
  • 网络Art Business;ART TRADE JOURNAL
  1. 现代美国绘画艺术商业味很浓。

    Modern American arts have been largely influenced by commerce .

  2. 以下,是报刊杂志品牌等,用了我们小时候的元素而新的艺术商业等的创作。

    The following brands all use our childhood 's elements to art commercial creation .

  3. 音乐行当将艺术和商业结合在一起。

    The music business marries art and commerce .

  4. 他的主要论点是,城市生活的喧嚣,以及它为合作和协作提供的机会,是吸引人们来到城市的原因,而来到城市的人反过来又使城市成为艺术、商业、科学和进步的引擎。

    His main thesis is that the buzz of urban life , and the opportunities it offers for co-operation and collaboration , is what attracts people to the city , which in turn makes cities into the engines of art , commerce , science and progress .

  5. CD唱片封面设计既体现出强烈时代感又充满了浓浓文化思想,它是大众文化需求的化身,承载着艺术与商业的双重诉求。

    Cover design of the CD disc embodies the blazing sense of the times and the strong thoughts and culture .

  6. 艺术与商业(artsandbusiness)是一家帮助艺术界和商界建立合作关系的组织,它明年将设立一个名为impactunleashed的培训课程,鼓励企业高管发展创造力。

    Arts and business , an organisation that helps build partnerships between the arts and business , is launching a training programme , impact unleashed , next year to encourage industry executives to be creative .

  7. 据《纽约邮报》报道,雷德克里夫正在将自己的P-2签证升级为O-1签证。P-2针对外国演艺人员,而O-1则针对在科学、艺术、商业或体育方面有卓越能力的个人。

    According to the paper , Radcliffe is in the process of upgrading his P-2 visa for foreign actors and entertainers to an O-1 visa for ' the individual who possesses extraordinary ability in the sciences , arts , education , business or athletics ' .

  8. 包装容器造型艺术的商业价值

    Discussion on the commercial value of packaging container plastic arts

  9. 艺术是商业的时装表演这些日子。

    The art of the catwalk these days is commerce .

  10. 跨世纪中国电影艺术与商业观念辨析

    Distinction between Cinematography and the Commercial Concept in China across the Century

  11. 传播活动画面的一种媒介(艺术或商业)。

    A medium ( art or business ) that disseminates moving pictures .

  12. 纽约是艺术的商业中心。

    New York is the business central of art .

  13. 广告是文化科学艺术与商业的矛盾统一。

    Advertisement is the unity of opposites between the culture and the business .

  14. 伟大的艺术和商业主义一定是相互排斥的。

    Great art and commercialism are surely mutually exclusive .

  15. 艺术为商业服务;公仆服务于人民。

    Art serves commerce ; their interests are served ; the Lake serves recreation .

  16. 政府明白到艺术有商业价值。

    The government realizes art has commercial value .

  17. 尽管如此,导演仍是在艺术与商业的分歧上坚守自己的理念。

    Nevertheless , the director sticks to his ideas in between art and business .

  18. 他把艺术融入商业,创造了艺术与商业的完美结合。

    He put art into business , created a parfect combination of art and commerce .

  19. 并且鼓励艺术和商业

    And encourage the arts and commerce

  20. 穿梭在艺术与商业之间&关于珠宝摄影的思考

    Jewellery photography with artistic & Commercial

  21. 不断追求创新,力求表达艺术与商业应用的完美结合。

    We pursue innovation perpetually and strive to express the perfect integration between arts and commerce .

  22. 现代动画片已经成为独立的产业,在艺术与商业之间获得双重的成功。

    Modern cartoon has become an independent industry , and won double success in art and business .

  23. 然而,一些人辩称,艺术和商业之间的共性超出人们通常的想象。

    Nevertheless , some argue that the arts and business have more in common than is often supposed .

  24. 伟大表演奖助学金,是为了使世界艺术和商业在一起。

    Great performances awards grants that are intended to bring the worlds of the arts and Commerce together .

  25. 在中国,艺术和商业是结合在一起的,所以这个艺术-零售的概念在购物天堂上海成了一股强大的潮流。

    As art and commerce mix in China , this art-retail concept has become a formidable trend in shopping-happy Shanghai .

  26. 苏格兰人在艺术、商业、文学、军事、政治和体育中发挥着领先的作用。

    They have played a leading role in arts , commerce , literature , the military , politics and sport .

  27. 每一期都包含实际尚未尖端的经验教训在艺术,商业和技术方面的专业摄影。

    Each issue contains practical yet cutting-edge lessons in the artistic , business , and technological aspects of professional photography .

  28. 他看似剥夺了他城池的所有资源,艺术,商业,金钱和与国防。

    He appeared to deprive his city of all its resources , arts , commerce , money , and defenses .

  29. 这个话题也引发了我对身体与艺术和商业这两者之间错综关系的分析和梳理。

    Besides , this topic causes my profound interests in analyzing the intricate relationship among the body , art and commerce .

  30. 艺术与商业一直有分水岭,而艺术设计成了二者的桥梁。

    There is a dividing crest between fine art and commerce , but art design serves as the bridge for them .