
  1. 国有上市公司高管薪酬决策的法律规制

    The Legislative Regulations on Executive Compensation Decision-making of the State-run Listed Companies

  2. 企业绩效评估与薪酬决策

    Ihe Enterprises'Performance Evaluation and the Bonus and Payment Decision

  3. 中国民营企业薪酬决策研究

    Research on Compensation Decision Making of Chinese Private Enterprise

  4. 运用委托&代理模型进行薪酬决策,达到对员工实施有效激励的目的。

    This paper uses delegate-agent model of salary decisions to achieve the purpose of effectively motivate employees . 6 .

  5. 职位定价的两种方法&职位评估与市场定价之间经常地存在不一致和冲突,因而企业薪酬决策中面临着两难选择的决策困境和潜在风险。

    There are frequent conflictions between job evaluation and market pricing , the two approaches of job pricing , so companies often face dilemma in compensation decision and some potential risk .

  6. 未来应密切关注管理者权力在薪酬决策机制中可能存在的代理问题,进一步完善激励机制,加强信息披露,健全公司治理制度。

    It is suggested that we should pay more attention to agency problem may caused by managerial power ; improving incentive system ; strengthen disclosure of information ; improving corporate governance and so on .

  7. 建立科学有效的员工绩效管理体系,可以为员工的薪酬决策、奖惩、培训等提供决策依据,从而改善员工的绩效,达到企业的战略目标。

    Effective management system of employees ' performance can provide evidence for salary decision , awards or punishment , training and other HR decision , then to improve employees ' performance and finish enterprise objective .

  8. 同时,对绩效考核的结果在绩效改进、薪酬决策、职务调整及人员的培训和开发方面的应用使得整个系统成为一个完整的绩效管理系统。

    At the same time , The application of the results of performance appraisal to performance improvement , pay decisions , duty adjustment and training development makes the whole system a complete performance management system .

  9. 绩效考核是对员工在某一特定时期内工作情况进行评价的过程,是人力资源开发与管理中的重要内容,为人事管理和薪酬决策提供重要的依据。

    Performance appraisal is the staff in a specific period of time of work evaluation process , is the human resources development and the management important content , personnel management and salary decision-making provide important basis .

  10. 经过几次的改革,特别是改革开放以后,地方综合性高校教师在国家统一工资制度的基础上,工资分配自主权不断扩大,真正拥有了薪酬决策的话语权。

    After few times of reform , especially after the reform and opening up , the local comprehensive university teachers in the national unified wage system , on the basis of autonomy in the distribution of wages is expanding constantly , really have salary decision power .

  11. 西方国家高管薪酬的决策路径是通过在董事会下设主要由独立董事构成薪酬委员会来负责制定薪酬计划,组织对高管的考核,决定高管薪酬的水平和结构。

    West countries realize decision route of executive compensation through the establishment of the compensation committee responsible for the board of directors and mainly formed by independent directors .

  12. 最后对实施的初步效果进行了分析,认为股权激励的实施提高了公司和被激励者的绩效,也提高了被激励者的薪酬和决策参与的满意度。

    Finally , the effect of the initial implementation was analyzed , considered that the implementation of equity incentive improved performance of company and the motivated , but also improved compensation and satisfaction about participating in decision making of the motivated .

  13. 天价薪酬也引起了决策高层的关注。

    The decision-making leaders are also concerned with the sky-high annual salary .

  14. 运用现代管理科学的理论和方法对企业人力资源管理各环节的薪酬战略进行科学决策。

    This paper makes a scientific decision in enterprise compensation of each section through using the modern scientific management theory and methods of human resource .

  15. 贝兰克梵说,银行已针对“事后”看来“自私而贪婪”的薪酬作出了相应决策,并承认这场危机令整个行业“深感羞辱”。

    Mr Blankfein said banks had made decisions on compensation that looked " self-serving and greedy in hindsight " and admitted the crisis had been " deeply humbling " for the industry .

  16. 希望能为企业制定科学、合理、有效的薪酬激励体系提供决策参考,同时也为相关理论研究提供一定数据支持。

    Hope my research and analysis will provide references and advices for companies to get a scientific , rational and efficient salary system as well as to provide clues for related theory research .

  17. 文章最后对独立董事的具体制度,如提名和选举、薪酬、职权、决策支持体系等制度进行了具体勾勒。

    Lastly , this article draws the outlines of the concrete systems of the independent directors , such as salary , nomination and election , authority and the system of decision-making sustainment , etc.

  18. 在实际的分析过程中,作者以广东省为重心、在全国范围内进行了薪酬问卷调查,对调查的结果进行了统计分析,为公司进行薪酬决策提供了强有力的参考依据。

    The author made a market research on compensation questionnaire all over the country , especially in Guangdong and analyzed the result statistically , which provides strong reference to the company 's compensation policy .

  19. 结合目标企业实际进行薪酬诊断,包括对现有薪酬体系分析、薪酬满意度评价和薪酬满意度影响因素分析,文中量化了各影响因素的权重以利于薪酬管理者作出决策。

    Carry on the target enterprises ' reward diagnosis , including existing pay system analysis , pay satisfaction evaluate and pay satisfaction rating factors analysis , this paper quantifies the weight of each factor so as to help pay managers to make decisions .