
  • 网络art village;The Artists village;Artist Village
  1. 在北京,艺术村同样也变得逐渐形成了一个标准的模式。

    In Beijing the art village too is becoming a standard prototype .

  2. 一个由潘德恕和一群舞者在艺术村的热身表演。

    A warm-up show by a group of dancers and Pun in Oil Street Art Village .

  3. 探究台湾艺术村之行销策略内涵。

    Insight the true meaning of marketing strategy of the artist villages .

  4. 了解台湾艺术村实施行销策略之现况。

    Catch the present condition how the marketing strategy is conducted among those artist villages .

  5. 提出有效之台湾艺术村行销策略模式,以供艺术村拟定行销策略时的参考。

    Offer an effective mode of marketing strategy for those artist villages information in formulating .

  6. 在这条老街中建设的艺术村,既有成功的地方,也有不足之处。

    In this street of construction art Zones , there are successful place , also have the deficiencies .

  7. 艺术村在行销策略的执行上普遍受限于资源不足的问题。

    Most of the time , the artist villages still unilaterally scheme and impetus to carrying out the marketing strategy .

  8. 艺术村行政人员对艺术村行销之态度正面积极,但缺乏系统性的行销概念。

    At present , most artistic village administrative personnel have positive views for the artist village marketing , but lack of a systematic marketing concept .

  9. 将中国和湖北省民办教育现状作为背景,以武汉市明星艺术学村作为个案。

    China and Hubei private education present situation as the background , in Wuhan City Star Arts Village Kindergarten as a case .

  10. 发展概述是明星艺术学村的发展历史,取得的进步、奖励、荣誉,以及园区的简介。

    Overview of the development of Star Arts Kindergarten is a village development history , progress , awards , honors , and park introduction .

  11. 他者凝视中的艺术生成&沐村旅游展演艺术建构的人类学考察

    On Artistic Generation in the Other 's Staring & Anthropological Review on Artistic Construction in Tourism Shows in the Mu Village

  12. 本主崇拜是白族的一种民族民间宗教信仰,其产生、形成的历史己非常久远,它和白族的历史文化、艺术、哲学、村社生活、民族意识等密切相联。

    The worship of the folk religion is a folk religious culture of the Bai people , and it is closely related with the history , art , philosophy , country life and national consciousness of the Bai people .

  13. 在莫奈展览之前,该艺术馆举办了这两个艺术村的艺术家们的作品展。

    Just before the Monet exhibition , the gallery space held a show produced by artists at these villages .

  14. 第三节是培养优秀的幼儿园艺术教育师资:简介明星艺术学村的园长、聘请的专家教授和他们的教育理念。

    The third chapter is to train excellent art education of kindergarten teachers . Brief introduction of star arts village kindergarten director , hired experts and professors and their famous sayings .

  15. 郑志刚的基金会通常为自己的两个购物艺术中心提供武汉和贵阳的两个K11艺术村的作品,中国艺术家们可以在这两个艺术村申请住所。

    Mr. Cheng 's foundation often supplies its two art malls with work from its two K11 Art Villages , in Wuhan and Guiyang , where Chinese artists can apply for residencies .

  16. 这座城市有多家风格迥异的艺术机构与美术馆,包括艺术家常驻的艺术村Zoma当代艺术中心及Asni艺术馆(真的,它更像一座艺术精品盛会,而不是展览馆),几乎每个星期就有一场艺术开幕式。

    Thanks to the city 's diverse art institutions and galleries , including the artist-in-residence village Zoma Contemporary Art Center and the Asni Gallery ( really more an art collective than a gallery ) , there is an art opening at least once a week .