
shì yù
  • view;field of vision;ken
视域[shì yù]
  1. 历史视域中的音乐人类学范式转换研究

    On the Transform of Musicology 's Paradigm in Historic Ken

  2. 发展伦理学视域中的社会发展

    Social Development in Ken of Development Ethics

  3. 基于LOS的多边形点视域计算

    View shed of polygon based on line of sight

  4. STS视域下的中印软件业

    The Software Industries of China and India under the Horizon of STS

  5. 对于完全暗适应的眼,强度约为绝对阈10~3倍的弥散光照射全部视域,卽足以引起可被察觉的b波。

    In the fully dark-adapted eye , stimulating the whole visual field with diffuse light at an intensity about 10 ~ 3 times the absolute threshold is capable of eliciting a perceptible b-wave .

  6. 英国当代著名小说家格雷厄姆·斯威夫特(GrahamSwift,1949-)小说的最大特征是历史叙事与文学叙事的视域融合。

    Graham Swift ( 1949 - ) is an important contemporary English writer . The merging of historical narrative and literary narrative characterizes all his novels .

  7. 首先定义在三维世界空间照相机的位置和姿态向量,分析视图矩阵,并设计了一个Camera接口实现空间视域的灵活变换,最后列出了相应的代码。

    This paper defines the camera vector , presents and analyzes the view matrix firstly , and designs a camera interface giving the better control of the camera , and lists the relevant codes at last .

  8. 早期认知心理学家西蒙、纽厄尔等对格式塔心理学J宏彩视域与以劝范李亡提出的顿悟以及重新建构用信息加工的观点进行了解释,并设计了一些计算机程序对这些心理现象进行模拟。

    The early cognitive psychologists Simon and Newell explained insight and re-structuring of Gestalt psychology by using viewpoint of information processing , and designed computer programmes to simulate these psychology phenomena .

  9. 在地形绘制中,提出了有效的基于逐点内插和分块内插的等高线插值方法,结合地形分块、基于四叉树的LOD技术、视域裁剪等优化方法,提高了绘制效率。

    During terrain rendering , an effective contour-interpolation method based on block interpolation and point-by-point interpolation technology was presented . This method , combined with other optimization method such as Block Partition , LOD technology based on quad tree and view frustum culling , could improve the rendering efficiency .

  10. 文化哲学视域的和谐立法观念系统

    Conceptual System of Harmonious Legislation from the Vision of Cultural Philosophy

  11. 文化视域中的中国文章史研究

    The Study of Chinese Writing History from the Perspective of Culture

  12. 文化哲学视域的过渡性制度

    Transitional System within the Field of View of Culture and Philosophy

  13. 视域内景物密度分析在山地城市景观控制中的应用

    The Using of Scenery Density Analysis in Mountainous City Sight Control

  14. 模糊语言英译对比之文化视域

    A Contrastive Study on Fuzzy Language Translation from a Cultural Perspective

  15. 教育学中具体的人&现象学的视域

    The concrete person in pedagogy & In the perspective of phenomenology

  16. 参加《开放的视域&中国当代艺术展》(捷克国家美术馆);

    Open sight-Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition , The Czech National Gallery ;

  17. 法治人性基础的三个视域

    Three Visual Argles of Humanity Basis of The Rule of Law

  18. 网络交际:跨文化交际研究的新视域

    Communication on Internet : A New Field for Cross-cultural Communication Studies

  19. 究其根源,英语课程研究视域的狭窄是主要原因。

    The narrow perspective in English research is the main reason .

  20. 经济哲学视域中的公平与效率

    Fairness and Efficiency in the Visual Threshold of Economy and Philosophy

  21. 同视域多帧视觉影像超分辨率重建技术研究

    Study of the Super-Resolution Reconstruction with Image Sequence of Simultaneous Scene

  22. 价值观视域中的社会主义和谐社会

    To Construct a Harmonious Socialist Society in Terms of Value Ideology

  23. 语篇功能视域下的新闻评论话语

    The discourse of news review from the respect of textual function

  24. 语言变异与读者的期待视域

    Language Deviation and Readers ' Understanding Scope EXPECTING Flowers in Blossom

  25. 可持续发展视域下的生态文明建设研究

    A Study on Ecological Civilization Construction From Perspective of Sustainable Development

  26. 马克思辩证法在当代视域中至少有三个方面的重要意义。

    Marx 's dialectic have three important meanings at least in contemporary .

  27. 女性主义视域下的经典解构与重建

    The Destruction and Reconstruction of Classical Text under the Vision of Feminism

  28. 现代性视域下的艺术自律

    On the Autonomy of Art in the Background of Modernity

  29. 这种方法就是整体视域的方法。

    And the methodology is " the whole horizon " .

  30. 后现代视域中的体育教育现代化

    PE Teaching Modernize in the Fields of back Modern Times