Eclipse editor 's features as you type , including syntax checking and code completion .

  18. 用一台iPad迅速扫描一下客户的身材尺寸后,程序就会自动完成剩下的任务。

    An iPad is used to snap the customer , and the program does the rest .

  19. 相关可以由消息传递中间件自动完成,或由服务提供者使用消息传递中间件提供的相关性API来进行。

    Correlation can be either automatically done by messaging middleware , or by the service provider with correlation APIs provided by messaging middleware .

  20. 安装vista非常简单,几乎是自动完成的。

    Installing vista is fairly straightforward and mostly automated .

  21. 或者,使用bash中的自动完成功能,您可以输入$cde然后按TAB键。

    Or , using completion within bash , you could type : $ cd e and then press the TAB key .

  22. 当然,此文件的创建操作可以由从纯文本处理到XML文档对象模型(DocumentObjectModel,DOM)处理的任意数目个方法出色地自动完成。

    Creation of this file is , of course , eminently automatable by any number of methods ranging from pure text manipulation to XML Document Object Model ( DOM ) manipulation .

  23. 这不仅更加简洁,而且现在IDE可以检查事实上Task是否拥有done和date属性,并且提供了恰当的代码自动完成功能。

    Not only is this more concise , the IDE now checks whether Task in fact has the properties done and date , and offers appropriate code completion .

  24. 这样做带来的结果是:对诸如finder方法之类的动态方法,编辑器也能够实现代码自动完成功能。

    As a result the editor supports code completion of dynamic methods such as finder methods .

  25. 您也可以使用一个shell脚本,WindowsPowerShell™脚本,或者批处理文件来自动完成这一操作。

    You can also use a shell script , Windows PowerShell ™ scripts , or batch files to automate the process .

  26. 下推到嵌套表表达式或物化视图而不会改变结果,并且不是由DB2自动完成的谓词。

    Predicates that are pushed down to a nested table expression or materialized view without changing the result , and not already done automatically by DB2 .

  27. 本芯片的温度误差补偿网络不需要片外MCU的帮助,完全由时钟芯片内部电路自动完成。

    The temperature error compensation is completed fully automatically in the chip circuitry , which is not need the help of the MCU .

  28. 尽管您可以选择在插入之前根据模式验证XML文档,但是还可以使用触发器自动完成验证,而不需要用户参与。

    Although you have an option of validating the XML document against a schema before insertion , triggers can be used to do this validation automatically without the knowledge of the user .

  29. GShell是一个可扩展的环境,并包括对编辑、命令历史记录和按Tab键自动完成(tabcompletion)的支持。

    GShell is an extensible environment and includes support for editing , command history , and tab completion .

  30. 构建自动完成JSPTagLib控件

    Build the auto-complete JSP TagLib control