
huānɡ cūn
  • deserted (or uninhabited) village
荒村 [huāng cūn]
  • [desolate and out-of-the-way village;deserted village] 偏僻荒凉、人烟稀少的村落

  1. 我们穿过了几个村民已逃离的荒村。

    We passed through several deserted villages whose inhabitants had fled .

  2. 我们好像到了一处被废弃了的荒村。

    As if we arrived at an abandoned village .

  3. 在伊朗法尔斯省的荒村附近的野外生活了数十年之后,哈吉的外表越来越像他周围的环境。

    After decades of living off the land near isolated village of Dejgah in the Southern Iranian province of Fars , he has now began to look like his surroundings .