
  • 网络economy of scale;scale economy;economics of scale;Economies Scale
  1. 企业竞争战略及规模经济性分析

    On Analysis of Competitive Strategy of Enterprises and Economies of Scale

  2. 网络外部性和规模经济性动态变化条件下的市场集中模式

    Evolution of Market Share and Concentration with Network Externalities and Economies of Scale

  3. EVE还提供了一种独特的容量投资自动补偿机制,使得在发电生产成本存在规模经济性时,发电厂商可以得到合理的补偿。

    When there are economics of scale in generation market , EVE pricing method provides an intrinsic and reasonable mechanism to compensate the capacity investment automatically .

  4. 再次,对TFP变化率进行了分解,分析表明:不论是从全国还是从东中西部三地区看,对技术效率影响最大的因素都是规模经济性,而技术进步和资源配置效率影响较小。

    Finally , by decomposing TFP , we draw some conclusions : the biggest influential factor of the technique efficiency is the scale economy , and the technique progress and resource allocation efficiency have the smaller influence .

  5. 我国农地经营的规模经济性问题探讨

    Problem of Scale Economic Quality of Agricultural Land Management in China

  6. 应用判断分析法评价企业的规模经济性

    Evaluation of Enterprise ′ s Scale Economy Applying Judgement-Analysis Method

  7. 铁路重载运输组织的规模经济性分析模型

    Research on Scale Economy Model of Railway Heavy Haul Traffic

  8. 汽车工业是最为典型的规模经济性工业。

    Automobile industry is the most typical economy of scale .

  9. 地下水封石洞油库规模经济性研究

    Study of economy of scale of underground water-sealed cavern

  10. 而且,电信网络与电信业务具有不同的规模经济性。

    Furthermore , the telecommunication net and the telecommunication services have different scale-economy .

  11. 第三方物流的经济性,主要包括规模经济性、价值创新性和外部经济性。

    Its economy mainly includes scale economy , creativity of value and external economy .

  12. 农业科技创新扩散、要素流动与我国农业的规模经济性研究

    Diffusion of Agricultural Scientific and Technological Innovation , Factor Flow and Scale Economy in China

  13. 论企业集团的规模经济性

    The economy of scale of business groups

  14. 自然垄断产业的规模经济性和范围经济性与管理体制改革&以铁路运输业的管理改革为例

    The Economics of Scale and Scope in Natural Monopolistic Industry and the Reform on Management System

  15. 再次,本文对航空公司联盟的规模经济性和航空公司联盟的范围经济性进行了论证。

    Thirdly , there is a discussion about scale economy and scope economy of airline alliance in this passage .

  16. 作为推动式和拉动式这两种模式下的供应链管理,发挥其管理的规模经济性和响应性成为研究的的重点。

    It is a focus to display the scale economy and responsiveness in the push and pull supply chain .

  17. 天然气配送管网具有自然垄断的基因,有着规模经济性以及范围经济性。

    Natural gas distribution pipeline network with a natural monopoly gene , has economies of scale and economies of scope .

  18. 专业化生产由于减少产品数目的范围或生产过程的职能环节(操作),而提高了劳动生产率,并且具有规模经济性。

    Specialized production can improve productivity by reducing the range of products and process functions , and possesses scale economy .

  19. 本文认为农地经营的规模经济性与农地规模大小没有直接的联系。

    Having view thinks that the scale of agricultural land decisions the scale economic quality of management of agricultural land .

  20. 民航业是一个具有强规模经济性的产业。

    According to the industrial character , the airline industry is a typical one that has the advantage of scale economy .

  21. 规模经济性是它的基本特征,价值创新性是它的功能特性,而外部经济性则是它的社会效益的表现。

    Scale economy is its foundational feature , creativity of value is its functional feature and external economy embodies its social efficiency .

  22. 在市场经济体系中,企业规模经济性研究是一个重要的持久不衰的理论研究课题与实证测度课题。

    In the market economy , the research on scale economy of enterprises is an important and long task for theory and practice .

  23. 为取得汽车生产优势,需要利用规模经济性、范围经济性、次序经济性和网络经济性。

    It should use the scale economy , scope economy , sequence economy and network economy in order to obtain automotive production superiority .

  24. 我国基金业目前只呈现弱规模经济性;我国基金业仍存在较高的进退壁垒,而其中法律和政策性壁垒是主要方面;

    The industry has weak economy of scale and has high entry-and-exit barriers , especially the the barriers related with laws and policies .

  25. 我国大中型钢铁企业无论在规模经济性上还是对地方经济的贡献和支撑上,作用都非常大。

    Our Country 's large and middle scale Iron and steel corporations played an important role in notable economy and contributions to local economy .

  26. 本文分别从市场集中度、规模经济性、成长性与绩效性方面对我国商业银行的市场结构进行了实证检验和分析,对我国商业银行的市场结构进行了整体判断和分析。

    It is demonstration tests , judgments and analysis from market focus degree , economy of scales , the capacity of development and performance .

  27. 中国铁路行业相当高的行业集中度、规模经济性以及进入退出障碍表明中国铁路行业是一个高度垄断的产业;

    Remarkably high industry concentrated rate , economy of scale and barriers to entry and exit demonstrate that China railroad industry is a highly monopolized one ;

  28. 民航运输业作为传统认识中的自然垄断产业,具有自然垄断产业的规模经济性、范围经济性和网络经济性;

    Aviation industry is traditionally regarded as a natural monopoly industry which shows characteristics of economies of scope , economies of scale and economies of network .

  29. 下部路网具有规模经济性、范围经济性和网络经济性,其成本具有沉淀性,因此具有强自然垄断性。

    Downstream network infrastructure possesses the characteristics of economy of scale , economy of scope , economy of network and strong natural monopoly for its deposition of cost .

  30. 其次,通过对交易成本、规模经济性和竞争性问题的研究,全面分析了中国电力产业的产业组织特征。

    Secondly , it makes comprehensive analysis for industrial organization character of Chinese electricity industry by the research on transaction cost , economy of scale and competitiveness problem .