
  1. 请提供本项目地段周围市政管网资料包括现有市政及规划图纸;

    Please provide the project sites around the municipal pipe network information , including drawings of existing municipal and planning ;

  2. Frydenlund家族有一个关于(圆形畜棚)的建筑规划和图纸的图书馆,并且出版有关这方面的书籍。

    The Frydenlunds have a library of architectural plans and drawings and have published books on the subject .

  3. 二期工程规划及图纸也已在进行最后的调整与修改。

    Second stage planning and drawings have also been carrying out the final adjustments and modifications .

  4. 统一性使用本系统的设计人员,绘制出具有统一规范的城市规划图,使规划设计的各个环节紧密相连,融会贯通,增强设计人员之间的可交流性,规划图纸的可读性。

    Oneness The designers can design normative product using this City Planning CAD System ( CPCAD ), which can strongly contract the serial steps of city planning design , advance the abilities to communicate among the designers and the readability of the drawing .