
yǔ yán miáo xiě
  • linguistic description
  1. LDG联接理论的语言描写;

    The application of the LDG-Based Linking Theory to linguistic description ;

  2. 第二章到第五章分别阐述了肖像描写、行动描写、语言描写与。理描写的含义、要求及其翻译。

    Chapter two elaborated the concepts of portrayal , portrait description , description of action , linguistic description and psychological description .

  3. 莫里森善于用生动,形象的语言描写人物话语中细微的声音变化。

    Morrison has a sharp ear for the nuances of human utterance .

  4. 谈《百合花》人物语言描写

    Brief talk on the character language description of Lily

  5. 关于语言描写与研究的原则、术语和方法在后来的语言学研究中被广为借鉴或运用。

    Its principle , terminology and methods are still widely being used in the fields of linguistics study and language teaching .

  6. 新闻人物的写作,要通过语言描写表现人物的精神面貌和性格特征,个性化的语言描写能够表现出人物的个性美。

    To portray a man in the press , one should use language description to represent his spirit and his characters .

  7. 本文以大量第一手资料为依据进行语言描写,同时也注意与其他方言的比较分析。

    The thesis also notices the historic origin of the Gelao language , and has made a comparative analysis among different dialects .

  8. 反讽基调还贯穿在小说的人物关系之中,小说结构以及语言描写也极具反讽意味。

    Ironic tone also penetrates through the relationship between the characters in the novel . The structure and description of the novel also embodies a sense of ironic tone .

  9. 要在通讯中再现真实感人的人物形象,就要从细节描写、行动描写、个性化语言描写和适当的点评等方面去努力。

    To represent the true and heart-stirring image of figures in the new report , we should lay stress on the description of details , concrete action , personalized language , etc.

  10. 语言描写上,《金瓶梅》的人物语言体现出高度的个性化和俚俗化,对话较为激烈,然而内心独白发展不够。

    Third , on the linguistic description ," Golden Lotus " embodies high degree of individuality and vulgar of the character while " The Tale of Genji " is more plain .

  11. 在人物形象塑造上,他主要提出四个观点:一是运用个性化的行动和语言描写来表现人物的精神世界,而不主张用心理描写;

    On creating image of figures , he mainly put forward four points . First , express the figure 's spirit world with individual action and language description , not with Psychological description .

  12. 《世说新语》塑造人物的具体方法主要有人物语言描写、行动描写,以及人物之间的对比描写;第五章探讨了《世说新语》中人物形象的文化意蕴。

    The specific methods for shaping the character of the main character language description , action description , and the contrast between the characters described ; The fifth chapter discusses that the new language Cultural Implications of the Characters .

  13. 与清代以前的文言小说相比,该书故事结构更为完整,情节也更加曲折,细节描写比较细致。尤其是心理描写和语言描写新颖独到,具有中国古代小说向近代小说发展的某些艺术迹象。

    Its story structure is more complete , circumstances is complicated than the past novel of classical Chinese , and the description of details especially for psychological description and language description is original place , has " some artistic signs that Chinese ancient novel become modern novel " .

  14. 笛福开始尝试用日常语言来描写普通人的生活。

    Defoe began trying to depict the lives of ordinary people in everyday language .

  15. 作品以冷静客观的语言行动描写,深刻揭示了人物性格的矛盾性。

    The works reveals the contradiction of the character with sober and object description of language and behavior .

  16. 这部小说不仅有着深刻的思想内涵,进步的政治趋势,其艺术形式尤其是人物语言的描写更是引人入胜。

    The novel not only has a profound ideological content and progressive political tendency , but an attractive art form , especially character utterances by which readers are fascinated and moved .

  17. 转换生成语法对语言特点的描写

    TG Grammar 's Description of Some of the Features of Language

  18. 文学作品也经常通过非语言行为的描写来刻画人物性格,塑造人物形象。

    In literary works , the characters ' personalities are often shaped through non-verbal behavior .

  19. 符号学对语言结构的描写

    Semiotic Description of Linguistic Structure

  20. 语用学是语言学的一个分相,是对语言作动态描写的一门学问。它与心理,认知有着紧密的关联,同时又与社会,文化有着千丝万缕的联系。

    Pragmatics is one branch of linguistics and the dynamic with psychology , cognition , society and culture .

  21. 它不仅对语言事实进行描写,而且力图为解释相关语言现象及揭示隐藏在这些语言现象背后的人类认知规律提供具有说服力的方法。

    It not only provides a description of the language facts , but supplies a set of convincing methods for interpreting relevant linguistic phenomena and revealing human cognitive law underlying them .

  22. 作者运用了环境描写、人物语言、心理描写、矛盾冲突及对比手法等高超的写人艺术,塑造出如此众多鲜明独特的人物形象。

    By taking advantages of the means of environment description , description of the dialogue and psychology of characters , and that of the conflicts , and comparison , the author created a number of live images .

  23. 语言学家们一方面对复杂多变的语言现象进行描写,总结其中规律,另一方面试图从多个角度对语言现象发生的动因进行解释。

    In one hand , Linguists have try to describe the complex language phenomena and summarize the language rules . In the other hand , Linguists have try to explain the agent of the language phenomena from multiple perspective .

  24. 国内学者和专家对这种语言现象的描写或陈述已经有了相当的基础,但是还缺乏对其理据的深入和系统的研究以及缺少普通语言学的理论支持。

    Local scholars and experts have already described and illustrated this kind of language phenomenon with certain efforts and achievements . But for the motivation of CLAs , we are still in shortage of thorough exploration or theoretical support from general linguistics .

  25. 第三章论述了《红楼梦影》在语言风格、环境描写以及习俗描写方面的特色。

    The third chapter analyzes the linguistic style , descriptions about surroundings and folk custom .

  26. 为了达到对语言更充分的描写,本文引入了第四个层次的分析模式,即语类分析。

    In order to move to a thicker description , the paper introduces the fourth level of analysis-genre analysis .

  27. 第二,要注意对说话人的体态语言作一点描写,对说话人所说的内容作一点提示性的说明;

    Secondly , pay attention to giving some body language description to the speakers and some prompting expositions to the contents of speakers .

  28. 他的名字已经作为一个形容词进入了英语语言,被用来描写一种特定的戏剧氛围和环境:品特式的。

    His name has entered the English language as an adjective used to describe a particular atmosphere and environment in drama : Pinteresque .

  29. 研究以日常生活中的话语为对象,尽量选取常用的、生活化的语言,真实地描写汉语语用歧义在动态交际过程中的产生状况。

    The research regard discourse in the life language as the object , select the in common use and lively language , describe the Chinese pragmatic ambiguity creation condition in the changing communication .

  30. 国内许多文学评论家对这篇小说的语言特色和心理描写、人物塑造和多元化下的自觉审美追求、以及回顾宗教和民族历史、了解风俗习惯等方面赋予了高度的评价。

    Many domestic literary critics on language features and psychological descriptive , characterization and conscious aesthetic pursuit under the diversification , and the review of religious and ethnic history , understand the customs , who gives this novel high appraisal .