
  1. 中世纪后期到近代早期英国民族语言和民族意识概说

    An Introduction to the British National Language and Consciousness from the later Stage of Middle Age to Early Stage of Modern Times

  2. 运用音乐设计课程,对于增进大学幼保系学生的语言和文化意识,有极大发展潜力。

    Implications for the application of music in curricula designed to improve language and cultural awareness in early childhood education majors worldwide is significant .

  3. 俄罗斯民族文化作为一种独特的文化形态,是衔接欧洲文化和亚洲文化的一种中间文化,体现了该民族独特的民族意识和文化体系。中世纪后期到近代早期英国民族语言和民族意识概说

    Being a unique culture , the Russian culture is a mid-culture which links the European and Asian culture together . An Introduction to the British National Language and Consciousness from the later Stage of Middle Age to Early Stage of Modern Times

  4. 论文阐述因纽特语言政策和语言意识的发展变化。

    It provides the development change about Inuit language policy and language consciousness .

  5. 笔者在讲授《大学体验英语》的过程中,结合教学实践,深入探讨了该项学习策略对语言学习和文化意识培养的促进作用。

    Based on the teaching practice of College Experiencing English , the paper tries to probe into the part of role-play in promoting learners ' language learning and cultural awareness .

  6. 结果表明,英语简易读物和高中英语课程相结合不仅能够促进学生语言技能和文化意识,而且能够激发学生的阅读兴趣。

    The results show that integrating simplified literature reading into English classroom of high school contributes much to students ' language skills , cultural awareness and motivate students ' reading interests .

  7. 公司可以通过以下方法来提供帮助:将外派员工伴侣纳入调动过程、提供语言培训和文化意识讨论会,讨论会可能包括指导他们如何在东道国经商等。

    Companies can help by including partners in the moving process , providing language training and cultural awareness seminars that might include instruction on how to do business in the host country .

  8. 本文总结了新课程教材中语言知识和文化意识目标整合三年来粗浅经验和启示,提供大家研究、分析,希望能对初中英语教学的改革与发展起到一定作用。

    This dissertation summarizes some experience and inspiration on the integration of language goals and cultural awareness goals in the new text . Hope to have an effect to the reform and development of the English teaching by analyzing this dissertation .

  9. 本文以行为导向型教学模式为切入点,探讨了这种开放式教学模式在德语二外教学中如何实现语言知识和文化意识的相互统一,以达到提高学员跨文化能力的教学目的。

    Based on activity-oriented teaching mode , this paper aims to explore the methods of realizing the combination of linguistic knowledge and cultural consciousness in teaching German as a second foreign language to achieve the purpose of improving the learners ' intercultural competence .

  10. 新教材增设了旨在引导学生进行探究性学习、培养学生语言运用能力和合作意识的Project板块,是该教材的亮点部分。

    Aimed at developing students ' abilities of using English and the spirit of cooperation , Project Section is added to the textbook , which is the highlight and important part .

  11. 近日,一个由人类学家和心理学家构成的小组开始研究语言和文化对感官意识的影响。这些学者来自荷兰奈梅亨的两所院校:马克斯·普兰克心理语言学研究所(MaxPlanckInstituteforPsycholinguistics)和奈梅亨大学(RadboudUniversity)。

    Recently , a team of anthropologists and psychologists at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics and Radboud University , both in Nijmegen , the Netherlands , set out to discover how language and culture affected sensory awareness .

  12. 通过对学生语言能力和跨文化意识的培养以及语言错误的正确处理,全面提高学生英语的交际能力。

    According to this article , the students ' English communication ability can be improved in all-round way through developing their language-applying ability , sense of inter-culture and correcting their language mistakes .

  13. 在当前学习英语的热潮中,不能忽视汉语的学习,要从语言政策层面和民族意识的高度确立汉语的地位,才能在新世纪重铸汉语辉煌。

    Chinese cannot be neglected in the present English learning craze , and a conclusion is drawn that only through linguistic policy orientation and an enhanced consciousness of the Chinese language can Chinese reconstruct its glory in the new millennium .

  14. 批评性话语分析提供了一个可以运用于众多语篇的分析方法,其目的在于探索语言,语言运用和形态意识之间的关系。

    It provides a kind of analytic method applicable to the analysis of a variety of discourses and its aim is to explore the relationship among language , the use of language and ideology .

  15. 推论大脑意识中的语言亦可相似于操作系统中不同级别的计算机语言。脑操作系统、脑语言和意识表达三者应有的相关的发展阶段。

    It has correlated development stages between brain 's operating system , brain 's language and conscious representation .

  16. 由于听力是促进学生语言习得,将语言知识转化为语言能力的语言输入技能之一,对于缺乏语言环境和元认知意识的非英语专业学生来说,提高英语听力能力极具挑战性。

    This research had important implications for EFL instruction because developing English language listening competence presents a major challenge to non-English majors who have limited language environment and inadequate metacognitive awareness .