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  1. 《论衡》四种语气副词研究

    Four Types of Mood Adverbs in Lun Heng

  2. 辽代诗学思想论衡

    On the Poetical Ideas of Liao Dynasty

  3. 《论衡》单音节反义词研究

    Research on Monosyllabic Antonyms of Lun Heng

  4. 《论衡》介词研究

    Study on the Prepositions in Lun Heng

  5. 回国之后,成为法国著名日报世界外交论衡月刊的一名记者。

    After returning to France she became a journalist for the famous daily French newspaper , Le Monde .

  6. 在《论衡》中包含着作者王充丰富的史学思想,民族观就是其中一个重要的方面。

    The book contains the author 's rich historical ideas , in which national outlook is the important aspect .

  7. 她也是世界外交论衡月刊的艺术策划人。在80年代,她赋予了法国日报强烈的视觉艺术身份。

    She was also the artistic director of Le Monde Diplomatique and gave a strong visual identity to this newspaper in the80 's.

  8. 《论衡》是一部著名的唯物主义哲学著作,对于研究中国古代思想史和哲学史具有重要的价值。

    Lun Heng is a famous materialist philosophical work and is of great value for studying ancient Chinese historical thoughts and philosophy .

  9. 《论衡》共有动词2209个,其中单音动词1358个,复音动词851个。

    There are 2209 verbs in Lun Heng , of which 1358 ones are monosyllabic verbs , and 851 ones are polysyllabic verbs .

  10. 第五章讨论了唐代长安的三教论衡及反佛运动对文学的影响。

    Chapter V discusses the influence of three religions Lun Heng in the Tang Dynasty Chang ' an and anti-Buddhist movement on the Literature .

  11. 总结前人成功与失败,寻觅一个全新的视角,研究《论衡》中孔子的形象,及其内在演变。

    Summing up the success and failure , looking for a brand-new perspective , study on the image of Confucius , and its internal evolution .

  12. 货车在小半径曲线上脱轨安全性的研究&论衡广线棚车脱轨原因

    A Study of Safety in Car Derailment on Curved Track With Small Radii & On the Cause of Box Car Derailment on the Hengyang-Guangzhou Line

  13. 《论衡》作为东汉时期著名的哲学著作,在中国思想文化史上有着重要地位。

    Lun Heng is an outstanding philosophical work in the Eastern Han Dynasty , which takes an important position in the history of Chinese ideology and culture .

  14. 本文的研究有助于揭示古汉语述宾结构的特点和发展演变情况,同时也为《论衡》专书语法研究和中古汉语语法的断带研究提供了实证材料。

    This study will help understand the characteristics and evolution of predicate-object structures of ancient Chinese and provide empirical evidence for the grammatical study of Lun Heng and dating study of ancient Chinese .

  15. 正文共三章,重点在二、三两章,各章主要研究内容如下:第一章,研究《论衡》之前,孔子形象之流变。

    The text consists of three chapters , mainly in two or three chapters , each chapter of main research contents are as follows : The first chapter , study on before , Confucius image rheology .

  16. 近年来,对于王充和王符以及他们的著作《论衡》与《潜夫论》的研究日渐增加,一批有创见的研究成果相继问世。

    In recent years , Wang Chong and Wang Fu , as well as for their book , " Lun Heng " and " Hermit " theory of increasing and a number of innovative research results have been .

  17. 著作颇多,代表作《论衡》共85篇(实存84篇),历时30多年写成,集中反映了王充的思想。

    A prolific writer , Wang Chong summarized his thoughts into Lun Heng ( Discourses Weighed in Balance ) , a book that included 85 chapters ( 84 of them survived ) and took him over 30 years to finish .

  18. 因此,研究《论衡》命定论的伦理思想及其消极影响,可以揭露当代社会各类迷信活动产生的理论依据,使人们树立正确的人生观。

    Therefore , the study " Lun Heng ," determinism ethical thinking and its negative impact , you can expose all kinds of superstitious activities in contemporary society the theoretical basis so that people establish a correct outlook on life .

  19. 多功能天车大车行走轮啃轨现象的分析以及对策货车在小半径曲线上脱轨安全性的研究&论衡广线棚车脱轨原因

    The Analysis about Chewing the Railway of the Running Wheels within Wheels of the Multi-function Crane A Study of Safety in Car Derailment on Curved Track With Small Radii & On the Cause of Box Car Derailment on the Hengyang-Guangzhou Line

  20. 王充是唯物主义思想家和哲学家,著《论衡》抨击封建神学,批判神秘主义和世俗迷信。

    Wang Chong was a militant materialist and philosopher , whose main workLuAi / ie / ig ( Discourses Weight in the Balance ) lashed out at orthodox theology , and showed a rationalist critic of superstition and the thought of cosmic universalism .

  21. 通过《论衡》同义词的研究,我们发现了《汉语大词典》失收的151个词,失收的196个义项,释义错误、欠当者91处,始见例过晚者248例。

    Through the research on the synonyms in " Lunheng ", we find that , in the " Chinese dictionary ", there are 1517 words and 196 definitions uncollected , 91 wrong or not proper definitions , and 248 " see examples " out-of-date .