
  • 网络expressionism music
  1. 作为现代音乐的第一个流派是表现主义音乐。

    As the first modern music genres of music is showed .

  2. 表现主义音乐刍议

    A Brief Study on Music of Expressionism

  3. 论表现主义音乐的合法性

    The Validity of Expressionistic Music

  4. 这种新的音乐形式是20世纪主要音乐流派之一,即表现主义音乐。

    This new kind of music is one of the leading music school in the twenty century , ie.

  5. 男性压力知多少马勒与表现主义音乐

    Male and expressionist music

  6. 本文从美学的角度出发,通过对表现主义音乐所产生的社会语境、哲学语境、思维语境以及其堕落因素的剖析,指出表现主义音乐的出现具有合法性。

    The article indicates the validity of the expressionistic music , by analysis on it 's social , philosophical , thinking and even the degraded elements .

  7. 作为二十世纪表现主义音乐流派代表人物之一的阿尔班·贝尔格,近年来他的作品越来越受到界内人士的追捧和研究。

    Alban Berg is one of the central figures of musical expressionism in the twentieth century . In recent years , more and more people in the music world began to pay close attention to his works .

  8. 本文从表现主义产生的历史文化背景出发,论述勋伯格表现主义音乐的美学意义:一、表现内容的改变&表现真实的自我,反映社会不幸的呼号;

    On the background of history and culture , this essay deals with the esthetic significance of Schoenberg 's expressionist music : first , the changing of the expressing content-expressing the true self and reflecting the miserable social voices ;