- 网络administrative record

The Overton Park holding that review would take place on an " administrative record " was soon extended to informal rulemaking cases .
Since even informal actions are now generally reviewed on an administrative record , the fact-finding capabilities of a trial court are not needed ;
However , Overton Park 's administrative record concept was an essential step in the development of " hard look " review of rulemaking .
Where it is possible to obtain statistical data through sampling surveys , major surveys and administrative records , no regular overall statistics forms shall be drawn up or issued .
The court 's reasoning seems equally applicable to other rulemaking situations , because it now standard practice for courts to review a rule on the basis of the administrative record .
When the product of a committee 's deliberations is placed in the administrative record , it is available to those who engage in political and judicial oversight of the agency .
Outcomes were followed using subsequent questionnaires , Social Security Administration death records , and state cancer registries .
In his opinion , the only real benefit for a private company is lower administrative and record-keeping costs .
In contrast , when an administrative staff member at the hospital looks at this record for payment processing , only the SSN , phone number , and address information is needed .
In applying this test , a court must examine the record considered by the administrative agency .
Rather , official notice comes into play when an agency that could have documented one of its factual premises on the record is allowed to avoid that process for efficiency reasons .
But now that informal actions are reviewed on the " administrative record ," that functional distinction has lost its force .