
  • 网络return to scale;Constant Return to Scale
  1. 加性DEA模型与规模收益

    Additive Model in DEA and Returns to Scale

  2. 在进行DEA效率评价乡镇卫生院时,应综合考虑其规模收益和经济效率。

    During using the DEA to evaluate the efficiency of township hospitals , the returns to scale and economic efficiency should be considered .

  3. DEA方法进行规模收益分析的几点注记

    A Note of Return to Scale in Data Envelopment Analysis

  4. 规模收益分析的DEA方法

    The Analysis of Return to Scale with DEA

  5. 对各决策单元进行了DEA有效性和规模收益分析,并对决策单元的投入冗余率和产出不足率进行了研究。

    The DEA efficiency , scale benefits , input redundancy and output lack are analyzed .

  6. 基于DEA方法的中部地区高等教育规模收益的实证研究

    Higher Education Scale Efficiency in Central China : An Empirical Study Based on Data Envelopment Analysis

  7. 基于DEA方法的国有农场技术效率和规模收益测算研究

    Research of the problem of technology efficiency and scope income of the state farm based on DEA method

  8. 非DEA总体有效的乡镇卫生院全部为规模收益递减型;其中有5所技术效率无效。

    Non-DEA general effective hospitals all are the type scale of diminishing returns ; 5 township hospitals technical efficiency were invalid .

  9. OEM是在不完全竞争和规模收益递增前提下产业内分工的产物;OEM是企业不断追求利润最大化的产物。

    OEM is the product of inner-industry work division on the premise of imperfect competition and increasing scale profits ;

  10. 通过对单个医院效率的分析、医院效率标杆的确定、医院规模收益的评判,对投入节省的DEA模型在医院效率分析上的应用进行了探讨。

    This article also considers that the input economical DEA model optimizes grouping input factors and reflects input-output efficiency of each involved hospital .

  11. 以此为基础,提出并分析了政策对企业规模收益影响的DEA方法;

    Based on analyzing impacts of policies on both economic indicators and environmental pollutants , a DEA-based method is presented to analyze returns to scale of DMUs .

  12. 本文首先用具有线性需求和规模收益不变生产技术的Cournot双头模型来刻画国际市场份额竞争。

    In this paper , firstly , we represent the international market share rivalry by Cournot duopoly model with linear demand system and CRS technology .

  13. 在评价结果的基础上,通过DEA二次相对评价法对所有决策单元进行了排序,并根据输出DEA模型分析了各决策单元的规模收益状况。

    On the basis of evaluation results , all Decision Making Units ( DMU ) have been ranked by using binary relative evaluation . According to output-DEA models , this paper analyzes the return to scale of DMU .

  14. 一方面,通过对湖北省1995-2000年科技投入产出的DEA分析,得出了湖北的科技活动在大多数年份里相对有效,但规模收益不变、甚至递减的结论;

    On one side , from the DEA analysis of the Outputs Inputs of Science Technology between 1995 and 2000 , a conclusion is drawn that , in HuBei , for most years , technological productions have been comparatively effective , however , with constant even decreasing returns to scale .

  15. 详细阐述了EC2R模型中判定决策单元规模收益的理论。

    The theory to determine returns to scale ( RTS ) of decision making units ( DMU ) with EC2R model is explained .

  16. 第五,以WG铁路系统为例,运用数据包络分析法对其运输能力与外部环境的适应性进行研究,并从相对有效性、规模收益等方面进行评价。

    Fifthly , the paper carries on the research of the applicability between WRTS capacity and its external environment with Data Envelopment Analysis ( DEA ), and evaluates the results from aspects like relative effectiveness , scale efficiency , and so on .

  17. 文[1]给出了用C2R模型或C2GS2模型来判断决策单元的规模收益情况的定理,指出它有时失效。

    It is shown in [ 1 ] that the theorems on estimation of returns to scale by C 2R model or C 2GS 2 model are given , but may fail to work .

  18. 本文将常用的两种测算规模收益方法,即C-D生产函数和数据包络分析方法进行对比研究,分析两种方法在测算企业规模收益方面的优缺点。

    In this article , the commonly used two kinds methods of survey the scale benefit , include C - D production function and the data envelope analysis method have the contrast research , and analyze two methods good and bad points on surveying the enterprise scale benefit aspect .

  19. 用数据包络分析进行规模收益分析的探讨

    Discussion on Analysis of Returns to Scale Using Date Envelopment Analysis

  20. 大部分的上市公司处于规模收益递减区间。

    Most listed companies are in the interval of diminishing returns to scale .

  21. 是否增加规模收益和规模报酬;

    Whether or not it can increase income of scale and return ofscale ;

  22. 决策单元效率与规模收益的进一步探讨

    The Further Research on the Efficiency and Returns to Scale of Decision Making Units

  23. 公共事业企业的规模收益关系到政府监管策略的选择。

    Returns to scale in public utility enterprises affect how the government regulates the industry .

  24. 规模收益递增对我国参与国际分工的启示由于大势已去,逃兵的人数日益增多。

    Inspiration for China to Participate into International Division of Labor from Increasing Scale Profits ;

  25. 基于面板数据的中日电力行业规模收益比较分析

    A Panel-Data Study The Returns to Scale for Electric Power Industry in China and Japan

  26. 基于EC~2R模型的决策单元规模收益的判定

    Decision of returns to scale of DMU on the basis of EC ~ 2R model

  27. 我国乳品生产企业技术效率与规模收益问题研究

    Research on the problem of technology efficiency and scope income of the milk corporations in China

  28. 论规模收益与生产可能性曲线及市场竞争模式的关系

    On relationship among the scale profit , the production possibility curve , and the market competition mode

  29. 我国高新区产业集聚实证研究:生产要素集中与规模收益递增

    Empirical Study on Industry Clustering of High-tech Zones in China : Geographical Concentration and Increasing Returns to Scale

  30. 结论:1.2009年样本医院床位数量扩张后处于规模收益递增阶段。

    Beds of hospital in 2009 after expansion in the number of stages of increasing returns to scale .