
sè lā
  • salad
色拉 [sè lā]
  • [salad] 凉拌生菜,莴苣、甘蓝、芹菜、洋葱等蔬菜与色拉酱或蛋黄酱搅拌而吃的生菜食品,有时也加些火腿、罐头鱼肉、水果、马铃薯等。也叫沙拉

色拉[sè lā]
  1. 只要一会儿就能做好色拉。

    It only takes a minute to make a salad .

  2. 端上的肉配有色拉或什锦蔬菜。

    The meat is served with salad or assorted vegetables .

  3. 我用小薄荷枝装点水果色拉。

    I decorated the fruit salad with a sprig of mint .

  4. 午饭吃冷肉和色拉行吗?

    Is cold meat and salad OK for lunch ?

  5. 所有主菜都配有色拉或蔬菜。

    All main courses come with salad or vegetables .

  6. 再给你来点色拉好吗?

    Can I help you to some more salad ?

  7. 在色拉上面滴点橄榄油。

    Dribble a little olive oil over the salad .

  8. 往色拉上滴些油。

    Trickle some oil over the salad .

  9. 把干酪弄成碎屑洒在色拉上。

    Crumble the cheese over the salad .

  10. 端上去的时候配一份生菜色拉。

    Serve with a green salad .

  11. 配上拌过了的田园色拉直接上桌。

    Serve straight from the dish with a tossed green salad .

  12. 到快上菜时再轻轻搅拌色拉。

    Do not toss the salad until you 're ready to serve

  13. 色拉如果能事先做好再搁置一会儿,味道会更好。

    The salad improves if made in advance and left to stand .

  14. 在色拉中加入意大利面条,增加你的纤维摄入量。

    Add pasta to your salads to bump up your fibre intake .

  15. 晚饭就着鲜脆的色拉尝尝这道佳肴。

    Try this tasty dish for supper with a crispy salad

  16. 除了一餐叉色拉,他什么都没吃。

    He hadn 't eaten a thing except for one forkful of salad

  17. 把西红柿散放在上面,然后给色拉加调味汁。

    Scatter the tomato over , then dress the salad .

  18. 将剩下的调料淋在鸭肉和色拉上。

    Drizzle the remaining dressing over the duck and salad

  19. 在色拉碗的内壁上抹一点橄榄油。

    Smear a little olive oil over the inside of the salad bowl .

  20. 我吃了份什锦色拉——是卖3.20英镑的一大碗。

    I had a mixed salad — a huge bowlful for £ 3.20 .

  21. 将它与法式色拉调料一同放入一只带螺旋盖的罐中腌泡。

    Put it in a screw-top jar with French dressing and leave to marinate .

  22. 切生肉、熟肉、蔬菜和拌色拉的青菜时要使用不同的切菜板。

    Use separate chopping boards for raw meats , cooked meats , vegetables and salads

  23. 阿塔纳斯点了一份鸡尾冷虾和一份色拉。

    Atanas ordered a shrimp cocktail and a salad

  24. 选些个头小、表皮光滑的土豆做色拉。

    Choose small waxy potatoes for the salad .

  25. 剩下的鸡肉可做成一盘美味色拉。

    Leftover chicken makes a wonderful salad .

  26. 把水果色拉冰镇一下,吃的时候再拿出来。

    Chill the fruit salad until serving time

  27. 这种色拉调料的柠檬味太重。

    The salad dressing was too lemony .

  28. 这色拉的味道太酸了。

    The salads taste too vinegary .

  29. 她坐在那里一点点地吃着一小盘米饭色拉,一副可怜兮兮的模样。

    She sat picking at her small plate of rice salad with an air of martyrdom .

  30. 他狼吞虎咽地吃下了一大块牛排、很多色拉和浸着浓稠酱汁的花耶菜,还喝了半升红酒。

    He polished off a large steak , salad , broccoli swimming in thick sauce , and half a litre of wine .